Friday, January 30, 2015


Archangel Michael Five Agreements

These Five Agreements (channeled by Jeff Fasano, author of Journey of the Awakened Heart) were presented to us by Michael in 2007 as “Guidelines to live your life by.” They are the foundation of The Angel News Network.

We make these agreements with OURSELVES to raise our consciousness so that we may fully live our life mission.

“Receiving Love” 
Agreement 5

From the Archangelic realm of Michael this is Michael and We welcome you at this wonderful and most glorious time.

You have come to the conclusion and now ready to walk into the clearing of the new. It is as if you are standing at a new doorway and each of you individually has come to this place with a specific conclusion or an ending point in your life. And ready to open that door into the next part of it. This part is to begin to fully give of you and your talents and gifts to the world in service to it. To now fully form the new soul family. To remain on the pathway into the unknown which is life, towards the intersection. For quite some time We have been telling you about this intersection where it is about connecting to your soul fragment’s divine plan. As you move along the pathway into the unknown consistently moving through the aspects of the narcissistic me, the layering of wounding surrounding your heart, and continue to heal this in your personal process in order to get to know you deeper, you allow yourself to live in the moment. This is the moment of “What Is”. Living in each and every moment on the pathway through that new doorway with what is in your life.

Who am I? What are my talents and gifts? What do I love about me? What are those five aspects that I love about me and do I recognize each of them? Does it ring true to me? Not in my mind but in my heart? Do I know who I am? Do I love me? Do I know what my talents and gifts are and do I know why I am here?

We have brought you through two ten part series, Who Am I and Why am I Here, recognizing and remembering your talents and gifts. So as you move to this new doorway do you know why you are here? Do you fully know now who you are and your talents and gifts? Why are you here Dear Ones? Are you here to give of your talents and gifts that simply express who you are? Or are you here to get from what is outside of you to fill you up for validation, gratification and to satisfy you and the addiction to all of this? The addiction is having to fill yourself up with something from outside of you for validation, gratification and satisfaction. Thus still remaining in a place where it is all about you. Or are you moving to that new doorway and ready to walk through it to give of your talents and gifts and as you do can you open your heart and begin to receive? Life is about giving and receiving in balance. In order to give you have to know who you are and love you. For if you don’t Dear Ones you have nothing to give and don’t know what you are giving. If you know who you are you can then move to understand your talents and gifts and be able to give them without attachment or having to get anything in return other than what is important to you. And that is love. How this is measured in your third dimensional realm is specifically encoded in you.

We now move you to the fifth agreement of the Five Agreements and this is about receiving love. In order to get to this place to fully receive love and know what it is like, have you given to yourself? Do you give to you everyday? Do you know what you need and know what you boundaries are? As you open to your heart and the depth and breadth of it, can you receive love? Receiving love is not about gratifying or validating your worth. It is simply an affirmation as to who you are. What you are receiving you already know because you know who you are, honor and value you and love you. You know you are worthy and what you are worth which is measured in your third dimensional realm accordingly. It is based upon your personal measurement system. I know what I am giving and the energy I am expending in giving and the time I am expending and now as I open my heart to receive based upon my needs, boundaries, talents and gifts can I now open to receive the affirmation of this? To receive love. Have I given love to me? Can I give to me? Have you given to yourself to know how that feels? Have you moved through the process to know who you are to gain a greater sense of self? For in order to receive love a greater sense of self is a prerequisite. Receiving love is not about you learning who you are, you already know this. What you are receiving is an equal balance of what you have given.

So we ask you to look at what you are giving and how much of it you are. Are you receiving an equal balance in return? What are you receiving? Are you still giving to get? Is there an attachment with your giving? I am giving this so I can get that? I am giving this in this relationship so I can get this and know the outcome of what the relationship is. Or are you simply giving you knowing who you are? Giving from the well deep within that is already full? Full with you. Or do you look at what isn’t there and give to fill up that well? What are you giving? Look at what you are giving, the talents and gifts that you are giving and at how much time you are putting into it. Are you giving yourself away to be loved? Or do you have a full sense of self to know that what you are giving, when you are giving and how you are giving, and then gone within into your own measurement system to explain to those you are giving to your needs and boundaries in receiving? Then do you open your heart to simply receive love which as We said to you is an affirmation of what you already know? Thus there is no attachment and you are not looking to get something, to be gratified, validated or satisfied.

