Monday, September 29, 2014



From The Council of Archangelic Realms,  
Received on Michaelmas by Phillip Elton Collins

Dear Beloved Humans,

We now gift you with THE TEN TENETS OF BEING: COSMIC COMMANDMENTS to set you free from yourselves.

1. Know that this living, conscious planet and all upon and within her are sacred; not taking responsibility for this truth will result in her and your physical but not spiritual death.

2. Maintain and sustain connection to the Higher Realms from whence you came; not doing so will ultimately lead to your physical demise, and spiritual truth.

3. Know you are each other in disguise; see the mirror of self in all; not being/doing so will continue your separation and confrontation until you have had enough of it.

4. Be and do together in honoring the diversity of your Oneness; allowing the good of all to manifest.

5. Balance giving and receiving through compassion wherever need exist; there is plenty for everyone.

6. Your heart knows the authentic thing to be and do in every moment; no matter what the mind is saying.

7. Honor your body temple that houses (for now) your eternal soul returning to spirit through your emotions and mind creating your reality.

8. Be truthful and transparent all the time by knowing your truth, needs and boundaries through knowing who you are and why you are here; your soul plan and purpose in being here.

9. By taking full responsibility for your actions, the reality you create, you eliminate consequences of learning not to your liking.

10. Know you are creation experiencing itself in order to be in world and universe service.

*Poem is from Sacred Poetry & Mystical Messages by Phillip Elton Collins.


Look above, or below, 
Whether you can see it or not, 

Things are the same. 
It’s all part of the Oneness 
That is the essence of the Oneness and Same, 

Whether high or low consciousness 
We’re all on the same path 
And shall arrive at the same destination, 
No matter the math.

There are forces above and below, 
Sending wisdoms and love 
To, we, in the middle, 
Who have thought ourselves so little, 
So long.

The time has come for the middle, 
Above, below and not so little, 
To join in the middle, 
Once more.

Once we unite, 
Things are going to get quite bright, 
As legions of light and angels, 
Dance with us in the middle, not so little. 
When we unite with the bright light, 
Our world service, and beyond 
Begins and we shall experience 
How truly mighty and grand our Soul plan, 

Then, the “is” joins the I AM, 
And we know I AM is who 
I AM that I AM.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

ACTIVATE YOUR SOUL PLAN: Universal Laws of Self-Empowerment & Love

Angel Answers & Actions

Channel, author and co-founder of The Angel News Network


From Archangel Uriel, World Teacher & Guardian

Dear Beloved Humans, meaning “god being man,”

There are universal laws throughout the universe that allow creation to be, and remain in balance.  One of these laws is called CAUSE AND EFFECT. It is time to know such laws exist and learn how to apply them, if you so choose…


Humanity has often not been aware of this law or has chosen to ignore it with dire consequences. We are once again asking you to connect the causes and effects in your life in order to create the life you say you want.

You’re not being able to connect cause and effect has created much imbalance and unnecessary suffering in your lives and world. By becoming conscious of how cause and effect works, and becoming accepting and compassionate about it, you can greatly alter/effect what is transpiring in your life and world.

In effect you are the Creators of the world around you. The aim is to take OWNERSHIP of this moment-by-moment; to know what effects one, affects all.

Dear ones, all cause bring forth effect and vice versa. Your present and future varies as cause brings forth an effect. By looking deeply into the cause you will see that all is affected.

All cause and effect are affected by your freedom of choice and will; look within the causation and you will find the effect. By becoming better aware of the effect that follows the cause you can create a higher frequency effect, if you so choose.

The soul journey of humanity has often been filled with struggle as a result of a lack of awareness and compassion for cause and effect. If you so choose, you can begin to make new choices as you see the effect of cause and effect within your ascension process.

Know Dear ones you are destined to proceed ever onward moved by the Universal Law of Cause and Effect until in the end both become one.  That is the reason the law exists; as darkness = light; problem = solution; as wrong = right; giving = receiving; masculine = feminine, AS ALL BECOMES ONE.

Soon if you so choose, you will see ALL IS ONE, including yourselves. The Law of Cause and Effect is just another way to get you to your Oneness.

Remember dear ones, the universe is filled with laws to maintain and sustain itself, often to protect itself from unconscious/abusive behavior like yours. If you so choose, it is take to wake up, become aware of these laws and learn how to apply them in order to create a life of grace and ease.

*The poems in this book are all from Sacred Poetry & Mystical Messages by Phillip Elton Collins.


There is a cosmic law
Called Cause and Effect
That automatically balances
In order to prevent a wreck.

