Friday, August 1, 2014

TWELVE LIFE LESSONS: Lesson Two, Brother Raphael; The Healing Process


Brother Raphael; The Healing Process

Through the Star Seed Orion We come to you this is Brother Raphael. We come to you in conjunction with The Council of Twelve, The Lemurian Civilization, and various Star Systems within your Galactic range. We come with the teachings of the star seed Orion in this inter galactic process, a process that will raise your consciousness and elevate you and your vibration.  Utilize these teachings, these lessons and methods in your personal structure as well as in your projects. We come to you in conjunction with Lemurian, Arcturian and Archangelic energies.

This segment is about the healing process. You have moved through your first set of exercises that was about acceptance and compassion and love of self. Look now at judgment and shame. This message is about moving through the healing process of judgment and shame. You can begin by looking to see where you still judge and shame yourself. Then look through the judgment and shame at what is beneath it and at what you need to heal. Do this through acceptance and compassion. Judgment and shame is simply that what you have been conditioned with. 

As you move through this process remain in a place of accepting with compassion where you are. It is now time to look beneath the surface and what needs to be healed. What are the aspects of yourself that you judge and shame and feel you need to move through to heal? Do this with self love. So We ask you, how much do you love you? What do you feel are the aspects of you that need healing? Write these down. What aspects of you need the love of self and the support and guidance of others? There are aspects of the old self and old wounds that stand out in your life. As you move within there are aspects of you that you feel stand out, quite possibly, not good enough and not perfect enough.

This twelve step process is a maintenance program that will allow you to maintain and sustain the movement forward and towards.    

This next lesson is about looking at judgment and shame and where you still judge and shame yourself. Looking at why this persists and how it persists. Looking at what you judge and shame, whom you judge and shame and the feelings that arise from this. It is also to look at the parts of you that you think or feel needs additional healing. The method by which to do this is loving yourself. When you look at judgment and shame and at those aspects of you that you feel need to be healed, We ask you to write these down. It is about loving yourself where you are in the moment. This is about loving and healing yourself at the same time. As you love yourself you heal yourself. This is a self-maintenance program. It is not so much about seeking outside of you the advice from others it is about honoring and loving you.

This next step is about looking at where you judge and shame you and listing what aspects of you that you feel still need healing. And doing this through love of self. In doing this you will find that the aspects of you think need healing are aspects you haven’t accepted with compassion yet. This will allow you to love yourself in those places. What you are judging and shaming are those aspects of you that you haven’t accepted with compassion. 

Write down those aspects of you that you judge and shame. 

Write down the aspects of you that you think need healing.

Then bring in Love and sense of self.

After doing this you come into another aspect of self-acceptance.

Look at what you are judging and shaming.

Look at what you think needs to be healed.

This is just another step in the process of self love.

Look at what you judge and shame and what you think needs to be healed then ask:
Can I accept with compassion that this is where I am?

Then ask: Can I love myself where I am in this process?

Then move into your heart and ask: What in these lists resonates for me?

These lists are important because what you are writing down may just be emanating from your mental body.

This is another step to cleanse and clean the residue of conditioning and what you have been taught that remains in your mental body.

What is surfacing are the residual aspects of your conditioning.

This twelve step process is about self love and begins with acceptance and compassion. It is not about loving others. It is about taking another step toward a deeper sense of loving you through acceptance and compassion for yourself. 

You are also reaching roadblocks on your pathway. Many of you are experiencing this. Within this program you will see the road blocks in the third dimension. Many of you are moving to higher levels of consciousness and raising your level of vibration and resonance and will be taking your endeavors out into the world to reach the masses. 

Old aspects of your relationships are appearing where the balance of giving and receiving is concerned and you are seeing if there is a balance of that. Quite possibly seeing the lack of this balanced exchange. In transitioning from old relationships you may be seeing judgment and shame of self and thus seeing why you were in those relationships.

This is an all encompassing step.

Look at what you still judge and shame about you and make a list
Look at what you think still needs to be healed within you and make a list

Look at both of these lists and ask:

Can I accept with compassion where I am with this?

Can I love myself more here?

Look at your relationships and ask:

Is there anything in these two lists that come up in my relationships?

Are they mirrors for what I need to shift and change and then grow within that? 

As you look at your relationships you are now whittling them down to those that best support your highest good. You are looking for symbiosis in relationships as opposed to infighting and separation. Those relationships that partnerships and champion your endeavors together.  Infighting and separation, your old behavior stalls endeavors and holds them behind. What also holds you behind is focusing on relationships that are not in symbiosis with your soul’s divine plan.

What you are doing in this second step is looking within then looking outside of you. Are you comparing yourself with others? Are you comparing yourself when looking at the old paradigms and judging and shaming those old paradigms?

It is now time to release negativity and low vibrational dense energy from your life. In the first two parts of this exercise you are looking at negativity. So look now at negativity and conflict in your life, it is time to clear this from your life. In the process of moving within you are clearing conflict within you, clearing duality.
There now must be a pure and clean pathway that is based upon higher vibration and resonance as you move out into the world. Your relationships now must resonate at a high vibration where there is a minimal amount of conflict and a minimal amount of negativity.

In your relationships it is time to look at “what is” there and supporting and championing each other’s highest good and greatest potential. So we ask you to look at conflict and negativity in your relationships. Then ask is there a positive aspect of this relationship? Am I setting up conflict and negativity to remain in isolation and separation? Is there conflict and negativity in my relationships?

