With St. Germain, written Phillip
Elton Collins
physical life an individual lives within the third dimension of their emotions
creating their thoughts creating their reality. When they leave their body
(die) they transcend into the next dimension called the fourth or astral.
information for many is the truth that there is no need for the mind to lose
(be lost) its own existence when the five senses stop when an object of its
consciousness like the physical body dies.
Physical death cannot eliminate the mind itself (being independent of
the physical brain). A person is receiving thoughts from the independent
non-physical mind that the brain receives during physical life. Knowing these
things, why should anyone fear death?
world, one’s reality, exists inside a person’s
consciousness and therefore cannot be lost at death. The mind will come into
spatial manifestation once more when consciousness resumes after death. In this
reality a person’s knowledge survives after death. This is humanity’s victory over death! Remember, the mind itself (apart from its
contents) is not in time and is not limited to time sequences. Thus birth and
death, which are ideas completely dependent on time cannot apply to it. So in
reality the mind is immortal since time
does not effect it.
the mind existed before the birth of the physical body while the body was
waiting for the completion of its form. Death ends some things but leaves the
mind, the divine human essence untouched. This truth allows an individual to
know that death does not end all.
When the
period of post death unconsciousness ends, consciousness slowly returns not
unlike the gestation in the womb. The individual begins to experience a
self-centered, external world. But what
is felt as external is actually internal. Things seems very much like the dream
state when alive, space is not physical but mental.
Let us
change the ‘where’ we are after death to ‘what’ we are
after death. The spirit of the recently dead person does not reach this ‘other world’ by any sensation of spatial movement. It is reached by a change in
consciousness, knowing the mind remains and gives birth to a new and different
state of beingness. Remembering the earthly dimension is a form of
consciousness so the next dimension after death must also be a form of
consciousness, not a place. The mastership of the mind is that it can create
its own world by its own manifesting powers. So whatever dimensions and world
that exist beyond this one they too can only be mental ones, forms of
consciousness (states of being).
the spirit’s state is likened to that of a dreamer, there are some essential
differences: (1) It is longer; (2) the
illogical sequences of dreams is not found there. Things are presented in a ‘divine order’. The world of the disincarnate spirit (an imagined one) feels very real as the one just left. The
experiences in this new world pertain solely to the spirit’s own person, not others. Just like dreams, the spirit world is a
private one with all destinations ending in Creation itself. The spirit has
begun a sacred journey to the unified, oneness connection with Creation itself.
The spirit is no longer in a public world as on Earth.
loving, dreaming, creativity and spiritual experiences are all ingredients in
the make -up of existence. The after-death life sees itself as if they were
external to itself, seeing people through images constructed via their
subconscious utilizing emotions, thoughts from its physical lifetime.
The ‘average’ person’s experience within their post death spirit life will be a mild mixture
of good and bad and should not expect anything too dramatic to occur. The halls
of ‘hell’ of the wicked and the ‘heavens’ of the
heavenly are fairly sparsely populated. The new arrival will most likely fall
into a state which is hardly different from that of an uneasy sleep. During
these prolonged spells of awakening the individual recovers much the same
personal consciousness, emotions, thoughts, desires which they possessed
before. There seemingly is no major change in the person, memories of the past
return, they find it hard to believe they are really dead. All this becomes an
extraordinary dream that is pure spirit existence.
Now for
the others who have been particularly good or bad, there are some six fully
conscious states in one of which the spirit will find itself by an universal
process of natural attraction and mental receptivity: three being dense and dark and three being of
a high frequency and light. There is a seventh and intermediate state that lies
between the two aforementioned states.
This seventh state is the one most people pass into at death. Each state measures a different intensity of
moral character, with the lowest state being a sphere of the absence of love
(hatred) and the highest state is a sphere of love (blissfulness). The forces
of moral attraction and moral repulsion (Law of Attraction) determines the
character of the spirit’s environmental experiences and
contact with other positive or negative beings.
