Only Oneness Omits Isolation
From: Cosmic Keepers of
Channel by Phillip Elton
Dear Humanity Evolving From Duality To Oneness,
With a world filled with pandemics, separation,
duality and often confrontation, perhaps it is time to revisit the reality of
Oneness within your existence in order to create a new reality of equality,
harmony and balance. How does that feel?
Prior to understanding Oneness, it is essential
to understand what creates the opposite of Oneness. It is your life experiences
and emotions, which create ‘wounds’ that then create ‘ego defenses,’ around the
wounds, to defend the wounds. Most of your lives are currently spent defending
which prevents Oneness. (A deeper study of ego defenses are gained through many
higher realm teachings; one of which is Activate Your Soul Plan: Angel
Answers & Actions, Chapter 16, by this channel). Understanding and
mastering your defenses is a teaching unto itself and one of the most
self-empowering tools available to you.
Through your freedom of choice and will you have
chosen to learn through your wounds and defenses, thus duality and separation.
In spite of how things appear in your world at present, it is your destiny to
learn another way through Oneness. How and when you achieve this is up to you.
When you get sick and tired enough of what you are experiencing, perhaps you
will make another choice.
Let us further discuss and ‘prove’ to your
mental body the reality and benefit of Oneness, with the intent to assist you
in moving from your old way of learning to a new, easier paradigm of learning
through Oneness. Humanity appears to be addicted to learning the hard way! Why
not choose a new way?
One of the most empowering truths within the
universe is that of Oneness and how this ancient concept shifts the way
humanity perceives and experiences the world. Through the Ascension Process
(evolving to a higher consciousness of existence, which the planet and humanity
is experiencing at present), it is time to accept with compassion and know that
the application of Oneness can and will change humanity, thus the world for the
better and insure its survival.
The idea of Oneness is not foreign to humanity.
Your religions have moved from duality (many gods) to Oneness reflecting the
evolution of humanity. Many religions teach the Oneness of their God and the
existence of one all-powerful force in the universe. Metaphysics teaches the
Oneness of good and evil, light and dark, right and wrong, and male and female
(all being aspects of the same Oneness). Universal Law teaches/reveals that
Oneness also means that everything, All There Is, and all that ever will
be, is One; one reality. In effect, there is nothing in reality that is not
Oneness. Through ascension of the planet and humanity, you are in the
personal and collective process of remembering and applying this truth of
Oneness. Oneness is your eternal, divine life insurance policy and pathway
to the world you say you want, one of equality harmony and balance.
Everything in existence is created of the same
Oneness ‘Cosmic stuff,’ atoms, electrons, molecules. These are common qualities
that you are exchanging, sharing and replacing all the time. This is the
foundation of the Oneness of humanity, as well. Your scientists have proven
that all life on the planet is engaged in a great Oneness energetic exchange
constantly. Your senses are programmed to see boundaries that often prevent
seeing the Oneness. You are in effect an individuated aspect of the Whole, the
Oneness, whether you see it or are conscious of it or not. You are in the
process of waking up and being able to see the truth of your existence.
One of the most hidden aspects of Oneness is the
fact that your emotions and thoughts are creating your reality all the time.
Emotions and thoughts are components of Oneness, whether they are negative or
positive, influencing the Oneness becoming conscious or not. Once your Oneness
becomes conscious you create a unified field of consciousness, which is
Once you fully embrace this unified field of
consciousness (Oneness), evolving/ascending further spiritually, you come to
know your emotions and thoughts are creating everything (even your weather
stored in the atmosphere} as well as assisting the clearing and cleansing of
the planet herself. As you become more and more aware of this ‘unified Oneness’
in action you can begin to take more responsibility for your emotions and
thoughts, mastering the cosmic equation responsibility=consequence. When
you become responsible you can create consequences more to your liking than the
ones you are currently creating (separation from self, others and your world). Becoming
more constructive rather than destructive to the experiences/events in your
lives allows the creation of an ‘Oneness environment’ that shifts everything
into a We Consciousness rather than separation.