Giving is “open ended” it is endless. Receiving is endless. Yet it is most important as you come to that new doorway that you fully understand all of this. You fully know who you are, your talents and gifts and why you here and continue to move through your personal process to allow yourself to work on those aspects of the narcissistic me that hold you in the old. Hold you in lack and limitation and struggling to survive life. Can you look at the old aspects of your life and ask, do they resonate for me any longer? Or can I move to that new doorway ready and knowing who I am, my talents and gifts and why I am here to open it and know that all you need to be is who who you are? Walk through that doorway with your tool bag in hand into the unknown and all you need is you, knowing who you are and loving, honoring and valuing you so you can give and receive love in balance. Then move out and create the new world of harmony, equality and community and the new soul family. And take responsibility for you in creating all of this. As you have moved through these lectures to take responsibility for you, where are you, who are you, what are your talents and gifts and why are you here, do you know this?

You are now at a new doorway and on the other side of it is a clearing. It is the next step to the next phase of your life. Your life on the road to serving the world and to the intersection where you are fully being who you are and living in the depth and breadth of your heart knowing who you are and why you are here. You have come to the conclusion. The conclusion not of these lessons, teachings and exercises but a conclusion to this part of your old life. You are at the doorway, do you now choose to make the next decision to release the old so you can open the door? You have all moved to a doorway of opportunity and that opportunity is opening that door and walking thought it. Are you ready to take the next step into the unknown to raise the level of resonance and vibration of the world with you? Now that you have moved through these lessons and exercises to come to this place and have raised the level of resonance and vibration in you, Dear Ones, you have grown up and ready to make choices as adults.


Receiving Love


You are energetically moving forward in a more strident fashion now and time is beginning to quicken in your lifetime. You are opening to a depth within your heart that you have never known before. You are opening up to the personification of you and to your divine purpose. Some of you are connecting to your soul’s divine plan and some with your purpose. Some with who you are and some are realizing your talents and gifts. You are all on the same pathway yet at different levels and moving in congruence with this and seeing at which level you are. And you are now ready to begin to receive love. Yet are you available to receive love? Are you available to those relationships that see your highest good in the depth and breadth of your heart so you can receive them? Receiving love is in congruence to giving. What are you giving and what is your purpose in giving? What is your intention for giving?

Judgment and Shame

Part One

You are ready to move deeper within the depth and breadth of your heart to rediscover and remember the full essence of you. We begin your journey within the Five Agreements with Sense of Self and ask you to look at judgment and shame. To a greater extent you have a sense of self in varying degrees, yet within that there are aspects of judgment and shame that arise within you. So We ask you to look at judgment and shame in your life without judging and shaming it.

As you follow your path in life you constantly travel into the unknown and to a certain extent you are faced with your comfort zones. Can you look at where you still judge and shame aspects of you? On this journey and in this process you will find others mirroring back aspects of you. Take note of this. You will also be mirroring aspects of yourself within yourself.

Our first lesson and exercise for you is to look at judgment and shame. During moments in your life observe where you are judging and shaming yourself. Begin a journal or a diary and begin by writing down where you judge and shame yourself. And then ask, how does this make me feel? What are the feelings that come up in the most intimate moments in your life? Identify those feelings in these intimate moments for you are creating intimacy with yourself. 

This is a step-by-step process and if you choose to partake in it and do it freely it is based upon your soul’s divine plan.

When doing these exercises it is not about getting an immediate result, it is about connecting to your soul’s divine plan. At times you may get that immediate result but for the most part and more importantly it is about setting intentions for your life. These intentions will come to fruition in your soul’s divine plan by simply showing up and being who you are, with your talents and gifts, knowing your purpose and knowing that you alone is good enough. As you garner the tools in this process you can do this and they will carry you on the pathway into the unknown.

We also ask you to look at your comfort zones. Whether it is in relationships or the geographical location you live in, look at where you are comfortable. You may not enjoy the relationship or the geographical location yet it is comfortable. Look at your habits, patterns and rituals that hold you in these comfort zones. Organically, naturally and divinely this process will force yourself out of those comfort zones so you can fully stand alone on that pathway into the unknown and you will be comfortable with you.

Look now at judgment and shame. Move within and be with the exercises We are giving you. They are sharpening your tools. Look also at your relationships. Is there a true energetic connection in the depth of your heart to the heart of another? Or are there attachments involved that just might reveal shame and judgment? This will reveal where there is codependency in your relationships. Write down what surfaces for you and what you are feeling when looking at this.

You are an adult and therefore taking responsibility for yourself and thus the importance of a personal process. This is where you process those aspects such as judgment and shame that still remain. You are being asked now to reveal your mask and the wounds that still remain within you. You just might be surprised what transpires when processing what remains.

In making the commitment in this process it is most important to do the exercises, in order to “lay your cards face up on the table” so others can see who you truly are.

Most glorious dear ones, most committed dear ones, most divine dear ones, if you so choose this process it may bring up shame and judgment. If you choose a new pathway in life know it is laden with responsibility. It is most important that you heed impeccability to self and your word by being who you are.

You might begin to intellectualize everything. When you do move into your heart space. If you have made the choice to commit to this process write down that commitment. What is your commitment? 

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