This balancing process addresses,
And governs all forces everywhere
So we don’t have to ever care.
If we understand this law,
We don’t have to see human experiences
As wholly flawed.

This law is the only logical explanation
For the infinite complexities,
And experiences of many people and nations.

There really is no such thing
As chance or accident
That really never had
A true ring.

All is really under direct and,
Exact perfect law,
Where there can be no rawness.

For every experience
Has a former cosmic cause
Since everything is
The cause of a future eternal effect,
Thus, all can be correct.
Are we all set?

If you should injure one
Through one’s life,
You are certain to know that form
In another life,
And endure that strife.

Through Cause and Effect
We can experience everything
Possible in the world
To know in effect
We are the same persona and thing.
Through freedom of choice and will,
We shall keep creating Cause and Effect
Till we know full well,
Our purpose is to,
Balance giving and receiving, female and male.

And then you’ll really know
There is no such thing as we call

Angel Answers & Actions


Inspired by Archangels Gabriel, Michael, Raphael & Uriel

Greetings Beloved Humans being the best you can be,

We come to you once again with a message and teaching of love and support for the journey you have chosen to be human on this planet Earth:  a planet that has been ‘seeded’ by twelve different star systems in order to create a diversity of a LOVER-VERSITY like no other in the universe. For you are simply here to learn how to love self, first and foremost, in order to love one another and create the world of Oneness you are destined to create. The twelve Universal Laws we are now to share once again is to honor and support your highest good and a way to free yourselves from yourselves, if you so choose.

The basis of all of your duality and separation and often confrontation is the result of your relationship with yourself. You have heard many times the only relationship you are having is the one with yourself. The taught shame of self is the reason for every emotional, mental and physical imbalance (dis-ease). Let us now re-program yourselves and create a new reality through a loving relationship with self, by better understanding what has caused your lack of self-love, and how to move through the lack to love.

While each of the following twelve laws represent gifts from the various worlds that help create, and maintain and sustain you, each law builds upon the other, no matter what order they are in. Are you ready to create a new loving you?

Can you accept with compassion, thus forgive all the ways you have chosen to learn what you came here to learn. Taking ownership of your choices is vital. It is time to release all shaming, blaming and judgment of self that allows that of others. You cannot shame, blame nor judge another without first doing the same to yourself.

Rather than focusing on what is not in your life; focus on what is. Make a list of you assets and liabilities, and see what you would like to maintain and sustain in your life.

Two of the most important phrases ever created are KNOW THY SELF and TO THY OWN SELF BE TRUE. It is essential to know WHO YOU ARE and WHY YOU ARE HERE. What is your purpose in being here?  What are your talents and gifts you uniquely wish to bring into world service? Create a divine soul plan for yourself. You can begin by listing your qualities, talents and abilities. The Angel News Network has many teachings to assist you in better knowing yourself. Once you firmly know who and why you can build the what, where, when and how of your life…

A basis for many human lacks is not feeling good enough or worthy enough to embrace all the abundance of life. You are not born feeling not good enough or worthy enough. People who profess to love you but who do not fully love themselves teach you this. As a result you create self-imposed limitations and lacks that you can now release by becoming conscious of them. List where you feel deprived and make another choice to receive.

Your self-esteem is your view and feeling about yourself. How do you see yourself right now? Stand in front of a mirror unclothed and see what feelings and judgment comes up about yourself?  From whence did this chatter come?  It came from your sabotaging mental body that was taught by others. This is not the truth. You are a divine being having a human experience just the way you have chosen. It is time, if you so choose, to see your goodness. Look in that mirror and praise yourself; begin a “Good Book” listing all the little and not so little good things you do for yourself and others each day.

Self-confidence is the wisdom of knowing you are capable of being and doing what is important to you. You all have moments of not being sure about this.

Surrender to not always knowing and allow the probabilities and possibilities of not knowing to flow through. Self-confidence is not to be confused with arrogance, which is a defense for a lack of self-confidence. Begin writing down your accomplishments, you’ll be surprised and delighted how confident you are.  Remember, you are Creation/God/Source expressing itself.

People who have self-respect are able to speak their truth, express their needs and set their boundaries (with no intention of harm) and allow others to do the same. Do you know your truth, needs and boundaries? Many do not know their truth, or accept and know their needs, thus do not set any boundaries and become consumed by others through their lack of self-respect. The Angel News Network has many tools to assist you in knowing your truth, needs and boundaries.  If not now, when will you stand in your truth, needs and boundaries with no intention to harm; knowing how others respond or react is their process, not your concern.

