Monday, July 7, 2014


Channeled by Jeff Fasano

Channeled by Jeff Fasano


Are You Defending?

You are moving steadily on the pathway and opening to aspects of yourself that have been reflected back to you in the mirror you may not have known. We invite you to look at the aspects that have been revealed to you through love.  It is about love of self and another.  Many of you in this process may have been asked to look in the mirror at something by your partner, and your initial response may have been to defend.  We ask you to look at this.

When another through their loving heart asks you to take notice of something about your behavior or aspects of yourself, is your initial response to defend?  

Do you feel your heart close down and you move to defend yourself?

Many of you have done this and you look to justify the behavior and this is why the behavior continues.

Can you open your heart space to receive from another through love?

Do you hear what another says as judgment and shame?

The ego defense through the physical beingness of you, is hearing through your defense and the conditioning.

What comes up for you in the moment when another asks you to look at something about you?

It all comes down to communication and how you are communicating with each other when doing this.

How are you communicating with your partner?

Are you pointing your finger and blaming and shaming?

This is the conditioning of mom and dad and how your defense was formed.  Defending against mom and dad.

As you move on the pathway towards self-mastery it is important to see when you move into your defense.    

For many this is a blind spot.

When your partner points out an aspect of you and asks you to look at that, within your physical body where does your energy move?

Do you feel it raise?

Are you triggered in that moment?

Or do you remain neutral in that moment?

What are you hearing when another asks through their loving heart, “Can you look at this?”

Each and every one of you is hearing what is being said through your conditioning, your wounds and your defense.

We ask you to pay attention to what you are hearing because this is where myth and illusion is created.

You might be hearing mom or dad judging and shaming you.

If in fact you defend in that moment, how are you doing it?

You can see your myth and illusion and how you project onto another when through their loving heart they simply ask you to look at your blind spot. 

As you move through this process it is important to raise your awareness and consciousness to what you are hearing, how you are hearing it, if you are receiving it, or not, and if you move into defense as your first reaction.

It is important to observe this and see if this is transpiring.

Share with your partner and ask:

Am I defending when you ask me to look at something about me?

It is important to become aware of this and raise your consciousness to it.

See the myths and the illusions of what you are hearing from another. Perhaps the voices you are hearing. This has nothing to do with your partner but quite possibly your conditioning. Be aware of this and share this with your partner as well. 

For example:
In that moment what came up for me is mom. I heard when I was 5 or 10 years old mom saying this to me.

It is through this process you can begin to heal these wounds and the conditioning from mom and dad.

It is time to open your heart to the loving heart to love yourself. As you share with another are you sharing through a loving heart? Or are you blaming and shaming and judging?

Most of this has to do with the balance of giving and receiving.

How are you giving?

Are you giving through the loving heart and are you receiving with your heart open with love as it is given to you with love?

It is time to move deeper into the depth and breadth of your heart and open to you to raise your awareness and consciousness. This is another step to raise your consciousness and awareness to your behaviors.

In those moments when another asks you to look at you and your behaviors it is not about judging and shaming. It is about love to see if you can be your greatness and to see if you can be you.  With love, can you through acceptance and compassion, say, “Yes I am defending. Thank you for pointing this out.”

How does it make you feel when someone points out something about your behavior?

How does it make you feel when someone points out the wonderful aspects of you?

Are you receiving love? 

Do you continue to look at what you are doing wrong and what you haven’t fixed yet?

Saying, “I am not perfect yet.” “I am not good enough yet.”

Can you look at what you are learning about yourself and realize that it is just an aspect and another step in your growth in your soul’s divine plan? 

By becoming more aware of yourself and your behaviors you are growing and ascending, raising your resonance and vibration and opening your heart. 

Do you choose to only open your heart when someone says something wonderful about you?

Do you choose to close your heart when someone points out something that triggers you and then you defend?

In the moment you are defending your heart shuts down and you move into defense.

