Wednesday, May 19, 2021



By Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network,
In concert with the Ascended Masters Council
We look at the marvels of many ancient civilizations and wonder how they achieved such great things so long ago, knowing we cannot duplicate them now. Let us revisit and restore some of the lost wisdom that is so needed now, a wisdom that can protect our planet and insure our survival.
Of course, this is a complex matter (having to do with matter), so I shall do my best to keep it as simple as possible. We need to eliminate ignorance and the financial and political obstructions that stand in the way of our development. Only with the light of reason and truth can we begin to see all the unlimited possibilities of THE LAW OF VIBRATION which has to do with the spiritual science dealing with numerical vibrations, colors and sound (all forms of energy).
It is our divine destiny to rediscover THE LAW OF VIBRATION which can govern all endeavors of humanity--government, science, communication education, finance, health, energy--or the betterment of all. Humanity is not ready to fully understand and accept all its precepts, but this discussion will explain how vital it is that we discover and master this law and what can happen if we do.
We are condensed energy vibrating at certain frequencies, which can create good health or death or the construction of great civilizations, depending on the vibration of this energy. Once we master vibrational law, we shall cure disease by knowing it’s root cause and stop treating symptoms with drugs and procedures with toxic side effects. Physical and emotional disorders will be regarded as discordant sound; depression and physical disease will be diagnosed in terms of low vibration. The use of color (a frequency) and sound will become common-place in healing as well as what is taught in medical schools. Some metaphysicians are using beginnings of this spiritual science, but much more will be revealed.
The construction of large structures and the lifting of great weight will someday be understood in terms of sound as it was during advanced ancient civilizations. Creation is a cycle (where there is no time nor distance) which returns upon itself and, thus, is in our future. This reappearance of a faculty (creating a vacuum through sound) that the Lemurians, Atlanteans, early Egyptians, Mayans, used to raise great masses can be ours (a higher return of the creation spiral.)
People will eventually be grouped by their vibration or frequency color (not race) as more and more of us develop the ability to see auras. THE LAW OF VIBRATION will eventually supersede number measurements and will become our basic system of measurement. The religious teachings of the world and the ideas of right and wrong and judgment will be redefined by one’s vibration and frequency color, where there is no right nor wrong nor judgment. It simply is what it is. You are who you are by your choosing your divine destination.
Higher realms are waiting for us to increase our consciousness enough for all of the LAW to be given to us since, if the spiritual science is used wrongly, it could destroy much of the planet and ourselves. (The Atlanteans experienced this. They destroyed themselves through the misuse of energy by the forces protecting this planet).
Vibrations can destroy or create through the employment of united sound. Our present practice of killing one another through war will prevent us from receiving this complete wisdom. We must learn that we are diversified versions of one another from the same source.
This brief discussion intends to show what is possible and can happen to mankind if we choose to evolve. Using vibration through sound and color can revolutionize and change our lives for the better. Only as we develop can the wonders of the LAW OF VIBRATION become available to us.
May be an illustration of one or more people and tattoo
Jorge Alejandro Allende and Matthew Ahmah Kent
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