Wednesday, May 6, 2020



Our Eternal Spirit Agreed:

1. From Light, we agreed to receive/create a dense carbon-based physical body. The evolution of this body is in the process of transmuting back into Light, soul to spirit. Within this physical body is housed our emotional and mental bodies that complete our humanity. We agreed your emotions and thoughts are creating your reality all the time; that’s how powerful we are.

2. This planet is a ‘Lover-versity’ of learning love. We are learning the necessary lessons/laws of the universe in order to return to Light. We are often learning what is through what is not. Each lifetime and day, within those lifetimes, we are creating and given choices of learning. Some of these lessons may appear harsh but they are the only way we can learn them in order to free yourselves from our selves. This is preparing us for world and universal service.

3. There are neither accidents nor mistakes within our learning process. Through ownership of each lesson, we shall become free of their cause and effect. Our growth and expansion is not always a straight-line journey.

4. We agreed to repeat all lessons until mastered, until applied knowledge becomes eternal wisdom. When one lesson is learned, you receive the next one; usually core issue lessons for each lifetime.

5. There are lessons to master as long as you reside within a human body. As long as we are within the frequency/dimension you exist within now, our lessons are continuous. When we ascend to a higher frequency this type learning process will not be necessary. Also, remember the universe is an ever-expanding process, as we re-connect to the higher realms that maintain and sustain us.

6. Being present in the now moment will assist us in escaping the entrapment, our agreement of being in the past and future. In reality, now is all there is
7. Every other person is us in disguise. We agreed not to see the mirror of self in others but now the end time on that agreement has come.

8. We agreed to accept a supply of energy in each lifetime for us to use through your freedom of will and choice. How we use this energy is up to us; we are evolving to use this energy for the good of all.

9. Everything said here is inside you. You agreed to look outside yourself to seek truth. Now you are realizing all you need to know is inside you and that life is a process of inside out, not outside in. This will allow self-mastery and move you into a higher state of consciousness (ascension).

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