Self-service means you are able to take care of your truth, needs and boundaries by prioritizing them. At the beginning and end of each day review what needs to take place the next day that was incomplete. Ask yourself: what do I not like to do that would serve me if these things were done?

Self-discipline is the ability to routinely practice your talents, abilities and qualities of self, which creates and supports your self-empowerment. This may require you to move out of your comfort zones of habits and patterns that may be limiting and to support the ones that create growth and expansion.

The components of forgiveness are acceptance and compassion. Can you accept with compassion, thus forgive the ways you have chosen to learn what you need to learn in being human. Through your ownership and forgiveness you move from victimhood to self-empowerment. This will set you free from the me.

Through your resonance (internal gyro system) and discernment you can look at your limitations without shaming, blaming nor judging them. You can look at what you want and need and see what stands in the way of that through ways to improve yourself. All mistakes are simply a way to learn, not punish you. Every problem is the other side of the solution. All this is an essential part of the choice you made to be human and experience this frequency.

The purpose of life is growth and expansion; this includes you, your planet, solar system, galaxy, universe and multiverse.  It’s not a matter of being better than someone else; it’s being who you came here to be…letting go of being special in order to embrace the ordinariness of being fully human, which is divine.

Once you remember and know your are God/Creation/Source experiencing itself you can embrace the reality that you have fragments within your soul plan that insure your self-reliance through your talents and gifts. You do not have to be dependent on anyone else for the reality of who you are. Are you ready to receive this? If not, there are many endeavors here to support you in this truth, this is one of many!

To reiterate, this is one of many endeavors/teachings to allow you to know and embrace the truth of who you are and why you are here. You are never alone. You are loved and supported by forces beyond your comprehension that will love you unconditionally until you do yourself.

*The poems in this book are all from Sacred Poetry & Mystical Messages by Phillip Elton Collins.

Throughout humanity’s history
People have not understood
Thus, much strife has with stood.
People seem to drop into depression
Rather than understand how life
Can compress into compassion.

They seem not to know
Their blessings are the result
Of something within,
Rather than outside in.

It is an innate fantastic force
That’s always been there.
It’s just a matter of accepting it,
And bringing it to the fore.

All that we’ve experienced
Is meant to awaken this internal force,
And know we are the source within.

Through this Self-Source
We can know who we are,
And why we are here,
And then the real fun can begin.

Once we know the Source
We can choose to be in service to All,
And never have to fall, again.

Then forever more...
It’s win, win, win, win, win.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Excerpt from MAN POWER GOD POWER by Phillip Elton Collins

There are higher realms and frequencies ever present and continuing to bless humanity in marvelous, silent ways and through their unconquerable power and intelligence forever fulfilling the Law of Eternal: The Light of Source Never Fails. Are you ready to receive it?

Monday, September 22, 2014


Inspired by Archangel Uriel, World Teacher & Guardian
Received & Messaged Phillip Elton Collins

Dear Beloved Humans,

Within your ascension process it is time to review the agreements you made prior to becoming human. You came from the light and surely shall return to it.


1. From the light you agreed to receive/create a dense carbon-based physical body. The evolution of this body is in the process of transmuting back into light, soul to spirit.  Within this physical body is housed your emotional and mental bodies that complete your humanity. You agreed your emotions and thoughts are creating your reality all the time; that’s how powerful you are.

2. This planet is a LOVER-VERSITY of learning love. You are learning the necessary lessons/laws of the universe in order to return to light. You are often learning what is through what is not. Each life time and day within those life times you are creating and being given choices of learning. Some of these lessons may appear harsh but they are the only way you can learn them in order to free yourselves from your selves. This is preparing your for world and universal service.

3. There are neither accidents nor mistakes within your learning process. Through ownership of each lesson you shall become free of their cause and effect.  Your growth and expansion is not always a straight line journey.

4. You agreed to repeat all lessons until they are mastered; until applied knowledge becomes eternal wisdom. When one lesson is learned you are given the next one; usually a core issue lessons for each life time.

5. As long as you are within the frequency/dimension you exist within now, your lessons are continuous. As long as you abide within a human body there are lessons to be mastered. When you ascend to a higher frequency this type of learning process will not be necessary. Also remember the universe is an ever expanding process, as you re-connect to the higher realms that maintain and sustain you.

6. Being present in the now moment will assist you in escaping the entrapment, your agreement of being in the past and future. In reality now is all there is.

7. Every other person is you in disguise. You agreed not to see the mirror of self in others for a while and now the end time on that agreement has come.

8. You agreed to be given a supply of energy in each life time for you to use through your freedom of will and choice. How you use this energy is up to you; you are evolving to use this energy for the good of all.

