Saturday, June 17, 2023




From the Galactic Federation of Light

Received by Phillip E. Collins

You humans on this planet (an experiment in learning to be love) are on a spiritual ascension (evolutionary) journey. Through this personal process you can raise your frequency of existence and ascend into a higher dimension of existence (your divine destiny/destination).  Here are some teachings and tools to once again remind you how to achieve this:

*” All There Is” created your reality to better know itself.

* Cosmic energy collects into consciousness to create unseen and seen realities.

*You are all experiencing your being within cosmic consciousness.

*” All There Is” contains ‘divine aspects’ such as a desire and ability to create, an intention to grow and evolve, a sense of love (building block of all) and connection (not separation), and knowing you are all diversified version of one another from the same Source.

*Creation is filled with multiple dimensions.  The highest (pure spirit) is called Oneness and the lowest is dense physical.

*Your current physical world often forgets its source in Unity cosnciousness. This creates separation from all other entities.  This is called “the multiplicity with in the Unity”.  Being aware of this separation allows you to move beyond it into Oneness/Unity consciousness and action.

*All unseen and seen forms contain the unifying consciousness as the foundation of creation. However, each form experiences their consciousness in its own unique way (its divine soul plan).  The more advanced the form, the more evolved the consciousness and the outward expression.

* You humans are self-aware through the relationship with self (reflection of All There Is). You can think about your thinking. This awareness allows you to consciously begin creating your world and affirming your future. Your awareness can increase your frequency/vibration of existence allowing you to transcend the physical (your divine soul plan).

*Your spiritual truth and application continually flow through eternal cosmic consciousness (where you human cosnciousness goes when you die). Thus, as you have heard many times ‘you are spiritual beings having human experiences’ which you have chosen through your free will and choice. This is how you have chosen to learn and transcend what you need to master.

*When you are focused on the world of form you often dwell upon a sense of separation and see your relationship with others as being in competition and a sense of survival.  If you so choose you can move from the ‘me’ to the ‘we’, and know what matters is the we not the me since you are from the same Source.

*Ultimately, your spiritual evolution/ascension (your major task in being human) is your movement into consciousness from separation to unity. From focusing upon the dense physical world and an awakening of the spiritual world (your true eternal home).  Items embedded in your soul plans (habits, patterns, rituals) are key elements within the ‘spiral’ of your ascension journey. It is not always a straight line forward. Sometimes you have to step back to gain a greater perspective.  These elements include bringing your talents and gifts out into the world, the energetic thrust of love to break down any separation allowing you to feel connected to one another.

*Since all of this is simple, and you humans make it complex, please remember your ascension journey all began from “All In Oneness’ and that you forgot that unity and you are moving through the material experience in an awakening and knowing of unity. We in the higher realms are your future and your present is our distant past.

* You are ultimately returning home to “All There Is”.






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