Tuesday, July 3, 2018

4th of JULY 2018


By Phillip Elton Collins 

From ancient scrolls from afar Comes new knowledge to many That this ‘land of plenty’ Will now prompt A New Golden Age, so many Will truly have much plenty. 

America was once a Land of Great Light And might, eons ago. And nothing now Can prevent Her spiritual activation To rise, again, and create Her true nation. 

So now beloved America, In the not-so-distant future Through your Real Inner Being And the will of your people and seeing You will create a brilliant spiritual steeple, like no other... 

For you are a Land of Light That your forefathers not forgot your past brightness. Now, no matter how it may appear You are very near and will again blaze Brilliant as the sun Being a new son for all nations. 

America you are strong within, Your mind and body, Stronger than you think. You are destined To rise up And be a new world link, to creation, As an unconditionally loving nation...to all nations of this world.  

For America you have a destiny Of great import. And we who have watched Over you for centuries, The Beings of Light, Delight at your awakening, And shift back into our Light. 
One by one great awakened souls Are coming who know their God-Power In this hour of your summing.

Thus another Golden Age cometh Upon the Earth And it will be maintained and sustained By your America love, for eons more...

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