Friday, July 28, 2017


Lightworkers are showing the way (WAYSHOWERS) for our world, we carry the cosmic flame, holding the light of this planet and humanity in love, peace equality, harmony and balance, we have come here to help the planet and humanity shift/ascend into higher consciousness of existence. To Ascend…

We are gifted beings and we have come here to fulfill our lightworker soul plan mission. Lightworkers carry a high frequency light within our souls to enlighten and illuminate the world. Most Lightworkers are teachers and healers employing their unique talents and gifts,

Some of us take on the role of higher realm’s teaching, energy-work or self- healing, some do their work in unseen ways. When some lightworkes come into this physical world, they sometimes struggle to re-discover/remember their light within. Lightworkers can forget their mission and purpose, their light can be extinguished for a short time or permanently.
When our light is “activated”, we lightworkers go on a journey of self discovery/empowerment, intent to heal ourselves; allowing us to assist others. But, unfortunately, when the light is “off, the lightworker can remain in the lower 3D or 4D psychic realms rather shifting our light again connected to the higher 5D realms; where all wisdom resides. This can be a challenging procedure for Lightworkers to experience, however when our light is reactivated, we become self-empowered again and resume our mission of love, peace, equality, harmony and balance.

Lightworkers have unique individuated soul plans! But, our primary goal is to help people through our talents and gifts to find their light/purpose in being here by answering the questions: Who am I? and Why an I here? Most Lightworkers are accountable for healing the energy of fear, doubt or ignorance (monsters of mankind) with the energy of love.

When You’re A Lightworker:
You notice that you don’t fit in any type of class or group
The feeling of being misunderstood is amplified. We often feel like we don’t belong “in this world or life. We are aware we have an eternal higher realm home. Lightworkers have little resonance with everyday ‘normal life’. Spirituality becomes a way of life and there is no need to partake in any one religion or philosophy.

We develop a ‘cosmic consciousness’ and inner wisdom and know how to apply it.
Lightworkers allow our mental believing minds to move back into service of our knowing hearts. We ‘think’ with our hearts.

We prefer not to be in crowded places because we are well aware of energy and frequencies. Lightworkers tend to need quiet time to recharge our energies as we absorb the vibrations of those around us.

People innately trust you and seek your higher frequency support and guidance. Others ‘entrain’ to your loving energy.

Lightworkers have no fear of Death or Dying
Death is a transition in the stage of life for Lightworkers. Many Lightworkers have had near-death experiences, diseases, and have overcome huge obstacles in their lives. This allows us to directly know and understands life’s issues.

The soul plan of the Lightworkers has allowed us to release the illusion that death is final. There is an acceptance that life is transcendent. As a Lightworker, our mission/purpose is to have an open loving heart and a deep awareness to help others transition through these ever-changing times of ascension.

It’s not our job to change or heal anyone, but to accept with compassion our choices and bring forth Divine healing light. Our presence as a loving Lightworker/Wayshower is a major shift in consciousness and spiritual evolution for our planet and humanity.

Many Lightworkers are now joining in communities of love, peace, equality, harmony and balance to further support self and others. Are you ready to join us?

In Unconditional Love and Light,
Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network

Saturday, July 15, 2017



My father who was an orphan taught me early in life you do not have to travel to the other side of the world to find others in need. He would say, “Just look around you Phillip, you will find many in need within a mile radius of where you are right now.” He practiced what he taught and always found others to help quite near him, and saw the immediate result of his helping. I have found great joy in this practice in my life.

