Sunday, July 21, 2019


Journey of the awakened Heart
Archangel Michael Speaks
Channeled by Jeff Fasano

Using Your Tools

From the Archangelic realm of Michael this is Michael and We come to you at this time as new doorways are opening as you continue to walk on your pathway in life and into a state of being-ness of self and the celebration of self.  Some of you are now moving gingerly as you leave old aspects of you behind.   

It is important to remember that everything that transpires in your life does so according to your soul's divine soul plan. You have garnered many tools in order to deal with what is transpiring in your life and how to respond to it and what is transpiring outside of you.

You have chosen a path to self-mastery and as you move through new doorways on this path, it is important now to gather your tools and utilize them as you are confronted with what is transpiring in the world outside of you.  You no longer need to react to what is transpiring, you can utilize your tools to respond to what is transpiring.   What happens outside of you, may reflect what is transpiring within you and what is important for you to heal. 

So We ask you now to look outside of yourself.  As you walk through new doorways, you will be taking a walk outside of yourself. So take a good long look at what is transpiring outside of you in the third dimensional realm.  Look at aspects of your life, look at those individuals with whom you are in relationship with and at their actions, look at what they are saying.  As you look at what is transpiring outside of you, observe how you may be reacting to it or responding to it and what it is bringing up inside of you? 

You see, what is happening now outside of you in your world will begin to trigger aspects within you. Aspects that you are now ready to face, heal and release by utilizing your tools to help you respond to it. Gone is the knee-jerk reaction to what transpires outside of you or what transpires in relationships.  We ask you to look at what is transpiring outside of you and how it affects you and how it might be affecting the relationships with the wonderful, glorious souls in your life?  What tools are you utilizing to respond to what is being triggered inside of you?

Begin to observe yourself as you look at what is transpiring outside of you in the third dimensional realm. Look as well at what is transpiring in the old forms outside of you, your governmental systems, your political systems, your financial system.   See if you are affected in the depth and breadth of your heart space by this.  What may it be bringing up inside of you that you now may need to deal by utilizing your tools in order to respond to it.  
Ask: How do I feel?  What is coming up inside of me as I look outside of myself in the third dimensional realm?  What is coming up inside of me as I now encounter those with whom I am in relationship with?  What is coming up inside of me that I may need to deal with?  What are the feelings that come up?  What is surfacing inside of you that just may need to be dealt with by utilizing the tools that you have?

It is now time to move from the outer to the inner.  When you look outside of yourself into the third dimensional realm what affects you?  How does it affect you? Are you affected by it?  What is coming up inside of you?  Are old beliefs coming up? Is your conditioning coming up? Are you seeing all of this? 

It is more important now to gather your tools and utilize them and move within the depth and breadth of your heart as you observe what is transpiring outside of you and in relationships outside of yourself. 

A healthy relationship is created by two unique individuated adults who supply the ingredients to create the relationship. You are together are creating something from the void of nothingness that will be defined by the two of you.  It takes two consciously aware individuals to do this.   

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