Dear ones, can you begin to see that the
concept/reality of Oneness allows you to become multidimensional (which you
are) and has the ability to recreate a unified new world paradigm to reshape
your lives by seeing the interconnectivity of you all and your need to address
some new responses (rather than reactions) in your lives and world? You are not
just three dimensional aspects (emotions, thoughts and physicality) but are
also connected to the unseen world of Oneness, which actually maintains and
sustains everything through the Oneness of the Eternal Spirit.
Let us look at it this way: Oneness is all life
-- your emotions and thoughts, the Creator, and your physical actions, the
manifested result. You are all individuated expressions of Oneness employing
the Laws of Cause and Effect and karma, which is the way you have chosen to
learn what you need to learn (to learn to love). It is your destiny not to have
to learn this way in the future (which is actually now).
Every one of the experiences you create is a
personal mirror that invites you to learn more about Oneness, your
relationships with self, others, All There Is, or reality. Ultimately,
Oneness demands and commands that Oneness is All There Is. You may
choose to call Oneness God, Source, All There Is, if any
of that resonates for you. Your life experiences are expressions of your Divine
Soul Plans (reason to be here) reflecting what you need to learn from lifetime
to lifetime. Although you are at present individual you are One with All
There Is; you are One with Oneness.
Let’s create an exercise that further allows you
to connect with your Oneness:
For the next week, embrace the concept of seeing
the Oneness in everyone you come into contact. Look at each person directly
(they do not have to know you are doing this) and feel and think, “I
acknowledge the Oneness within each of us.” After several days into this
exercise, you will notice a shift within yourself as you continue the exercise.
Through the integration of the Oneness feelings, and thoughts, you will sense a
Divine Connection to everyone! You will begin to know that everyone is an
aspect/part of you and know you are a part of them. You will realize this is
how Oneness (Creation) sees and feels about everything. You will then know
you have individually experienced Oneness.
Achieving the above shift in consciousness, you
become aware that there is more involved in reality than just your mental body
or perception. You will begin to ‘think’ with your heart and know the
purpose of your heart awareness is to allow you to conceive yourself and
directly experience yourself to be individuated and yet one with Oneness. In
effect, the believing mind is moving back into service to the knowing heart
(this is an essential aspect of your evolutionary process).
Through this mind/heart shift the illusion of
separation between the observer and the physical world is dissolving: the
observer becomes and affects the observed. Quantum physics has proven that
observance/energy is a building block of Creation. This energy spreads out
infinitely without boundary or set destination. As you move deeper within your
knowing heart, you see the untruth of two realities: one aspect of perception
sees the world of separation, while a higher self-perception sees reality as an
integrated cosmic choreograph of loving energy. As you continue to ‘think’ with
your heart you come to know what you perceive with your five senses is not the
only reality. You come to know what affects one affects the other no matter the
time or distance.
Through the concept of Oneness, you are also
connecting with the moment of now where there is no time or distance since
there is no past or future. Where there is no time or distance there can be
no separation, only Oneness. Time and distance have been and
continue to be the illusions that allow you to experience your three
dimensional reality of emotions, thoughts, and the physical. Time and distance
have been your teaching tools of cause and effect, and duality, which are your
destiny to end. When and how is up to you in your freedom of choice and will.
Dear ones, your illusions in consciousness and
separation were created to provide a laboratory of learning to evolve from the
perception of separation to the consciousness of Oneness. You have been learning what is through what is
not. This is a tough way to learn but a necessary and effective one based upon
your past and present history. All of this is allowing you to know who you are
and why you are here and the true meaning, value and purpose of life (to learn
to love and serve through that love).
The illusionary outside world that you daily
experience and the inner/higher self-world that you identify as being your
eternal self are actually one and the same. The outer world is your mirror. The
purpose of the reflection in the mirror is to awaken you to your Oneness with All
There Is. You are moving from me consciousness to We
Consciousness, Oneness.
In Conclusion
Once you accept with compassion and forgive how
you have chosen to learn, you can begin to build communities of equality,
harmony and balance in the world: to know that everything is Oneness and
everything exists to wake up to this Oneness. All that ever was and is is One. We
are all One.
Only your Oneness omits your isolation,
separation and duality from self, others and your world. When you are ready to
embrace the truth of your reality, your Oneness, you will fully reunite with
your Divinity and your service to All There Is will be in full force.