Friday, July 7, 2017


From Archangel Uriel, Guardian of Humanity and Earth
Channeled by Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network
 Early Summer, 2017
Dear Beloved Humans being human,
We come to you once again during this crucial time of the ascension of your planet and humanity. This message and reminder is intended for those of you who have chosen the path, the soul journey of the light worker and way shower.
During 2016 and into 2017 we and other higher realms have been sending routine teachings and messages to explain what you have chosen to experience at this time as an essential aspect of your growth and expansion. You have never been alone and never will be. We of the higher realms are committed to supporting your multi-dimensional advancement into a higher frequency of existence through heightened consciousness until we reunite as one. Are you fully committed dear ones?
As this channel and many others have been receiving, you are at present being sent multi-dimensional energies like never before as the ascension process of the planet accelerates. (Remember beginning December, 2012 you began the final 2,000 year cycle of this process for plant Earth). These energies are coming from all the factors that assisted in the creation of your planet and selves: the twelve star realms that originated the planet, galactic, archangelic and angelic, ascended masterships, and Inner Earth civilizations to name a few.
So what is the purpose of these multi-dimensional energies coming in now? They begin and assist in your final awakening to know who you are and why you are here through the healing of the relationship with self (self being a reflection of all there is).  This healing will allow self-mastery and life-mastery. You have been given from we of the higher realms many teachings and tools to support your process (see the library of books within Remember dear ones, you are all in the personal process of accepting with compassion that you are (becoming) multi-dimensional beings.
So how does this increased multi-dimensional energy work? From the higher realms these multi-dimensional energies enter your crown chakra in a clockwise movement, they transcend all the way down to your first chakra. As these energies move downward, they release old patterns, habits and rituals that no longer serve your new highest good. Depending upon your wounds and ego defense configurations, you may experience emotional, mental and/or physical symptoms through this process. Some call these periods “dark nights of the soul,” Rest assured this process is in divine order with no intention to harm but simply a ‘test’ to awaken you to fully embrace who you are (your reason to be here) and to know through your unique talents and gifts why you are here.
If it resonates you may consider creating support groups to assist one another during the “dark soul night” periods. This channel is planning on having ASCENSION CHAIR CEREMONIES within his community as a self-empowering vehicle to support self and others.
As mentioned earlier you have been receiving regular energetic boosts for quite some time but the final months and weeks of 2017 will be quite intense due to increase in  the electro-magnetic interchange of the planet with higher realms, affecting your selves. Remember your entire ascension process of transcending to a higher frequency of existence is a process of inside out, not outside in.  Your world is filled with chaos and distraction from this truth of your being: An eternal spiritual being choosing to have a human experience through your emotions creating thoughts that affect your dense physicality. . You who called yourselves light workers and way showers are being truly tested in your awakening  to choose to apply the wisdoms we send you or not.
During the final months of your year 2017, as you assimilate these multi-dimensional energies great moments of clarity will further awaken within you. As you further release old aspects of self that no longer serve you, moving through periods of “the dark night of the soul” you will less and less rely on the outside world to define who you are and why you are here.
The awakened self within will allow you to become a fully sustained and maintained  multi-dimensional human being knowing you are worthy and good enough to be here. The inner wounded child will finally heal and detach from the third-dimensional world that has kept your prisoner for so long.
Starting right here, right now, as the planet takes a deep out breath of summer rushing through and within you,  you are being boosted further into your individual ascension process (your divine destiny).
In Conclusion
Beloved humans as your mental bodies rush in and want to know when and how everything is going to happen, surrender to not always needing to know allowing the probabilities and possibilities of creation to manifest through.
You who deem yourselves light workers and way showers have committed to a deep examination of yourself, knowing the only path to truth, and freedom is a release from self.
Now beloveds, can you simply be with what is transpiring, accept with compassion thus forgive the choices you have made in being human. More and more you are releasing attachments to the outside world of form…are you not?
Through this timeline and process it is essential that your nurture self and one another by coming together in communities of love, peace, equity, harmony and balance. (The channel explained earlier what group actions he intends to take). Through knowing your truth, ask what you need as you establish your boundaries in relationship to self and others.  Lose any fear (the absence of love) of gathering in groups of support as you fully embrace what is transpiring within your ascension process. Now is the cycle of creating the new you and world you say you want.
In Unconditional Love,
Archangel Uriel, Guardian of Humanity & Earth

Monday, July 3, 2017


Joel Anastasi
Co-founder, The Angel News Network
With St Germain, channeled by Phillip Collins


“The original intention of the planet Earth is for the success of a democracy, a communion of twelve-star systems (which seeded Earth) together as one.

A system of democracy is simply a system where the equality of individuality is embraced, where equal importance of all expression is held sacred, where all beings live for the good and wholeness of one another.

Archangel Gabriel spoke these words to me in early 2003 when I was beginning two years of interviews that were published as The Second Coming, The Archangel Gabriel Proclaims a New Age.

For most of mankind’s history the few controlled the many. Humanity seemed content to accept the “divine right” of kings, pharaohs and other dictators and expected to be ruled by these powerful beings who told them what to do in virtually every area of their lives. Personal freedom had little meaning.

