Friday, September 29, 2017

Michaelmas, September 29th: TEN TENETS OF BEINGNESS

MICHAElMAS,  September 29th
From The Council of Archangelic Realms , Received on Michaelmas by Phillip Elton Collins

Dear Beloved Humans,

Michaelmas, September 29th is the celebration of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel guarding and guiding humanity. This day especially recognizes Lord Michael who is assisting your advancement from your believing mind to your knowing heart. As your planet releases another ‘out breath’ at your time of equi
nox, a time to review your harvest of the past year, we now gift you with THE TEN TENETS OF BEING: COSMIC COMMANDMENTS to set you free from yourselves.
1. Know that this living, conscious planet and all upon and within her are sacred; not taking responsibility for this truth will result in her and your physical but not spiritual death.
2. Maintain and sustain connection to the Higher Realms from whence you came; not doing so will ultimately lead to your physical demise, and spiritual truth.
3. Know you are each other in disguise; see the mirror of self in all; not being/doing so will continue your separation and confrontation until you have had enough of it.
4. Be and do together in honoring the diversity of your Oneness; allowing the good of all to manifest.
5. Balance giving and receiving through compassion wherever need exist; there is plenty for everyone.
6. Your heart knows the authentic thing to be and do in every moment; no matter what the mind is saying.
7. Honor your body temple that houses (for now) your eternal soul returning to spirit through your emotions and mind creating your reality.
8. Be truthful and transparent all the time by knowing your truth, needs and boundaries through knowing who you are and why you are here; your soul plan and purpose in being here.
9. By taking full responsibility for your actions, the reality you create, you eliminate consequences of learning not to your liking.
10. Know you are creation experiencing itself in order to be in world and universe service.

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