Monday, August 27, 2018


Journey of the Awakened Heart
Archangel Michael Speaks
Channeled by Jeff Fasano
Are You Honest and Truthful with Yourself?

From the Archangelic Realm of Michael this isMichaeland we come to you as youcontinueto movedeeper into your heart space and into a place of truth and honesty you have never known. It is truth and honesty with self, and it is now time to measure this level of truth and honesty.
It is not about looking outside of you to see the truth and honesty. Nor is it about looking outside of you to measure yourself based upon those outside of you. It is how truthful and honest you are with you.  It is time to look directly into your own eyes and ask yourself; am I being truthful and honest with myself?  It is now time to take that responsibility. Are you fully being truthful and honest with yourself?
We have a simple exercise for you:
Take a mirror, a physical mirror and look at your own eyes in that mirror and ask this question as you gaze directly into your own eyes; am I being truthful with myself and am I being honest with myself? 
It is up to you now to be impeccable with yourself. The impeccability and integrity of the word begins with you, everything begins with you.  It has nothing to do with anyone or anything outside of you. 
Once you begin to move into the depth and breadth of your heart space to fully know you, love you and honor you, you then stand as an individuated adult, powerful in the knowingness and the truthfulness of you.  It is here at this point you realize you have choices as an adult. You have choices as you move on the pathway bringing you to the world as you are, without looking to others for gratification and validation. It is about moving into individuation and into the knowingness of self, to stand in your powerfulness so you can now choose to take your next steps in your adult life.  
So it is about truth and honesty. Are you taking steps in your life based upon truth and honesty of self? Or, when you are faced with the next step in life, do you move into your mental body and wonder what those outside of you will think?  When you have a choice in front of you, do you choose to make this choice based upon your love of self?  Or, are you making choices in the world looking outside of you wondering how your choice will affects others and if you still will be loved if you make the choice based upon your love of self?  
This message is about you moving into your powerfulness of self.  Are you tired of remaining in the quagmire of your life when you are faced with choices and wondering if you make a choice if it will affect others, thus seeking gratification and validation? 
You are now ready to stand in the truthfulness and honesty of self.  So We ask you to look into the mirror again, look into your own eyes and ask; How truthful am I with me, how honest am I with me?  Am I making choices based upon the reaction others will have with those choices if I make them?  If I make this choice will it affect her? If I make this choice will it affect him? That is the mind of the wounded little girl, the wounded little boy who thinks that everything they do affects mom and dad. 
Your choices affect you.  When you are making choices as an adult, they are choices based upon love of self.  Are you making choices in your life based upon how much you love you? If you are being truthful and honest with yourself are you  living your life based upon your sense of self and love of self? 
Once you begin to move into the depth of loving yourself, you will then know what it is to truly love another.  Loving another is simply allowing them the freedom to love themselves.  It is not up to you how your choices will affect the depth of love that they have for themselves or the depth of love that they may have for you.  It is no longer about making choices wondering what the effect will be on others and if they still will love you.   Are you being honest with yourself?   Are you being truthful with yourself?  Honesty and truthfulness is based upon love of self.   Full love of self means that you will be honest and truthful with you and once you are honest and truthful with you, the impeccability of your word and your integrity will follow.

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