Then the United States was created, which Gabriel described as a “new world which was to be a synthesis of all the people of the world who have lived under oppression and have come here to find spiritual freedom and expression of their individual being. It was supposed to have been a collective of that democratic idea of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of individual social construct, so that every person and every group can live together in harmony and peace.”

Democracy took root in this small, weak cluster of rural states against enormous odds largely because of divine intervention, St Germain (the guide for this new spiritual age) tells us. Democracy gradually spread throughout the world, although the battle between authoritarianism and democracy has raged since our founding. Now authoritarianism is rearing its ugly head again in democracies such as the Philippines, Turkey, Eastern Europe and even in the United States itself.

 Astonishingly, large numbers of citizens of these democracies support attempts by these “strong men” (tyrants, St Germain calls them) to curtail freedoms of speech, religion, the press and movement.  Why would anyone wish to destroy these hard won human rights and freedoms?

That was the topic of a recent discussion I had with St Germain.

St Germain says the DNA of primitive man was altered millions of years ago by advanced alien civilizations to enslave them to mine minerals and metals these advanced civilizations needed for their home planets.

“These primitive species were genetically altered and manipulated to serve more advanced civilizations. Within that splitting and manipulation of the genes a slave mentality was factored into the DNA of the human species.

“You are healing the genetic manipulation that began with the origin of what became human beings as you know them today on this planet. You are healing the slave, the herd consciousness, mentality of the human being.

“Many people who look for daddy, to look for someone to tell them what to do, who resonate with the creation of tyrants or a dictator, they are still within the strong possession of that herd mentality, that slave mentality, to acquiesce to someone else to take care of them.

“Those of you who have raised your vibration and frequency to a higher state of consciousness no longer resonate with that and understand that it is the We consciousness that will move forward your individuated and collective consciousness as a species and the ascension of the planet.

“That is the wisdom that is missing from the knowledge of humanity, that they (tyrants) are appealing to the unhealed aspect of the origin of the species. That is a leap of information for most. That is what is taking place and he (Trump) instinctively knows how to appeal to that manipulated gene that needs to have someone tell them what to do and to follow them blindly regardless of their behavior.

“This is being healed by the higher frequency of the planet itself moving into the ascension process, which is affecting everything within and upon her body. So that same electro-magnetic frequency, that higher vibration, is also going through the human body, through your chakra system, healing that manipulated slave gene, if you will, that herd consciousness gene, for those of you who have decided to become conscious and to allow ascension to be the priority within your life.

“The most prominent feature of the tyrant is an endless capacity to counterfeit (lie) and dissemble (divide and conquer) to make something look like what it is not and to create multiple justifications to cover up self-serving motives. Protecting your free press can expose all this.

“Join in a collective consciousness to not resist the tyrant (which is what he wants and will fuel him) but create a positive, parallel path that exceeds any intention of the tyrant for the good of all.” (Honor and protect the U.S. Constitution which was inspired by St Germain.)

Sunday, July 2, 2017


By Phillip Elton Collins

Inspired by Ascended Master Saint Germain

Most of us are aware by now that our world and selves are changing like never before. That we are living within a unique opportunity of creating something new and leaving the old behind. A country called the United States appears to have a key role in the creation of this transitioning new world. But most do not understand why or how. Maybe a way of better understanding what is happening is to connect with the God Powers of the United States and dialogue with them as to what happened in the past and how that is effecting our present and future. This United States appears to have been “divinely" inspired with God Power higher realms support and it has not completely activated its “soul plan” quite yet.

There are some visual clues within the Great Seal of the United States (a powerful eagle, unfinished pyramid and various mottoes and numerological symbols) that point to esoteric and mystical support. The eagle is an ancient symbol of spiritual vision and God Powers and protection. The olive branch in the right (assertive Man Power masculine) talon means the "Prince of Peace” of God Powers who transcends time and space, as I AM THAT I AM. The unfinished pyramid is symbolic of the mission of perfecting one’s soul through Christ/We Consciousness and manifesting a nation into a final Golden Age. The mottoes, “annuit coeptis,” means, "He has smiled on our undertaking" and “e pluribus unum” means "One out of many". These mottoes have thirteen letters each and the pyramid has thirteen steps.

The often repetition of the number thirteen appears to reflect the founding fathers revealing we are twelve tribes (representing the 12 star systems that seeded the planet) and a thirteenth yet to be within the final Golden Age.