In the moment someone points something out to you it may trigger a memory, conditioning and a feeling. We ask you to be with the feeling in that moment.

What are the feelings that come up that trigger you and may move you into defense and then shut down your heart?

The defense will fight to the death to defend itself to hold itself in place.

It is important to raise your awareness and consciousness to this.

Your partner may point out, “I see you may be defending right now.”

What feelings come up within you?

You may not even know you are defending.

When you begin to see this, it is another step to being who you are.

Always be aware of judgment and shame because each and every one of you has moved through a lifetime where mom and dad judged and shamed you in certain aspects of you life.

It is important to make yourself aware of the constant ridicule of judgment and shame.   

Be aware when you continually judge and shame yourself as you move through this process.

It is important to see this.



Additional Material in conjunction with messages 
from Adama & Mother Gaia 
Channeled by Phillip Elton Collins

All messages and notes edited/transcribed 




When you are asked to look at something in the mirror you may have noticed that your initial response is defense. We ask each of you to look at that.

When another with a loving heart asks you to take notice of your behavior, take notice if your first response is defense. You feel your heart close down and move into defense of yourself in that moment. 

Then you attempt to justify why the behavior continues as opposed to simply opening your heart space to receive from another through love.

You hear it as judgment and shame. You are hearing it possibly through your defense. What comes up for you in that moment? Possibly you can look at this behavior.

Once again it comes down to communication. How are you communicating with your partner? Are you pointing the finger, blaming and shaming? That is the conditioning of mom and dad. That is how the defense was formed, defending from mom and dad.

As you move on the path of self-mastery, it is important to look at when you move into defense. For many it is a blind spot. When another points out an aspect of yourself and asks you to look at that, where does your energy move within your physical body?

You feel your energy rising. Are you triggered in that moment? Or do you remain neutral in that moment? What you are hearing, you are hearing through your conditioning and your wounds, through your defense.

We ask you to pay attention to what you are hearing because this is where myth and illusion is created. Possibly you are hearing mom or dad judging and shaming you.

How do you defend? You create myths and illusions based on your wounding and project them onto another when they are simply through a loving heart asking you to look at your blind spots.

It is time to raise your awareness and consciousness to what you are hearing, how you are hearing it, if you are or are not receiving it and if you move into defense as your first reaction.

Simply observe this. We ask you to share this with your partner. Am I defending when you are simply asking me to look at something? It is important if you are on the path of the light worker and way shower to look at this and become aware of this.

Share this with your partner: In that moment what came up for me was mom. When I was eleven or twelve, mom or dad said this to me. Through this process you will begin to see your wounds and your conditioning.

When you share with another are you sharing through a loving heart or are you shaming, blaming and judging?

Most of this has to do with a balance of giving and receiving. Are you giving with a loving heart and receiving with your heart open with love as it is given to you with love? It is time to open yourself up to you to raise your consciousness of your behavior.

In those moments when another asks you to look at something about your behavior, it is not about judging and shaming, it is about love so you can be your greatness, you can be you. How does it make you feel when someone points out something about your behavior?

How does it make you feel when someone points out the wonderful aspects of your behavior? Are you receiving love or are you looking at what is wrong? I am not perfect yet. I am not fixed yet. Or can you accept that this is just another aspect in your growth, in your process in your soul’s divine plan?

By becoming more aware and conscious of your selves and your behavior, you are growing and ascending, raising your resonance and vibration, opening your heart space. Do you only choose to open your heart space when someone says something wonderful about you? Do you allow your heart space to close down when someone simply wants to point out something that triggers you? And then you defend.

In the moment of defending, your heart shuts down and you move into defense.  In the moment when someone points out something to you, it triggers a memory, conditioning and a feeling. We ask you to be with the feeling that comes up in that moment when someone suggests to you that you may look at this. What is the feeling that comes up that triggers you that may move you into defense and shut down your heart? Your defense fights to the death to defend itself to hold it in place.