9. Everything being said here is inside you. You agreed to look outside yourself for a while to seek truth. Now you are realizing all you need to know is inside you and that life is a process of inside out, not outside in. This will allow self-mastery and move you into a higher state of consciousness (Ascension).

Sunday, September 21, 2014

ACTIVATE YOUR SOUL OF PLAN: Divine Creative Energy Explained


The elements of energy respond to both mankind, through free will, and their original conscious creator, whose intention is love… the elements of energy are determined by (divine or human) conscious thought; the frequency of energy is determined by emotions. As you are learning, consciousness, emotions and thoughts are the factors of creation… how do you think energy feels, being created from love, when you use it to kill one another?

Saturday, September 20, 2014

ACTIVATE YOUR SOUL PLAN: Accepting Channeling Uriel


Accepting Channeling Uriel 

From Archangel Uriel, World Teacher and Guardian 

Dear Divine Channel,

Oh, happy days! We are delighted with your choice to work with us, dear one. Welcome. There is much work to be 

done at this most dramatic time of change upon your planet. Much is being revealed to humanity of the many levels of assistance you are receiving, if you choose it. There has never been in the history of your planet such a “concert” of effort from the angelic and star realms. But remember, dear ones, we can only do so much. You have freedom of will and choice. We cannot and must not interfere. But forces like never before are coming into your world to assist you, at last, to join into oneness. To stop the few controlling the many, if you so choose. 

Your summer will be a most powerful time. We shall see those who choose to move forward and those who do not. Those who do not will no longer receive the assistance of the past times. Our focus is upon the portion of your beautiful planet that chooses to move forward into oneness—the Club of Love, Acceptance, Peace, Unity, Oneness. How does that make you feel in contrast to your planet’s past and present history of separation and war? 

By the end of your hot summer months, we’ll have all the forces connected to assist in allowing the greatest truth to come forth for you all: to know that you are spiritual beings having a human experience. We have watched lovingly throughout your history as you chose not to love one another, as a collective whole. Now you can see that you are all unique expressions of that whole. 

There are many institutions and governments and their leaders that will facilitate this shift. Pay attention to whom you put into office, know their true intention, check their background. Reform your “professional” political career structure. 

Remember, it was the private common man that was to go into public office, then return to his private life after servic- ing his fellow man. Not professional politicians who through generational greed have created your corrupt system. You can change that now, dear ones. 

The feminine energies coming in will assist in balancing the masculine that has created much of your cause and effect. There must be a balance of male and female energies; this has nothing to do with either gender or sex. These energies are here to assure that love stays in place, for when the male and female balance, it equals love. Then you think with your hearts, which is your true mind, not your brain. 

Set aside all fear and resistance as the changes take place. Remember, fear is just an absence of the love you’ve needed all along. And love is the glue that holds the universe together, the highest vibration that allows great, creative, loving things to manifest into your third-dimensional world. 

Don’t worry about how all this will happen. Surrender to the unknown. In the void lies creation and all possibility. In the not knowing, the knowing will surely come. There is no need to strive for anything. The divine plan of your planet is unfold- ing through your individual divine plans. It’s all perfect, dear ones. Fear not, love is on the way to save the day! 

Now rest and know the truth of who you are and why you are. It is all being revealed. Relax, love, rest. And listen to that quiet voice within you. It is we speaking to you, guiding many of you. Use your solitude to know the quiet and truth coming forth. You will not find it outside in your world. It lies deep with yourself. It’s been there all along. Now you know for sure. 

P.S. Many of you use forming groups to facilitate the work that needs to be done. State the intention/mission of the group and allow those souls who resonate within it to appear. Remember change is all there is. Allow your fellow man an opportunity to change or not. Through holding the focus/mission of your groups you will know who the light workers are. Allow all to become so. The history of your planet has excluded most by the few. Don’t fall into that trap again, dear ones. The portion of your planet that is there to be and do the work will just appear. They will reveal themselves soon enough. Know this present truth and be free of your past history. 

*The poems in this book are all from Sacred Poetry & Mystical Messages by Phillip Elton Collins.


The best way to connect and channel with higher realms 
Is to get yourself out of the way.
In fact, that is the only way
To receive a clear, concise message,
Not filled with your filter. 

Begin by stating to yourself, 
This is not about me,
I clear myself of myself, 
In order to receive, 
And be in service to the we. 

Channeled information is best 
Received by those
Who have chosen to arrest 
Themselves in a personal process, 
Clearing and releasing wounds, 
Ego defenses, and the rest. 

This allows a state of neutrality, 
Moving me out of the way, 
To be a good messenger
For myself and others
That day.