Saturday, April 29, 2017

Angel News Network Podcast

Welcome to The Angel News Network



The Angel News Network Podcast

Greetings Everyone

We are pleased to announce The Angel News Network Podcast. Our new podcast replaces Divine Discussions. It was very fulfilling for us to bring Divine Discussions to you and we thank everyone for the support you have given it.  

Our new podcast will allow us to continue to share the wisdom, messages and tools we receive directly from higher spiritual realms and reach a larger audience. We are excited about this new endeavor and look forward to bringing more wisdom to more people through this new programming.

Visit The Angel News Network Podcast HERE!  

Peace and Blessings
Joel D. Anastasi/Phillip Elton Collins/Jeff Fasano
Co-founders of The Angel News Network

Monday, April 24, 2017




(In The Creation Of The United States Of America…)

By Phillip Elton Collins in concert with St. Germain


Many of the creators of The Constitution of the United States were profoundly aware that the document was divinely inspired and that its principles and reality often moved beyond the confines of the human mind.

“This document demonstrates as visibly the finger of Providence, as any possible event in the course of human affairs can ever designate it,” George Washington said upon the completion of this mighty protector of the human spirit.

Washington also knew first hand there was no way his ‘rag tag’ military could have beaten the largest military force in the world without the guidance and support of higher realms. “Beloved Americans, it was the ascended master realms that made the winning possible and the manifestation of the founding fathers papers of America, thus the creation of a new nation like no other in this world,” St. Germain. “These papers represent the protection of the Eternal Divine Essence of humanity through something called democracy meaning for, by and with the common people.”

A few days later also reflecting upon the Constitution, Daniel Webster said, “I regard it as the work of the purest patriots and wisest statesman that ever existed, aided by the smiles of a benignant Providence.”

“Beloved Americans the purity and the wisdom for this divine document came from the building block love forces of creation itself in order to express itself in the most self- empowering human way possible,” St. Germain.

Not to be left out, Benjamin Franklin also supplemented, “I have so much in the general government of the world by Providence, that I can hardly conceive a transaction of such momentous importance to the welfare of millions…should be suffered to pass without being in some degree influenced, guided and governed by that omnipotent, omnipresent and beneficent Ruler.”

“Such a transaction was indeed guided by forces beyond the human mind or experience. It is this lesson of knowing you can connect with higher realm forces (in order to evolve as a human species) beyond the human mind that you are once again learning to master, and apply,” St. Germain.

As we can easily see from the above three founding father quotes, they too knew what had and was taking place was what they called “the hand of providence.” In fact, we as a human species are beginning to remember and know that all past golden ages, even beyond our capacity at this time, were made possible by the support of higher realms.

“Beloved citizens of these United States of America, it is your destiny at this time to rebirth and refound your democracy by mastering the principles within the founding papers and know that democracy is not a spectator sport. A great awakening and test is with you now. Democracy requires the participation of each and every one of you or you would not be here. How do I know all this? Because I was the ascended master once human, now higher realm, whose privilege and soul plan mission is and was to inspire your Founding Fathers,” St. Germain.

Sunday, April 23, 2017


Joel Anastasi, Co-founder The Angel News Network
With St. Germain, channeled by Phillip Elton Collins


Democracies around the world are under siege and the United States, as the most powerful and influential democracy in the world today, is the prime target.

That warning comes from the ascended master, St. Germain, who is mankind’s spiritual guardian and guide for this new spiritual age which began in 2012 and who was a major influence on the Founding Fathers and documents of these United States.

Why would a representative from the divine realms such as St. Germain care or comment about what some people consider simply earthly politics?

Because, St Germain tells us, the United States--under the guidance of the ascended masters--was founded to lead humanity into a new age of oneness, a world community reflecting love, peace, equality, harmony and balance.

The United States, through the freedoms inherent in its democratic system, was created as an essential step in the uniting of humankind to recognize we are each individual expressions of the creator—therefore, we are one--in this new 2000-year age of Ascension.

The rise of authoritarianism in nations like Russia, China, Turkey, France and now in the United States threatens the mission of creating oneness by creating separation through confusion, chaos, fear, conflict and war.

The United States established a new idea on Earth that a national government should be “of the people, by the people and for the people”. It would be a “stew pot” of diversity intended to provide an environment of freedom where we would eventually work through our separation and differences to discover our oneness, reflecting our true essence as reflections of the one source (God).