It is about raising your awareness and consciousness to that defense.

Your partner may point out, “I see that you may be defending right now. What are the feelings that are coming up in you?” You may not even know you are being defensive.

As you move through this process, it is important to see this, which is another step to being who you are. Always be aware of judgment and shame. Each one of you were judged and shamed by mom and dad about certain aspects of your life.

Be aware of the constant ridicule of judgment and shame. Be aware of where you continually judge and shame yourself. It is important to see this.

Question: What happens when we raise our resonance and vibration?

Archangel Michael: You open your heart space and move closer to your light body by releasing the low-density energy of wounding that has surrounded your heart space. As you raise your resonance and vibration, you can then commune with others who are raising their resonance and vibration. As you do this, the resonance and vibration raises within the group.

As you release the wounding around your heart space, you become more present in the moment  and you move into your light body. As you release the dense layers of wounding around your heart space, each of you can begin to feel that.

It is about becoming aware of your energy and the energy of what is transpiring around you and then communing with purer higher vibrational energies. The reason is to raise the collective consciousness of the world. Lower vibrational energies will then entrain themselves to the higher levels of vibrational energy. That will shift situations in your third dimensional realm.

Question: Could you define what our light body is?

Your light body is your etheric body, which is an aspect of yourself that allows you to maneuver in the third dimensional realm so you can connect multi-dimensionally by connecting with higher levels of resonance and vibration.

Your light body connects you multi-dimensionally. Your physical body grounds you to Mother Earth. As you release the density of your wounding, you are merging your physical third dimensional body into the light body to then live a multi-dimensional experience. This is the reason to move into a personal process so you can move closer and closer into the etheric or light body to move into the God consciousness, the Christ Consciousness, to be at one multi-dimensionally. 

Question: A participant thanked Michael for helping her see that she was pushing her energy on to others.

Archangel Michael: You tell others what they should be doing because when you look at yourself you see you being less than. You’re simply projecting as mom did on to you what she (expected of herself) because those expectations were not about you, they were about herself.  If I see myself as this, I may project outward that another should be something that will fill that expectation within me.

When you lay your expectations of what others should be, you are saying, “I should be this.” You are hearing the transference from mom to you to another.

Question: What is a wound, and how does it create a defense around it?

Archangel Michael: It is a conditioning through past lives or in this lifetime from mom and dad, etc. continually conditioning that you are not good enough, you are not good enough for them. That creates the wound in the heart space of not being good enough.

Each of the five defenses has a defense for how they defend that wound.

I’m not good enough. The only way I will be good enough is if I take care of mom’s needs. So the behavior associated with that wound is to take care of another’s needs. And making another’s needs more important and giving yourself away to be loved.

Each of you is looking to love and be loved.

What are the behaviors that you use to get love from another, which is all based upon your wounds? I will take care of another’s needs but what is attached to that is when I take care of another’s needs, they will love me. That is the linear connection of the wound projecting itself outside of itself based upon the conditioning from mom that you are not good enough. The only way that you will be good enough is if you take care of my needs. 

This is all projected on a child. It is important to see this because each of you needs to be loved.

These programs we are bringing to you are teaching you to be loved by you simply being you. That is why it is important for you to know you, to bring to light your wounds and your behavior and your habits, patterns and rituals that you use through the defense to defend that wound that the only way you will be loved is to give yourself up and take care of the needs of others.

What behavior do you continually perpetrate to get love from another? By being who you are, you are love. By radiating love from your heart space in a true authentic transparent you and the beingness of you, you are love and thus you will be loved.

Look at the behavior you are utilizing to get love to prove that you are lovable. It is time to ask yourself, can I be me, be love and be loved by simply being me.

Question: What help is humanity getting at this time from various spiritual realms and Mother Earth herself?

Archangel Michael: It is about awakening. That is what is transpiring now in your material realm. Many are coming to a crossroad in their lives and seeing that what is transpiring is no longer working.

