Sunday, November 18, 2018


Journey of the Awakened Heart
Archangel Michael Speaks
Channeled by Jeff Fasano

Transitioning into Your Powerfulness

From the Archangelic Realm of Michael this is Michael and We welcome you as many are just beginning to see the powefulness of who they are, just beginning to know being who they are. Many are beginning to shed the pre-conceived notions that they are powerless. They are letting go of standing by and letting others do it, just following along, and transitioning into seeing their powerfulness.  Many are being shown their power.   
It is now time to act upon that power. 

Yet it is a transition and many are asking the question, How? 
Many are peeking from behind the veil and there are those who are stepping from behind it. It is important to integrate into your powerfulness. The first step is to release your powerless-ness by releasing the conditioned notion that you are powerless that resides in your mental body.  The transition is moving from the belief in your mind that you are powerless, to a knowingness in your soul, your heart, that you are powerful.    

In essence you are moving from conditioning to knowing. You are moving from the conditioning of the child that is healing, to knowingness that is eternal. The soul’s path is powerfulness. Many are beginning to realize this powerfulness, yet are negotiating it. Many are beginning to speak their truth in the beingness of who you are.

In this process, some may see now where they could have asserted themselves by standing in their power. What is transpiring for many is a cleaning, cleansing, reshaping and reforming of the masculine energy. Moving to being assertive as opposed to being aggressive. What you see in your outer world right now is the aggression of the masculine energy, this is the old paradigm of the masculine energy.   

Many in their personal process have moved deeper within and connected to the feminine energy, there is now a reshaping and a reforming of the masculine energy thus balancing the feminine and masculine energies within.  It is time to now assertively move into your powerfulness. What is releasing is the old masculine taught by dad and the old feminine taught by mom. And as you release this you can move into your own definition of who you are and stand in the powerfulness of who you are. Many are realizing what they are capable of. 

What is transpiring is moving into a new definition of self.  

We ask you at this time of transition to allow yourself to be where you are. For many the nervous system is being re-formed. Many find, they are no longer stimulated by the old, their nervous system is no longer triggered by the old. New is forming. The nervous system is re-forming from needing the hit of stimulation to feel alive, to a place of fulfillment and thus a more deeper and lasting life.    











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