That idea challenged an ancient hidden power system in which the few have controlled the many. Those “few” have been called the Illuminati or the Cabal, which many (especially the rich and powerful) discredit as conspiracy theories, etc. (Ever wonder why overwhelming wealth seems to flow to the few no matter how politics and cultures appear to evolve and change?)

St Germain says, the Illuminati is not only real, it is nearing its final days—because of the spiritual ascension of the planet and humanity in this new 2000-year age--and they are pulling out all the stops to maintain control.

They are using democracy itself, the vote, to bring authoritarian figures to power:

“Once these authoritarian individuals, who are supported by the Illuminati, come into power, then their task is to step by step take away democracy. That is what you are experiencing in the United States and other countries throughout the planet.”

The goal, ST. Germain says, is to create chaos, confusion, confrontation and divisions between religions, nations, races, classes and cultures while at the same time firing up patriotism and support with demonstrations of strength and power (air attacks, bombings) and stoking the threat of war with “enemy” countries. “All of it is a smokescreen to hide the manipulation and corruption within his (Trump’s) government.”

The United States Constitution provides a system of checks and balances to restrict potential abuse of power by any branch of government, especially the presidency.

“It is the checks and balances and the structure of democracy with the congress, the judicial system and the executive branch and the support of the constitution as the law of the land
that allows your democracy to work. When the checks and balances are not in place, what takes place is what you are experiencing now, the authoritarianism of the tyrant coming in via the democratic vote.”

St. Germain warns that Trump was elected through the “corruption of the presidential election” using Russia as a vehicle because the Illuminati knew Trump was more easily controlled than Clinton.

“The Syrian air strikes (and other demonstrations of American power) are a tyrant tactic to divert from his Russian connections and the corruption of the presidential election. His cohort Putin is pretending he is not pleased with the air strikes to appear in opposition to Trump. Nothing could be further from the truth. They are joined at the hip in a plan for world control based upon blind greed.”

This does not make for pleasant reading, I know. But on a more empowering note, St. Germain tells us this is a wake up call to protect our democracy, not only for America but for the spiritual ascension of humanity and the planet.  And it is the threat of the destruction of our democracy that is awakening people from their lethargy.

Half of the citizens of the United States don’t exercise their right and responsibility to vote, a right hundreds of thousands of other citizens died to preserve.

This equation explains our process: RESPONSIBILITY=CONSEQUENCE

The failure to take responsibility for our citizenship, St. Germain says, has created the political and governmental consequences we face now.

So what can we do now?

“More than ever before it is time for WE THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE to stand up and be counted. The true test of your democracy is at hand. This test, awakening, is needed to take place now since the majority chose not to participate in the democratic process.

“In this dark night of the soul, know it is darkest before the dawn. For there is a groundswell taking place unlike ever before in recorded history that is essential for the ascension process
and the protection of the truth and concept of democracy.”

Rise up, yes. Demonstrate, yes, says St. Germain. Let your voices be heard, yes. But also play a part in your democracy. Participate. Run for office.


Saturday, April 22, 2017



By Phillip Elton Collins

The entire cosmic universe
Was involved and ignited
In the creation of planet Earth.

Twelve Star systems came together
To bring the best of each star
Into our reach from afar.

It was called the grand divine experiment
Inspired by unconditional love,
So they called us,
The Lover-versity of Love.

The whole universe is waiting
And watching us now
To see if we can ace this
Final place, the final Golden Age.

To learn to love self and another is the mission
In order to become the master teachers
And preachers of love,
And be the love stuff of submission.

In recent years we have discovered
Billions of galaxies,
Many like us.
Needing to learn like us
About the reality of love.

Are we ready to accept
That this immense galactic universe
Is not adverse to a total
Connection through affection.

Monday, April 17, 2017


Welcome to The Angel News Network




Join co-Founders and channels Phillip Elton Collins and Jeff Fasano, and spiritual journalist Joel Anastasi, as they directly connect with energies from higher realms.
Join us Wednesday April 19th
7pm EST  6pm CST  4pm PST 
St. Germain’s Seven Ascension Discourses

This will be the final live class gathering.
As we move on in 2017 we will continue Divine Discussions Via Teleconference only and will be moving back to THURSDAY evenings.  


