Wednesday, January 31, 2018


By Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network 

Old paradigms have always been transformed into the new through the human creative process. Art is the creative tool of the human soul assisting us in advancing into higher states of existence, often freeing us from the world at present.
When we strip away the business of art, the status of art, the cultural importance of art,  what remains and is revealed is a pathway to a new destination: our divinity. The left brain is the locus of our feelings and senses, the left brain is the locus of order in a three dimensional world. Art marries these two in a unified field of all that is possible and probable beyond the present.
Throughout human history the  arts have  often come under attack by those who wish to control the people, or have no idea the purpose of art, or have art only express their point of view. Right now in the United States of America the arts are enduring assault on the nation’s arts agencies. And yet it is the artist and their art that continues to bring truth and transformation into our lives.
Suppose we activated the self-empowering motor of the human creative process on our nation itself, giving creative thought the freedom to re-vision and revise what each of our institutions and economies could be like if they were factored into the spirit of a joyful, problem-solving divine intelligence. What could happen? Here are  six possibilities:
·        The government would realize the planet is a living conscious being and make protecting her resources (her organs) a priority. The consciousness of the people would demand and command this.
·        We would let go of the old corporate paradigm of work/employment model for participating in the economy and create new forms of ‘making a living’ that feeds the human soul.
·        *Through artistic expression the need for stable communities based upon love, equality, harmony and balance would be the national standard.
·        *Reshaping our mega cities where individuals would unite based what they can contribute, not separated by class, politics, religion and race.
·        * Having artistic expression be an essential aspect of our medical/healing communities, as well as our educational institutions.
·        *Come to value artistic expression as much as any other human endeavor or achievement. We are all here to bring our talents and gifts out into the world. Innate within being human is our need and ability to create and express.
The divine energy to transform our lives and world into what we say we want is held within the human creative process. Always has been, always will be.

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