In the
lower states the spirits become victims of their own extreme selfishness and
addicted vices, (remember the spirits are dwelling in a world very similar to
their dream state when they were alive). The spirits dwell surrounded by the
most divine spheres to which only a change of thought is necessary to lift them
but they can ignorantly remain in their own hideous creation if they so choose
through their free will. The spirit’s imagination eventually wears
itself out with their struggles against its own self-centered phantoms and
finally it perceives the truth that ‘hell’ is
simply the hunger of their own unsatisfied passions and eventually releases
them. This act teaches the spirit to keep their negative aggressive behavior
close at hand and ascends/liberates the spirit to a higher frequency humanity’s ascension process continues in spirit as well as human form).
essential lesson learned is that the next world is not a physical
location/place but a vividly prolonged mental experience (but like all mental
experiences it can contain people and locations within itself, and are real
enough while it lasts). The universal truth is that what organized religions
call heaven and hell is not a place but is a state of mind. To say they are a
place to possibly arrive at is a way of fear and control.
historical example may help at this time which can apply to some of your
current events at present. The Nazi Germans who were filled with the passions
of greed, cruelty, hatred and conceit, in the spirit world were tutored in a
most effective way. They were destined to undergo a veritable nightmare in
which they experienced in prolonged form the ‘living
images’ of the agonies they had brought to others. They became the scarified
victims of their own debased thoughts and actions.
who denounce the ‘doctrine of purgatory’ as mere superstition or religious
dogma are only partly right for there is a state of moral instruction for
humanity. The state of ‘purgatory’
described here is only a temporary condition. In the divine order of creation
there can be no dreadful doctrine of eternal damnation for there is a divine
eternal spirit within each human. Each individual is within a personal process
of ascending into that state of being.
What the
spirit passes through in any of the after-death states is largely determined by
the general tendency or habit-energy of what is thought, believed, desired and
understood during its Earth life. There is no reason why anyone who wants to
have a blissful time in paradise cannot create that. You can create happiness
in a dream while alive so why not as a disincarnate spirit? The after-death
state allows humanity to realize (for a limited time) their dominate desires.
Human emotions and thoughts will inevitably manifest to the mental sphere most
in accord with them. In effect, the death-world is a subjective one and evolves
out of one’s own imagination.
There is
always an end to the dreaming sleep during Earthly life and there is always an
end to the dreaming activity of spirit life. Permanent union with others exists
only in finding the enduring self (Creation is inexorable). The passage from
this dream intermediate state to the next one, which is that of blissful
dreamless sleep, is similar to the swoon that takes place from the physical
life to the spirit world. The spirit now enters and dwells in a condition which
is equivalent to what is formerly known as a deep slumber when alive. Here the
spirit finds a merciful rest from the burden of personal consciousness, an
utter oblivion of the self-centered memories, joys and pains which have
accompanied the spirit within earthly and unearthly existences.
above period may now be divided into roughly three stages: (1) where the dream
life is immersed into the denser/darker side of personal existence and
addictive desire; (2) where the dream life is immersed into the brighter and
more honorable side of existence and (3) is an entirely dreamless and
unconscious rest. Thus, the spirit
passes successively through the phases of
pain/suffering, happiness and that which transcends both. Most
individuals skip the first stage and start their “spirit-career” intermittently conscious in an unexciting neutral zone.
question commonly asked is whether it is possible to communicate with spirits
whether through seances or other settings with professional mediums. The answer
is that under abnormal conditions you can succeed in doing so. But in most
cases, it is unlikely that the communication will be the spirits of those whom
you believe them to be. Both the requester and the medium are usually ignorant
of the working of the deeper layers of their own minds, an ignorance which
often causes them to ascribe to a spirit words and visions which emanate from
themselves alone.
By the
grace of the eternal spirit or by the force of great love genuine communication
is sometimes affected through a medium and can bring great comfort. At a
minimum such contact proves to some that there exists a world beyond the one
they presently reside within. But keep in mind, just as living humans are not
ordinarily aware of the dead-life, so the dead are not ordinarily aware of the
living. A factor in this non-awareness is that fact that time and space are
elastic, they will differ to different beings in different planes. There is no
fixed space and no fixed time beyond the realm of the living. And to further
complex the matter, different kinds of living creatures have different kinds of
space-time perceptions.
spirit does not usually understand that their world is a dream world (and mediums
do not know this either). Each spirit will have their own private world just as
each living dreamer does. Therefore, there may be as many million spirit worlds
as there are spirits. Thus, this discussion has been an outline of the general
conditions in which a spirit can find itself and the general destiny which
faces all spirits at the end of a certain period.
master key to unlock the door of death is to keep in mind its identity with
dreams and/or sleep. Remember, mind is immortal, it remains untouched despite
the physical body’s death. You have no more reason to fear its death when the body is
destroyed than you have to fear its death when you retire to sleep at night.
Sleep affects the body but leaves the mind as active as ever in dream. Death
works upon the human being in a somewhat similar manner and the experiences
which come to the soul after the body has died are nothing else than prolonged
vivid dreams or unconscious deep sleep. If you can take a benign rest from all
the challenges of living personal existence why not enjoy the same deeper rest
called death. That within you that can survive dreams and sleep in the living
world can likewise survive them in the after-world.