Thursday, June 29, 2017



 St. Germain Channeled by Phillip Elton Collins
The Angel News Network

Dear Beloved Students,
It should come as no surprise that those who chose and were chosen to be the founding fathers (including the feminine energy) represented the complete compliment of the diversity of human reality,
At present humanity is in the process of understanding and accepting the diversity of human gender and sexuality, as an essential aspect of your ascension process..  Since you are creation creating, it is far more than your sciences and religions have taught you.  Many have mastered and experienced the full expression of the human gender/sexuality experience throughout their many incarnations. Rest assured the foundation of all your expressions/experiences are the process of balancing the masculine and feminine energies..
At present within your 3D experience there are five genders to express upon and within. Again, all of it is a way to know the foundation of your reality. You can be male, female, homo/heterosexual, transsexual and pan/bi-sexual. All of these are an attempt to express a balance within your dimension. Once ascended into the higher realms there will be an eternal balance.
All of your duality, judgment, bias, prejudice and negative emotions of confrontation are an imbalance within the male and female energies which transcend much of your consciousness. Gender and human sexuality are more than your social norms or your ability to reproduce. They are the balance of giving and receiving, birth and death, emotions and thoughts; the very foundation of creation itself.
Please know and share with others you cannot and will not ascend into a higher frequency of existence without balancing the masculine and feminine energies through love, peace, equality, harmony and balance.

Your teacher and friend,
St Germain

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