Today during this seemingly cynical (if I can’t see it, I won’t believe it) and often chaotic times (out of chaos comes creation), it may be challenging for many to believe that the United States could have ever been founded with the unseen hands of God Powers. But it appears that George Washington was quite aware of the unseen support he received when he said in his first inaugural address, "No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the Invisible Hand which conducts the affairs of men more than those of the United States”.

In fact, many early Americans appeared to believe that God Powers directed the outcome of the American Revolution when John Adams spoke, "America was designed by Providence for the theatre on which man was to make his true figure” and Patrick Henry agreed, “There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations”.

When you stop and think about it, doesn’t it seem impossible that a loosely group of “states" clinging to the Eastern coast of a huge continent, under the control of the mightiest Man Power on the planet, the British, with limited resources and organizational ability, could create what would become the most powerful country in the world. By anyone’s standard, the swift ascension of the American Republic was nothing less than a miracle! Unless we come to realize they did not do it alone. Perhaps we’ve never been alone.

Early Americans often felt a mystical connection to their situation and those of the ancient people of Israel, and their God Power.  George Washington and John Adams were often referred to a Moses and Joshua in their aim to "set their people free”.  Even the desert sands of the Sinai were later found out West. Religion, as it so often does, became the blueprint for political and governmental structure as the Bible laid the foundation for laws (Man Powers) and ways of being in the early colonies and established a pattern of behavior for the future of the nation to be. We are still attempting to sort out truth and Universal Law within the translations and intentions of the many versions of the Bible.
Much is being revealed now as we once again re-connect with God Powers and unseen hands assisting in "setting us free”.

Even before the Forefathers existed there seems to be some divine intervention in the “discovery" of America. Although many came before Christopher Columbus (Vikings, Druids, Egyptians, Phoenicians, Chinese, Arabians), he is ordained as the man destined to recreate the New Jerusalem  (notice USA is in the middle of Jerusalem) and the New Atlantis (the East coast of America is the remaining west coast of Atlantis), so the unfinished energetic intentions of these people may now manifest.  "Neither reason nor mathematics nor maps were any use to me” Columbus wrote, as literature of the day spoke of the rising of Atlantis once again.

There’s not a lot actually know about Columbus. He seems to have appeared from  cyberspace. His exact date and place of birth are not known. Some think he was Greek, others Italian, still some are sure he is a Spanish Jew. History assures us he was professed in ancient astrology and his names forecast his soul plan: Cristobal Colon, meaning “Christ bearer,” and “colonizer.” This mystical man was initiated in the esoteric language of the secret societies of his 15th Century such as Knight Templars, the Rosicrucian’s and the Masons. These sacred, ancient societies handed down the mystery teachings throughout the centuries.  Secret societies are still supported by the Great White Brotherhood. This brotherhood of adepts has throughout time enlightened humanity in the wisdom of Universal Law and Truth through their ancient connections to God Powers.

It was Columbus’ sponsorship by this mystical brotherhood that made his voyage to the New World possible and Man Powered.  While America had been discovered many times before, it was an idea whose time had now come. The destiny of America and Columbus was upon the world. As a result of the God Power sponsorship the "Christ-bearer colonizer” seduced the old world’s imagination as the revelation of the new world began. Of course none of this took into consideration the spiritual connections and ways of life of the existing native cultures. While these native cultures influenced language and geography, we are only now accepting our destruction of them and realizing their impact and contributions to the living diversified planet as a whole.
Thus a new nation, super imposed upon existing native cultures, was to be brought into life. While there was much to be done in the receiving and giving of the founding father’s papers/instructions from God Power realms (Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, the Constitution, etc.), few knew or understood the karma connection of ancient people, past and present, would have upon the New World.  Atlantis was the last Golden Age in this hemisphere that ended due to corruption and disconnection from God Power realms that caused that continent to sink. Proof that Atlantis existed beyond myth is now coming forth.  Only now are we knowing that America today is birthing a final Golden Age upon this planet and beginning to see the revelations of past and present higher realm connections.

Repeated Earth lives is widely accepted in the Far East and while not universally accepted in the West this is shifting and beginning to make common sense to most and through shared near-death experiences. How can an eternal soul only have one physical chance?

