Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Journey of the Awakened Heart
Archangel Michael Speaks
Channeled by Jeff Fasano

Walking the Path of the New

The gates to the new pathway into the unknown have opened and many of you are now moving onto it. Many have made decisions and choices about creating a new life, changing yourself, releasing old habits patterns and rituals and your attachments to the old.  Many of you have realized the old no longer resonates for you. The gates to the new have opened and going back into the old is no longer a viable choice unless you want to recreate it.

Many have made the decision to walk amongst the energies of the new, while continuing the process of releasing the old, and your physical body may be reacting to this.  You may be experiencing physical symptoms and quite possibly walking through a shadow period. It is as if an energetic reaction is being created within your physical body. What We mean by this is; as you walk into the new, the new energies mix with the old energies inside of you. This mixture for some becomes quite volatile. The old within you is now coming to the fore, and deep rooted repressed and suppressed feelings and trauma are surfacing and you now may be finding that you are no longer able to control anything. It is time to completely surrender to this and allow yourself to feel your feelings and experience what is happening.  It is important to nurture yourself through this.

As you release the old you are creating a void, and may begin to feel an emptiness and then focus on what you think isn’t in your life. Be aware of this and begin to see “what is” in your life This is most important now.

To center and ground during this period, ask yourself, Where am I? Doing this brings you to the moment of now. It is now about living your life moment-to-moment and being in the now consistently. Where am I? What is in my life?  Continue asking yourself these questions as you continue to release the old and create a new life for yourself. Write down what comes to you.

Many of you may be feeling anxious and nervous. Some look behind you and wonder if you can jump back into the old because you were quite comfortable there, you know it. Dear Ones, the gates behind you to the old are closing, the gates to the future have opened and the future is written by you. You might be feeling trepidation and not understanding what is transpiring. Move into the depth and breadth of your heart and connect to you in the depth of your soul.

As the gates to the old close behind you, you are moving out of the old and emerging from it onto the pathway of the new. Some come to an intersection and stop there, others move through the intersection and continue on the pathway. Look now at yourself in the mirror, acknowledge the choices you have made and know that there is no going back. This is why feelings that are surfacing may become more intense. You may be in resistance to moving forward because you have moved out of deep-rooted comfort zones, the comfort zones of the old. This may frighten some of you and you may seek the comfort of the old.

As you look out onto the pathway into the new, you see nothing, for the new is unknown. Nothing is there except you, you are known in the unknown.

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