Please join us this Wednesday April 19th for DIVINE DISCUSSIONS when we continue the SEVEN DISCOURSE teachings of Ascended Master St Germain channeled by Phillip Collins.
This Discourse # 4 gathering will focus on the CODES OF CREATION TO ASCEND. As always you will have an opportunity to directly dialogue with St Germain with your questions.

Please see the revised calendar below for the remainder of 2017 

There are three ways to join our Divine Discussions Gatherings

Via telephone where you can vocally interact:
Dial 1-641-715-3670 and enter the Access Code: 565060#

Online via computer where you can type in your comments and questions:
1- Go to:

2- Click on the upper right blue PARTICIPANT LOGIN button.
3- Type in the meeting ID: 159-320-988 along with your email address and name.

Live for our last classroom gathering:

Center For Inner Wisdom, Fort Lauderdale
4849 N. Dixie Highway
Oakland Park, Florida

Divine Discussions is offered on a suggested $10.00 love-offering basis; to donate please click on the donate button at The Angel News Network Website.

All dates Thursday night
7pmEST 6pmCST 4pm PST

May 4th Archangel Michael with May message
May 18th Saint Germain Discourse #5 The Ascension Chair, My Gift to You.
June 1st Archangel Michael with June Message
June 8th The Ascension Chair Ceremony
June 15th Saint Germain Discourse #6 The Meaning Value & Purpose of Ascension.
July 6th Archangel Michael with July message
July 20th Saint Germain Discourse #7 Wonders to Come as You Ascend.
Aug 3rd Archangel Michael with August message
Aug 17th Saint Germain Glossary from The Seven Discourses
Sept. 7th Archangel Michael with September message
Sept. 14th The Ascension Chair Ceremony
Sept 21st Saint Germain Glossary from The Seven Discourses
Oct. 5th Archangel Michael with October message
Oct. 19th Saint Germain Glossary from The Seven Discourses
Nov. 2nd Archangel Michael with November message
Nov. 16th Saint Germain Glossary from The Seven Discourses
Dec. 7th Archangel Michael with December Message
Dec. 14th The Ascension Chair Ceremony
Dec. 21st Saint Germain The Glossary from The Seven Discourses & Year End Message
Dec. 28th Archangel Michael Year End Message

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Friday, April 14, 2017



No matter your religious or spiritual beliefs this Good Friday see yourself good enough and worthy enough to fulfill your true reason to be here through your talents and gifts. The world would be incomplete without you !

Thursday, April 13, 2017


ACTIVATE YOUR SOUL PLAN: You Are Not Here to Destroy Nor Enslave - Final Ascension Initiation

"One of the final initiations of Ascension is to be in a room with the people you have intensively disliked and be able to see the mirror and love them." - Phillip Elton Collins


From Archangel Uriel, World Teacher & Guardian & Mother Earth, Gaia
Received by Phillip Elton Collins, Co-founder of The Angel News Network

Dear Beloved Children of Earth,

All conscious life, minerals, plants, animals and you, are made of the same sacred stuff/elements…the same atoms, electrons, etc. You are all here to evolve within your soul plans, and to support and love one another. That does not include killing one another or enslaving one another.

Each living conscious being on your planet came here from various galaxies and worlds and chose to be here to support the evolutionary process of this particular planet. The mission of this planet is to learn to love. Love is the building block of the universe, dear ones. All beings within this world have a freedom of choice and will and are not here by random accident nor by an imaginary evolutionary process.

The present relationship animals are having with one another (eating each other) reflects humanity’s corrupted relationship with self. It was not always that way and need not be in the future. When humanity returns into a higher frequency of consciousness, animals will return in behavior to reflect their divinity. At present, there are more humans enslaved, in bondage, than ever before. This continued behavior reflects your disconnection with your divinity and purpose in being here (to learn to love). How much more pain and suffering do you need to learn to free yourselves and ascend into an existence of oneness? We higher realms are giving you many teachings and tools to assist your awakening.  Once you understand the truth of how and why you world was created you will never return to your old paradigm again; you are in process dear onesThis is the way you chose to learn; accept it with compassion and forgive it and begin to make another choice, if you so choose.