So if we accept an individual may reincarnate more than once seeking to perfect the soul (to learn what we came here to learn) it makes sense that entire civilizations can do the same to work out their collective destiny/soul plan. With the aim of keeping things as simple as possible, we won’t discuss all the civilizations that preceded Atlantis, and the Old World, and the names lost in time. But rest assured, there’s a lot more to this story than any of our history presently shares. This will all be revealed soon…this author intends to be involved with our true, complete history…

As we discussed earlier, the eastern seaboard of North America was the part of Atlantis that did not sink. It took years for this portion of the planet to become habitable after Columbus. One initiate of the higher realm brotherhoods, whose soul plan was to reestablish the final Golden age beyond Atlantis, was the amazing man Francis Bacon. These types of men (a balance of Man and God Powers) rarely exist today.

Francis Bacon was the Lord Chancellor of England, statesman, humorist, orator, author, scientist, and philosopher. For those astute in esoteric studies Bacon is known to be the author of all Shakespeare’s work.
In his “Instauratio Magna” Bacon presented a plan for the reconstruction of sciences, arts and all human knowledge.  He founded the first lodge of Free Masons where upon almost every founding father was a member.

Through this secret society Bacon laid the blueprint for the establishment of the United States. Masonry offers  "a philosophy of the spiritual life of man and a diagram of the process of regeneration”. The mission and training of Masonry is, "to be God Power reborn, authentic and allow the death of our lower nature, our man power”.  The Mason’s “great science of soul building” is built into many of America’s founding fathers papers. Applied to America, this meant the resurrection of our final Golden Age, the New Atlantis, the New Jerusalem.  A word of caution. Like all human endeavors (corrupted Man Powers) not all compartments of the Masons were pure of heart. We are speaking the high ideal here.

Few know of Bacon’s contributions to America since he worked "behind the scenes" and left few traces of his work. Most of the knowledge of Bacon comes directly from higher realm connections. With the foundation and manifestation of Masonry in America the blueprint was formed for a new country. There was just one big problem. America was still under British Man Power!

As the world knows, during the mid-1770’s the "spirit,” the goddess of Liberty, swept the American colonies. The unrest grew out of reaction to British tyranny and greed and the "great awakening”, a spiritual remembrance that gave rise to the knowledge that God (Power) had founded a New Atlantis, A New Jerusalem in America.  American liberty became God’s cause. British tyranny was the anti-Christ. And to not fight the British was to burn in hell.

Along with these fiery words and intentions, the well-organized Masons throughout the land, gave the much needed structure for revolution. It is safe to say the American Revolution could have never happened without the Masons with their organization and ancient God Power wisdom/connections. There was hardly a town or city where some Mason was not preaching fraternity and unity.

Through the famous Boston Tea Party, we remember that that city was the initial center of American motivation for change. And it was the Masons who could manifest that motivation and did. An essential Mason in the manifestation of America was George Washington.

Washington maintained and sustained colonial armies and when Congress would not support him he used his own money to make sure America could fight. Through his soul plan Washington put his sacred honor on the line for the cause of freedom. Fifty-three of the fifty-six signers of the Declaration of Independence were Masons; even Paul Revere was a Mason. The major generals in the Continental Army were Masons. You get the picture. The states were unlikely to form a union without Washington and other’s masonry. Through Washington’s virtues and actions the office of President was formed and he was the only person the people could imagine to assume that office…it all seemed by divine God Power appointment.

The Man and God Power marriage of Bacon and Washington’s soul plans came into integration with the creation and adoption of the Constitution   The Constitution embraced the Mason principles of brotherhood that each human would be abundant based on his own free efforts; the initiatic path of the Mason. Never before had a country factored free speech, religion, press and assembly into one mighty document (a true combination of Man and God Power). Humans would be given the chance to activate their divine soul plan, his or her destiny. These written principles still exist and we are still working on the equal, balanced and harmonious reality of them. The foundation is in place for the next Golden Age. We just need to heal any and all elements standing in the way of the full expression of these divinely inspired principles so they can spread throughout the world…

The Goddess of Liberty is the patroness of the Mason’s “sacred cause,” and their motto “novus ordo seclorum” (new order of the ages) supports America leading the planet into its final Golden Age of WE THE PEOPLE CONSCIOUSNESS. The art and literature of early America is filled with angelic beings, gods and goddesses reflecting the higher realms supporting all efforts of freedom and equality.  Of course, we are still working on these! And we shall not be free until all are equal.

It is the opinion of this writer that the basis for most of our duality and separation is the imbalance of the masculine and feminine energies reflecting out into racial, religious, cultural and sexual divides in our world today. When will we accept that we are all diversified version of the same Source/God Power.