The many bodies of teachings from various realms are asking you to awaken to the truth of you being you. What is transpiring is an awakening to truth. Seeing what is no longer resonating in your life and moving into the depth and breadth of your heart space to awaken to your truth, of your beingness, your purpose, your mission In this lifetime.

What is transpiring is a mass awakening on different levels. There are those who are being chosen to reveal untruths and the truth at the same time in the third dimensional realm. Truth is. Belief is conditioning.

What  you have been lead to believe about yourself and the many teachings are helping reveal to you what you have been conditioned to believe about yourself. “I believe that I am not perfect, that I am not good enough, the mythical leaders outside of myself will lead me and take care of me, that I will be taken care of by another.”

What is transpiring is a mass awakening to all of this. Many are seeing the old for what it is and are just beginning that mass awakening.

Question: Where is all this going as we move into planetary mass consciousness? Are we moving into light? Is the planet moving into light?

Archangel Michael: Not in your lifetime. Look at yourself. What is transpiring in you and how you are releasing old habits, patterns, myths, beliefs, where your myths, illusions, behavior have been transformed. Why we ask you to look at where you began your process to where you are now, how you are serving the world to raise your resonance and vibrations to be part of the awakening.

The mass consciousness has not caught up to the awakening as of yet.

Question: What is love?

Archangel Michael: It is an energy, an energetic action that comes from your heart space. Love is the foundation of your being. Love is. It is an exchange of energy. It is your foundation. You move into action to express love. Love is in the depth and breadth of your heart space.

Many define love through the action of it. Love simply is. You are love. When you share love with another, you exemplify love. You then move to the action of love. Love is you being you in love with you. Love is not something you can touch or feel. It is not tangible. It is an energetic aspect within yourself that is your foundation. 

You then emote that outside of yourself whatever action you choose to demonstrate what love is to you.

Question: What is unconditional love?

Archangel Michael: Unconditional love is simply acceptance with compassion of yourself. It begins with full acceptance and compassion for you. When you can do that in every moment with you, then you can begin to do that outside of yourself with others through love in your heart space. That is one way you can see your spiritual maturity.

When I see another outside of myself, am I seeing them with compassion? Am I accepting with compassion, me? Do I honor and value me exactly where I am? Do I honor and value another exactly where they are regardless of how it makes me feel?

Behaviors of others can trigger feelings in you. You then can possible project on to another those feelings. When others trigger feelings on you because of their behavior, you can confuse it with loving and not loving.

Question:  What kind of support is mankind getting in this awakening from the higher realms as well as from Mother Earth?

There are many multi-dimensional energies moving through other most wonderful and most glorious souls that support the awakening.

You are also receiving messages from Mother Earth. She is asking all of you to become responsible. In lieu of the narcissism of the self become responsible. Take responsibility for you. It all centers back to youhow you interact and have relationships with others that include your environment. Do I care about me? Do I care about the other, and do I care about Mother Earth? Or is it all about me? You are being asked to take responsibility for yourself. 

If you care about yourself you will care about another. If you care about another you will care about your environment.

It all begins with raising your resonance and vibrations to entrain itself with the vibration of Mother Earth. As you raise your resonance and vibration, you match that resonance and vibration with the love in your heart by taking responsibility for yourself, how your treat others and how you treat your environment, Mother Earth.

It is not always about you or about another. It is about you and your universe—shifting the energy of you and the universe. Raising your awareness and consciousness of you and what is transpiring around you. Move out of the cocoon of life. It is no longer about you. It is about you taking responsibility for you. It is about how you interact with the beingness of you as you raise your awareness and consciousness to yourself and to others through love.

Your natural resonance and vibration matches that of Mother Earth.

Closing: We ask you to move into your heart space. It is time to raise your resonance and vibration to love yourself and others. Do you shame and judge yourself so love no longer exists in you? Can I fully love me so I can love another?

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