Archangel Michael is the angel of personal process, and much
of our work at the Angel News Network (ANN) deals with the questions: Who am I?
Why am I here? What should I be doing with my life? (Michael is channeled by
Jeff Fasano, one of ANN’s co-founders.)
The Life Mastery Program, based on Michael’s teachings, was designed to address these questions.
The questions are interrelated so our answers to one generally relate to our
answers to the others.
As the designer
and presenter of Life Mastery, I try to stay alert to fresh ways of exploring
and answering these questions because, though they are easy to ask, they often
are hard for many of us to answer. Moreover, our answers often evolve and
change, sometimes leaving us feeling confused.
Recently, I came across a wonderful little book that clearly
explores the above questions, among others, titled, Contemporary Cayce, A Complete Exploration Using Today’s Philosophy and Science. The authors,
Kevin Todeschi and Henry Reed, do a terrific job of clearly explaining many
teaching of that great American psychic, Edgar Cayce. Cayce’s wisdom, at least
for me, sometimes gets lost in the fog of the archaic language in which his
readings were expressed.
Here are a few excerpts relating to what the Cayce readings
have to say about our life mission:
“A sense of mission in life is not meant to be a path to private fulfillment, although following
one’s mission is very fulfilling personally. Instead, our having a mission in
life reflects the soul’s need for an outlet to serve others as a means of stimulating the growth of the soul’s
“We don’t self actualize for our own sake, even though we are often so motivated. Instead, the soul
realizes that its actualization serves a larger
purpose, to be of help to others and their growth toward God awareness. Rather than seeing the path to heaven
as a ladder we climb solo through
personal meditation and enlightenment, the Cayce perspective views the path to
heaven as a large dance in which we are all helping one another prepare ourselves to be God-realized and communal
citizens of heaven. We get to heaven leaning on the soul of someone we have helped.
“Having a sense of
mission is probably a better notion than
finding one’s mission because the former implies an ongoing process rather than a singular
event of discovery. Our entire life’s journey is our mission, suggesting
more process than an end result. “
In other words, our life mission is more than a job
description; it is a way of life.
“It is less important who we become in the sense of a career or job title, as it is the style and spirit in which we live. Discovering our mission is an ongoing learning process of discovering
our own divinity.”
The authors suggest a guideline for living made famous by
Joseph Campbell: “Follow your bliss.”
In moments of bliss, “people pursue activities they enjoy
doing for their own sake rather than
ones where they anticipate specific results. Someone who says they would do
their work even if they were not getting paid for it is someone whose work is
in line with their mission in life, for it is to be enjoyed for its own sake. At first we may serve
others from a sense of religious duty. As we mature, however, and begin to
realize our soul’s talents, we exercise these talents for the pure joy of it and we find that serving
others with our talents is itself a
joyful experience.”
These comments remind me of a few key teaching in our Life
Mastery program:
. You are here for world service.
. The path of spiritual growth leads from ME to WE.
. Let joy and ease guide you forward on your path.
. Let go of results.