Literature of the colonial period reveals that the Goddess of Liberty came to George Washington several times within his lifetime giving him a vision of the three tests that America would endure: (1) The Revolutionary War, (2) the Civil War, and (3) surrendering to the unknown destiny of the country through the support of higher realms. It was clear to Washington no mere moral could solve all these tests. That without the support of higher God Power realms all would be lost.

Scholars and philosophers of the past have noted throughout our history that during periods of transitions/shifts/ascension, the process of spiritualization (not to be confused with religion), through God Power  creates a resolve of higher consciousness connections allowing a balance of Man and God Power.

The human mind is simply incapable of resolving planetary and humanity transformations by our selves! The sooner we know and accept this truth, the better. We have never been alone.

Let us resolve to call upon ALL THERE IS (God Power) as "we the people” through our I AM THAT I AM presence know it is our divine destiny to create together a new paradigm of Oneness, a final Golden Age servicing Source.  As students of truth let us heal our thoughts and emotions to create loving thought/emotion forms on both Man and God planes; knowing these have the ability to transform the course of events in the 3D world… Knowing God Power being the most powerful force and tool in the Universe.

As we fully enter the next 2,000 year epoch of planet Earth foretold my Archangels Gabriel and Michael, leading to our final glorious Golden Age, let us also focus on the "spiritual sponsor" of America, the Ascended Master guiding the Aquarian Age, beloved Saint Germain.  It’s truly amazing that so few Americans know who Saint Germain is.  Sweet people, it was Saint Germain who embodied the "Christ-bearer colonizer" Christopher Columbus and the founder of Free Masonry, Francis Bacon. And all along it has been Saint Germain who held in his heart the vision of the New JerUSAlem and New Atlantis solely based upon the principles of spiritual freedom and equality for all! Man Power becoming God Power.

Saint Germain now again invites us to rise to our God Powers and connections of WE CONSCIOUSNESS, in order to manifest our immortality… To finally be free.  And that is what Mystical America is all about!

Saturday, July 1, 2017


(July 4, 2017)
Chapter from MAN POWER GOD POWER, By Phillip Elton Collins

A Dialogue with the combined Saint Germain and  Lord Sananda, Christ Consciousness Energies.

After the 2012 (a year of increased vibratory frequencies) American Presidential elections there was a quantum shift in human consciousness, which allowed a dispensation from Source that allowed truths to once again come forward. This is a dialogue between two ascended realms that are very involved in the creation, destiny, and evolution of America, the heart of the world. It matters not if you do not recognize or believe the source of this conversation. Can you hear the content, and if it resonates, apply it?

Phillip: Beloved Saint Germain and Sananda, what is the most important thing you wish to say at this time?

Saint Germain and Sananda: America “belongs” to the higher realms of Light that created it, not you. America belongs to God Power. We feel the same way about the Nation as you do. We are one in the same, we are One.

Phillip: What exactly does this mean?

Saint Germain and Sananda: Unknown to most of you, We Beloved Forces, have been working for mankind for eons, especially in the creation of America.

Who do you think inspired your Founding Fathers and those enlightened papers they wrote? Through our love and support, America is a gift to those who wish to be free. And even though things are not yet perfect, you are the freest people in the world. And this is about the shift even more…

Phillip: What do you mean, “a gift to be free”?

Saint Germain and Sananda:  You see dear ones, America belongs to the We Conscious People of The Light, not to any dark forces that have attempted to control you for so long.  The gift is your awakening into freedom, at last.

Phillip: How did all this start? Why is America so important to the rest of the world?

Saint Germain and Sananda:  Most of you do not know that America is where humanity first took human form in the original Land of Light, called Lemuria. Only a brief part of that physical world still exists in your Western United States. It was in Lemuria that your soul blueprint as a nation began through the direct connection and service to ALL THERE IS. This was millions of years ago, not hundreds or thousands.  That unconditional loving energetic blueprint still exists within each of you through the Central Sun core of Mother Earth. As many of you are choosing to complete your Ascension, along with Mother Earth, into higher realms now, many chose to do the same as in the time of Lemuria.

Phillip: So you are saying that our American origin came from the Light and still belongs to it. And our genetic coding connection to previous Light People still exists with us. And you and they are guiding and supporting us in our ascension process now?

