Monday, May 5, 2014

TEACHINGS OF MICHAEL: The Laws of Beingness

Archangel Michael
May 2nd, 2014
The Laws of Beingness

Channeled by Jeff Fasano

From the Archangelic Realm of Michael this is Michael and we welcome you, as you are moving into the depth and breadth of your heart and into the grandness of self and the wonderment of self.

You are now opening to the balance of love and moving into a balance of love in your heart space. Opening up to the wonderment of love within you because it is now time to love.  It is now time to balance love in your life. Balance the love of self and the love of another. It is now time to open up to the fruition of the beingness of you. And this begins with love of self.

It is now time to look at balance in your life, the balance of love in your life, love of self and love of another. There are many who are getting caught up in the depth of sense of self, the depth of surrounding themselves with themselves.  Their entire life is about themselves. Not so much in a narcissistic manner yet there are those who are living their life in the narcissistic manner. It is now about moving outside of the self.

As you have moved to the depth and breadth of your heart to garner a sense of self, love of self and compassion and acceptance of self, it is now time to venture out into the world with love by opening up the depth and breadth of your heart.  This is one of the reasons why you are bringing in this new body of teachings, The Laws of Beingness. It is now about opening your heart space to authenticity, transparency and the depth of self to move out into the world and bring yourself and your talents and gifts to it.  And doing this by making a full authentic and transparent connection with another that doesn’t involve the mask.  Yet if it does involve the mask and it most likely will for you are human, you will have the tools to raise your resonance, awareness, vibration and consciousness to the fact that you are utilizing the mask to connect with other. If in fact you are connecting with others.

This is why we continually ask you to look at your relationships and why you are in these relationships. Is the reason why you are in relationship with others based upon authenticity and transparency? Or simply put, do you like the other person? Does the other in your relationship raise your resonance and vibration? And do you raise theirs? Or are you simply in relationships that are based upon old habits, patterns, rituals and behaviors?   Perhaps, “I am frightened to be alone. The feelings that come up are too strong for me to feel so I must distract myself with another.”

Is it truly an other you fully love, honor and value and why you choose to be in relationship with them.

What We are doing is outlining moving out into the world utilizing your heart space with full authenticity and transparency with the self. If in fact you are fully transparent, authentic and truthful with you, why wouldn’t you be so with another? This is a question a to ask yourself. 

Are you fully truthful, authentic, and transparent with another if you are so with yourself?  

It is time now to open up to the depth and breadth of your heart space to fully reveal who you are.  If in fact you are revealing who you are to you, and in full acceptance with compassion with who you are, are you being that with another? Are you being you with another? Are you being you with you?

These teachings are about being you. They are a step-by step process to see you and see you with another. It is time now, if in fact you are moving as the authentic and transparent light worker and way shower, to look at how you are being you with others. This is why it is important to “do” these teachings with another and move through the levels of the teachings with them. So you can see where you are with yourself and where you are with others and being open to the mirror that you see. If in fact it is your choice to move deeper within and fully connect with the essence of who you are to fulfill your soul fragment’s divine plan it is to be done in truth, transparency, and authenticity.

It is time now to release the mask. It is time now to raise your awareness and consciousness to when the mask is in place so you can fully be who you are.  The question is, “Do you love being who you are?”


This teaching is to be added to the previous teachings we have brought to you. It is about gauging the love you have with yourself in relation with the love you have with another outside of yourself.  It is to see how you engage, communicate and be with others in relationship to the being of self.

When do this with another, what will be revealed is the depth and breadth of the love you have for yourself and how open you are to see the mirror with another. It will also involve how to communicate with others. You will see you communicate and how you have communicated with others.

This is another body of teachings to be added to the “library” of teachings we have already brought you.   

The Schedule for the teachings:

It is not so much about the how, the what, the when, the where, the who, it is about the interaction with others. Is there compassion, acceptance? Did you honor and value, did you come to a compromise and communicate? Does it resonate and vibrate with each of you? In the process you are connecting with each other, and connecting to mother earth and multi-dimensionally.  This was an exercise as a prelude to these teachings.  

Connecting with the frequency of Mother Earth.

The connection to mother earth is about connecting to the heart space. It is about acceptance and compassion. You ground yourself in your heart space. Your heart space is the center of love, compassion, beingness and truth. The reason why it is important to ground yourself with the energies of mother earth is because you inhabit mother earth. It is about making a full connection to the core of the feminine energies in mother earth as a grounding rod to solidify your self in the depth and breadth of your heart space. From here you can move outward into multi-dimensional realms and allow the connection to mother earth to be the grounding rod in the vortex you are in.  Grounding yourself in mother earth is about moving into the heart space and into the beingness of self, the acceptance of self, the compassion of self, the love of self and the sense of self. To be who you are and open you heart.     

It is in your heart space where you will begin to feel and where you will begin to move through the old inexperienced trauma. It is not in your mental body. It all resides in your heart space and your physical body. Grounding into mother earth is essential so you have a foundation through acceptance and compassion in your heart space. 

This entire body of teachings will be done in your heart. It is the mental body that comes in and tries to disseminate, control, avoid, through the conditioning and what you have learned.

As you move through your heart space through to fifth dimensional energies, you are bypassing the conditioning in the mental body that relates to your third dimensional realm.  When you move into the depth and breadth of your heart space and ground into mother earth, you form a bond with the feminine energy.   From there, you can move and connect multi dimensionally to the sources of information and the frequency that pertains to the core frequency that is contained in your heart space. The only way the core frequency can come into the depth and breadth of you is if you form a grounded foundation in mother earth so it has someplace to land where it is solid. You will be bypassing the conditioning in the mental body and thus bypassing the low frequencies of the third dimensional realm.  This is why we asked you in the past to look outside of yourself to see what resonates and what no longer resonates.  

This shifts and changes as you move into your heart and realize your attachments to the third dimensional realm.  What you are releasing here are your attachments. What will be revealed are attachments you may not know of in your blind spots. Your blind spots will be revealed in these teachings.    

It is time now to move into your heart to see what your greatest fears are.  What are the greatest feelings that come up that frighten you? This is what will be revealed in these teachings. And why it is important to do it with another.  It is not only important to do it with another so you can engage with them, but to feel your feelings. So you can then take a new step forward in relationships where it is about the impeccability, integrity and accountability of the word.

The partner system is about accountability, integrity and impeccability and the mirror. It is about holding each other true to the word and allowing the other the space and softness to reveal themselves.    

It is important to remember this, as always, it is time for community, and equality.  Does this exist amongst you and the relationships you are in? Are you opening your heart space for compassion with another as they live their soul’s divine plan and begin to move into the balance of giving and receiving, the balance of Love.  The balance of love of self and the love of another should be equal and kind.  To the extent that you love you will be the extent that you love another. This body of teachings will bring you further and deeper into this. 

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