Sunday, October 30, 2022




BY Phillip E. Collins

As we age, we learn there can be all kinds of ‘families’.  Most think of family as the people of whom we are blood related. But being DNA related does not necessarily make a family; it makes us relatives. Quite often we create ‘alternative’ families to supplement what is missing in our biological families.

Many are creating alternative families, in addition to blood relatives who may be many miles away or sometimes not available for various reasons.

Below are some variables many are creating to make family:

*Communicating openly and often through our support and love of each other.

* Discovering what someone’s needs are.

* Trusting that love (not giving to get) is the foundation of our relationship, no matter what others say or do.

*Not allowing politics or religion or gender or sexual orientation to stand in the way. We just may be each other in disguise.

*Knowing that just listening can be the beginning of all healing. We don’t have to fix another’s problem just allowing them to be heard can make them feel better.

*Sharing life experiences to assist one another in our growth and expansion. Our collective life experiences  are vast.  Sharing and applying these makes a mighty team.

*Allowing our abundance to over flow to others. Sometimes this is simply just sharing what we have.



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