Saint Germain and Sananda: Yes, Dear One. You have more love and support from us than what exists within most of yourselves. Can you receive now what we have to give?

Phillip: Can you further explain exactly what happened during and after our Presidential election?
Saint Germain and Sananda:  Through your ascension process what has been most importantly revealed (again) is the necessity for a “god powered-government,” an authentic, transparent government filled with justice and equality for The People of the Light, you. So far you have had man-made (manpower) governments reflecting all your wounds and ego defenses. This must end, dear ones.

Phillip: Why are you doing all this?

Saint Germain and Sananda: Because we came from the People (we were once just like you), We are now returned to the Light and our mission is to guard it and never again allow the darkness to prevail. For America belongs to the higher realms of light, where the light and we came. And our destiny is to unite in Oneness.

Phillip: So how can we make sure this return to the Light happens?

Saint Germain and Sananda: You must be careful to no longer give your power away to those who think they are the rulers of the land. You must now move away from any and all concept or belief in giving your power away. America, The Land of Light, must be ruled by the people, for the people, we the people through Man Power becoming God Power.

Phillip: Is that where “WE THE PEOPLE” came from?

Saint Germain and Sananda: Yes, Dear One, where else?  We The People came from the Beings of Light. American belongs to that Light. American can and will now set yourself free by the Light within you. Can you now demand and command that the Light rule the land (God Power), not man-not-so-kind, Man Power.

Phillip: How else will this transformation take place?

Saint Germain and Sananda: Through the love of self and others and nation the destruction of negative forces can appear near.
Let the Light hourly grow and expand through the American hand throughout the land and the entire Earth. This process has greatly begun and you felt it during your past elections.

Phillip: It seems you are ever present?

Saint Germain and Sananda: The higher Beings of Light from which we came are waiting and watching for every possible opportunity to bring into your 3D reality an awakened people ready to return to the way of the Light, Oneness, We Consciousness. This is the true feeling within most of you, isn’t…in spite of your dualistic and confrontational ways.

Phillip: Please further explain the cause and effect.

Saint Germain and Sananda:  Stop accepting “wounded,” non-healed authority outside yourselves that have kept you in bondage so long. Command and demand the Light Authority, the I AM PRESENCE, to God-govern and lead you. The lengthy wait of humanity is over, if you can only receive and accept this god power within yourselves…. remember, Earth, and you and we are one.

Phillip: Please continue…

Saint Germain and Sananda: So much of your struggle and energy has not helped your ascension process and only created more lack and limitation. Examine how you use your time and energy and does it always serve your highest good?  Now embrace your inner Light and power forever more…and finally shut off the separation of human creation!

Phillip: It seems now is the time for us to demand that our world be free of man-made authority (Man Power), and embrace our freedom than can only come from The Light Within.

Saint Germain and Sananda: When you finally embrace this Light, almost instantly the barriers will fall like the Berlin wall. Any other way can only cause more delay. Aren’t you ready?

Phillip: So we have got to break the destructive cycle that has controlled our Nation and the World too long. 

We need to set America and the World free from all authority that is not rightfully from the Light within each of us.

Saint Germain and Sananda: This will allow a God Power used: on your Ascension process that will create great joy.

Phillip: What further prevents Ascension?

Saint Germain and Sananda: You cannot take separation and duality and confrontation into the Ascension frequency. This density is what is keeping you where you are now. Your present frequency simply is not allowed within higher realms.

Phillip: But it is our destiny to ascend?

Saint Germain and Sananda: Once you fully connect to The Light Within the mass (we) consciousness of humanity can and will shift. Can you accept with compassion and forgive the past and the present. It’s merely how you chose to learn. Then you will be truly free, forever, dear ones. Remember, there is no law in the Universe that can ever enslave humanity by The Light Within; God Power is always good.

Phillip: So let’s briefly recap your teaching…

Saint Germain and Sananda: Human Man Power authority is what has enslaved you; The Light Within Authority (God Power) is the freeing power that has always been available and with you. It is time for you to be free from the many things you struggle against within yourself and others. The higher realms are pouring their love and light into you everyday to assist in freeing you from your human authority. We can only do so much not to interfere with your freedom of choice and will. Are you willing to do the work and join our efforts moving Man Power into God Power? 
If you so choose you can serve The Light Within you and radiate it out in World Service. And be totally free, at last.

Phillip: Thank you Beloved Beings of Truth and The Light.