You are now making the choice to move out into the world and bring you and your endeavors with you. This path must be pure and high vibrational with a minimal amount of negativity and conflict. In your human existence conflict and negativity will appear on your pathway. It is now about being conscious of this as well as judgment and shame and what you think needs to be healed.

You now can look at this so you can shift from conflict and negativity and duality into a high vibrational pathway that is pure energetically where the highest good of you and others is championed by each other.

By moving through this process you can release conflict and negativity in your life to the greatest degree. Conflict and negativity is what you are judging and shaming. Conflict and negativity just may be what you think needs to be healed within you.

We come to you with the healing energies of Raphael and with the combined energies of the Orion System that will allow you to streamline your thought process. Streamline it so it is a thought process without the conditioning from what you have been taught. In your relationship with you and with others look to see if your thought process begins with negativity and conflict. Does the thought process begin with negativity and conflict? It is time to shift to where the thought process begins at a high vibrational level.
It begins with being the champion of another’s highest good and yours as well and sets up a support and guidance system in the soul’s divine plan.

Is your initial thought process negativity, conflict, judgment and shame?

This part of the process is about releasing the thought process of negativity, conflict, judgment and shame. Be aware when you come into relationship and the first thought you have is conflict, negativity, judgment and shame. If this occurs allow it through acceptance and compassion. If that is where you be conscious of it. If this does arise look at your old relationships to see if this was the initial thought process and if it was prevalent.

It is now time to raise your resonance and vibration to champion the highest good of others. You are now moving into a process in partnership with others on your pathway to your greatness and to bring the lessons, messages and teachings of your endeavor out into the world to meet the masses.  On this pathway you will be meeting others and the reason for this lesson, this message, this exercise and this step in the process is to see where your thought process is. Is it initially negativity, conflict, judgment and shame?

You are a child of God. Others are children of God. You have set your boundaries. As you move out in partnership with others to bring the endeavors out into the world mutually it is time to do this exclusively in a pure state of joy, acceptance and compassion. If conflict, negativity, judgment and shame still exist within you it will exist in your relationship outside of you.   
Message Two


From the Star Seed Orion We come to you at this most important time, this is Brother Raphael.  We come to you as you begin to move deeper within the depth and breadth of your heart space to unveil aspects of yourself that you may not have seen before, may not have known before.  You are willing now to enter into a depth of you that you may never have known before and open up to the grandness of you as you begin to shed layers around your heart space and shed layers from the mask. 

You are now looking at your mask and opening up to the depth and breadth of your heart space. You are revealing aspects of your mask to yourself as you move through this second level of this life lesson. What you are being given are life lessons, lessons to live your life by or tools to live your life so you can now move into and see the origin of your Self, meaning peace, love, and joy, symbiosis, community, equality. These are the origins of life that you may not have known because you are seeing the conditioning of your mental body. And as you move into these origins of life, the origins of love, the origins of acceptance, the origins of compassion you can move into the full acceptance and compassion of self and raise your level of resonance and vibration to that. You are shedding from moment to moment to moment; the layers of wounding that are low dense vibrational energies. And as you shed each layer it moves you into the dense vibrational energy to see all the aspects of the old conditioning, all the aspects of your wounding so you can now release it. You are not getting rid of it or trying to fix yourself.   With acceptance and compassion, you can see these layers of wounding, see the conditioning, see it as wounding, as conditioning, not anything more or anything less.    It is as if you are now observing your life, and what you are revealing is the conditioning. So We ask you to simply observe all of this through acceptance and compassion. 

The reason why you move into the depth and breadth of your heart space to love yourself, is to give yourself what mom and dad may not have given you, which is acceptance and compassion for who you are.  It is most important to be who you are.  So We ask you to simply observe the aspects of you, observe what is coming up within you, observe this through acceptance and compassion.  It is as if We are asking you to become a neutral party in all this, yet have your feelings as all of it comes up.  Because what will be coming up now, are deep feelings as you begin to raise to the surface old habits, patterns, and rituals, the old conditioning and seeing that you have been taught to judge and shame yourselves.   If you move into the origin of Self, Love, Peace, Harmony Community, Equality, Acceptance and Compassion, there is no judgment and shame.  Judgment and shame is an acquired conditioned habit, an acquired conditioned pattern.  As all of this now comes up it is time for you, if you so choose to observe it and be with the feelings.   It is now time to walk on the pathway towards the greatness of you, in community in "We Consciousness" for the greatness of others.  As you move within the depth and breadth of your heart space to release the old dense layers of wounding, you raise your level of resonance and vibration.  Thus, as you do this, you then congregate with others who are doing the same at a similar level of resonance and vibration and then en masse gather together in a new soul family so you can move out into the world raising the level of resonance and vibration of it.

Observe the old low vibrational dense energy outside of yourself.   It is not about shifting and changing or fixing or getting rid of the old habits, patterns and rituals of the old world of form, it is simply creating a new world of community, harmony, equality.  Thus what you are doing within you is creating a new world within yourself.  As you do this with acceptance and compassion, you will then more easily and effortlessly release the old habits, patterns and rituals and conditioning and what you have learned. And through acceptance and compassion you raise your level of resonance and vibration, then connect with others and move out into the world to create a new world at a higher elevation of resonance and vibration.  This process brings you to that higher level of resonance, that higher level of vibration and that higher elevation.  So we ask you, simply look at conflict and negativity.  Is that of a high vibration or of a low vibration? 

Look to see where you live your life in a higher vibration and where you live your life in a lower vibration.  And ask yourself simply, where would I rather be?

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