Saturday, November 17, 2012

JOURNEY OF THE AWAKENED HEART: The Rise of the Individual

                                A Message from Archangel Michael
                  Channeled and scribed by Jeff Fasano 

The Rise of the Individual

This rise of the individual as it relates to the We. The We is the foundation, the new soul family. In the We the rise of the unique individual is celebrated. The preparation period for each of you was the specific amount of time you dedicated to building a sense of self. You have come to the end of that period to now move out into the world as the unique individual with a greater sense of self. You know the foundation has been built and you can now move out into the world and express that foundation to create a greater sense of We. This is all based upon the rise of the unique individual. As this uniqueness is celebrated and it is combined with the uniqueness of other individuals the resonance and vibration of the soul family will rise to a crescendo. All this transpires as you move from your foundation to the geographical location and the specific vortex you are being called to assemble to create a greater sense of the we. This is based on your resonance and the resonance of those with whom you resonate with.

Your foundation has been built. The preparatory period has come to an end. This is the year of fruition. The year of the rise to greatness. The year of fully expressing to the world your mission and your purpose in this lifetime and the being of it. It is time to give the world what you are here to give through your talents and gifts and through your mission and purpose in this lifetime as long as you know what that is.

It is time to seize the moment in time and release preparing and give to the world what you are here to give. It is time to stand in the powerfulness of your greatness and foundation. We have asked you to look at the meaning, value and purpose of your endeavor and your foundation. We asked this so you can move out into the world individually and uniquely to express that foundation with your unique message and it is celebrated. It is the rise of the individuated adult. No longer can the wounded little child guide you through life. The preparatory period has ended. It is time to release preparing and begin being your message through the impeccability and integrity of your word.

So We ask, are you ready? Are you ready to end the preparatory period and know the preparation is over? It is time to take the task at hand and move out into the world as an individual and combine with others who are gravitating to a vibrational vortex so together you can bring your message, your purpose, your mission out to the world that is based on your uniqueness and talents and gifts. Each of you has a unique way of expressing your foundation, your mission and purpose. Each of you connects multi-dimensionally in your own unique way. It is time to see that uniqueness and bring it out into the world.

Your life is about fruition and choosing that fruition and seeing the uniqueness of your message and your gifts.

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