Sunday, October 21, 2012


By Phillip Elton Collins

First and foremost let me say, I am not anti-technology, if fact, when I was Director of Marketing at George Lucas’ Industrial Light & Magic Commercials, I introduced many amazing technical feats to the world. But I am old enough to remember when new technology of the past was introduced it was user friendly. Now I realize that today’s technology can do more. But I sense there is something’ rotten in Denmark’ in today’s technology. When electrical lighting the camera, the telephone, TV, fax machine and the first cell phones were introduced they were designed to be easy to use.

Today most of our cameras, cell phones, computers, and TV’s can defy knowing how to even turn them on, let alone how to use them. It seems these devices are created to amuse the people who invited them, to control us, and make a lot of money.  We’ve had to create an IT industry to show us what we don’t know how to do. There is so much software in the hardware; they are hard to bare period! We say, in a generational- excuse,” oh well, the children seem to figure them all out fast enough.” I challenge that is the best use of our children’s energy and serving their highest good to spend dozen of hours a day separated from their fellow human beings mastering these marvels; instead of speaking to one another, (they text with limited letter characters) and developing social skills and their character.

Yes, technology is powering us forward in a new, faster world. But I wonder if it is always actually better. I believe there is a more human way to create how we communicate and entertain ourselves. Do we have to combine so much technology into a camera or phone that it is actually a complex computer that few actually knows how to use unless they have a master’s degree in computer science.  I find most of the how-to booklets that are included with the purchase of these items even more confusing than the design of the product itself. There is so much ability crammed into the product, in a small amount of space, a large handed person cannot find finger room; the booklets trying to explain it all have diagrams that an Egyptologist would have difficulty translating.

Now I am not proposing that we go back to pencil and paper but I am suggesting that we consumers take a closer look at our decision-making in purchasing these often confounding product designs that are moving us into being a more advanced civilization. I am the first to applaud how cyberspace and the Internet are breaking down barriers throughout the world. But I know in my heart, there is greed and control behind why things are so technically complicated. Why aren’t PC’s and Mac’s more compatible? Why does so much software not work everywhere? It has to do with who makes money where. This needs to change.

Cyberspace belongs to all of us. It is a way to free us from the governments and religions and others forces that have controlled us for eons on this planet.  Cyberspace, and its products need to be easy to use and available to all. Keeping personal technology complex increases their costs, and reduces availability to the many…
Technology should not be just for the advantaged or just for those who have money or detailed training in knowing how to use them. It is a gift to us all.

I know there are some easier designs and applications and voice-activated technology on the drawing boards of corporate America. Let’s see if we can take some of the greed, intense corporate competition out of the mix that does not benefit the consumer. Now I know this is hard, but it can be done while making a decent profit.

So here is my challenge to all you designers of the products we have become so dependent upon in our modern lives: make it simple, make it fun to use (words of Steve Jobs).