Throughout your distorted relationship with self, your planet and all life upon it, humanity has created abuses that must stop in order for you to advance as a species or you will destroy yourselves (again). All of you are needed to make this unique, extraordinary experiment of diversity called planet Earth work!

Dear ones within advanced higher frequency civilizations (some inside your planet) animals, plants and minerals are not destroyed or enslaved as pets. This may be difficult for some to understand since they see themselves more advanced or better than animals, plants and minerals.  Dear humans these conscious beings have more innate abilities than you do through their direct connection to Source. They are not meant to be destroyed, enslaved by humanity. Humanity has attempted to conquer even nature and have learned this thinking does not work.  You are intended to be in divine  service to one another that does not include death or enslavement. You are all here to be in WORLD SERVICE to one another and your planet and the forces that created and maintain and sustain you. Rather basic reasons to be here of which you have long separated yourselves from and one another.

It is time to know and remember all your soul plan reasons to be here and support one another. You simply cannot survive without the complete cooperation of one another. Through your narcissism and ego mental bodies you have created much cruelty to the other life forms and selves that reflect your relationship with self.

No other life form is mean to be at the will or control of another. You are in stewardship to one another. You all have a freedom of choice and will to be here. Just because you do not know this or believe this does not mean it does not exist. You have and will continue to experience a severe consequence by not waking up to this truth.

Dear ones, you can co-exist, respecting each other’s divine soul plans, and need to interact, without killing or enslaving one another. You can enjoy the ‘fruits’ of other life forms without destroying the life form. This is how advanced civilization act. You can eat the apple without killing the tree. This new awareness will prepare you for interacting with other species from other worlds, in your near future.

 Through greed you have altered the genes of many plant and animal species attempting to control their life cycle and their ability to survive without you. Similar experiments took place on Atlantis and ended in disaster.  In effect, this is a form of self-sabotage, for when you ingest these ‘creations’ you are altering your own genes.

Advanced civilizations reflect the degree to which they honor and treat all life forms; knowing all is divine and needed. As mentioned earlier, humanity’s insanity has even included attempting to control nature itself. You have learned that does not serve you or your planet well; in fact it can mean you destruction if you continue it. There are forces beyond your wisdom that supports nature and you, dear ones. It is your destiny to again be connected to this.  Humanity is showing signs of great process in waking up but there are forces still attempting to keep you in a dense state of destruction.

Dear ones, we realize you need to eat and survive within the 3D world you choose to be in. But we caution you to examine the ways in the past and present you attempt to do this. There are planetary karmic consequences when your planet and all within and upon her body are not honored.

There is new energy technologies being revealed to you where you can create all you need without greed or threat to others, especially your home planet.  These new technologies will require a restructuring of your economic and governmental systems; creating We Consciousness, not me consciousness.

Humanity does not own the life forces of creation. It is time humanity’s ego move into service to your heart that knows this truth. Reconnecting and being in service to the forces of creation is an essential next step. This process will allow the creation of your next and final golden age..

While there appears to be a loving relationship between humans and their pets or work animals, it is a form of enslavement that reflects your ability to enslave one another through an unhealed relationship with self. No species, including yours, wishes to sacrifice their freedom of will. There are ways to support one another through a deep awareness and honoring of the other life form that reflects a healed relationship with self.

Trees and plants are here to be the planet’s lungs, supplying oxygen, and protect your planet from the weather your thoughts and emotion create. Minerals are the nervous system of the planet. Many animal species are the guardians of the planet from other star systems. Many species have left the planet due to humanity’s abuse and returned to their home galaxies; what we call extinction. Dear ones you need to understand the purpose of each of you being here and how interdependent you all are. This is going to be an essential next step in your ascension/evolutionary process.

It is time to let go of the concept that you can control nature or other life forms. You did not create them and you cannot control them.  The life forms that remain on the planet are vital to your survival whether you understand this or not. Your ignorance can be your undoing; your wisdom your pathway to eternity.  Remember you have all chosen to be here for a purpose. An important part of your journey on this planet is discovering this truth. You are all divine being created from the same elements and communities of equality, harmony and balance can reflect this truth.

If you so choose, wake up humanity and know all life is precious and sacred; it is not yours to destroy or to enslave. You have all chosen to be a part of a divine experiment called the “Lover-versity” of Earth. Once you truly learn to love self and all others, you will go forward to become the master teachers of other world, your destiny.