Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Archangel Michael Speaks: A Message for October 2020: Do You Still Need Your Mask? Channeled By Jeff Fasano

Archangel Michael Speaks 
Channeled by Jeff Fasano 
 The World 2020 
A Message for October 2020 

 From the Archangelic Realm of Michael this is Michael and We come to you as you are now moving into new parameters of this energetic period. There is an upheaval as to what is transpiring in your third dimensional realm as the energies continue to move into thecsore aspects of the individual and the core aspects of the third dimensional realm. What is transpiring with this is truths and untruths are being revealed. What We mean by this is the truth and the illusions of what is transpiring in your third dimensional realm are being revealed as you move through your month of October into November. As you have moved from your month of September into October, the energies are beginning to pierce the armor of illusion in your third dimensional realm. Many are beginning to feel the depth and breadth of these energies. The energies move into your physical body through the crown chakra, down the back of your spine and into the first chakra. They then move in a counter clockwise motion to move and dredge up the energy in that region of your body. This will flush out your illusions, the old wounding, old belief systems and bring to the fore the truth of your true being. Your true being is the depth of your connection to the Christ consciousness. And understanding not only in the mental body but in the heart space embodying the multi-dimensional being you truly are. Many may be feeling physical symptoms with this, as it creates a lightness within you. You are not halfway through this, you are still in the beginning period. Yet the illusions and the armor is now being pierced and cracked by these energies. Many are in a state of flux. In a place where they may not understand what is transpiring within them, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. What this is doing is bringing up many questions within you on a personal basis and in the macrocosm of the third dimensional realm. Many are asking, what is the truth and what is my truth, what is the truth of what is transpiring in the third dimensional realm? This is because the armor of the illusion is being pierced and cracked open by these energies. It is happening from the inside and moving upward. The energies move into your first charka and swirl in a counter clockwise motion that begins to dredge up the old armor, old wounding and anything old in your first chakra inside of you. This begins to lighten your energy. The energy then will move upwards. Those who have been in a committed personal process, doing the inner work will begin to feel the energy moving up through their physical body as well as feelings the symptoms of the energy movement. Yet, for those who dabble in the personal process many are wondering what is transpiring. Some are feeling lower intestine issues, lower stomach issues. For those who dabble in the personal process, having one foot in and one foot out so to speak, do so because of the fear of the feelings that surface regarding releasing the old memories and energy. So for those who dabble, feelings are surfacing but they are not quite sure what to do with them. Many now are beginning to question what is happening within them and questioning what is transpiring in the world. Many are beginning to question what their purpose is and why they are here. Many are looking at their life in a brand new and different way. The main purpose of these energies now moving in, is to make you aware of your attachments to the third dimensional realm outside of you. The energies are geared to allow you to look at your attachments to the third dimensional realm so you can begin to detach from it. This is so you can move within and see that you are a fully sustained multi-dimensional being, know who you are, why you are and honoring and valuing you. Thus standing individuated, detached from the third dimensional realm. Many are questioning what is transpiring within them and in turn beginning to question what is transpiring in the third dimensional realm. They are seeing their old belief systems and the wounded child coming to the fore and quite possibly no longer trusting mom and dad. Many are beginning to give up the quest to look outside of themselves for mom and dad to take care of them. You are beginning to see the transparency of the wounded child. The wounded child is coming to the fore and many are beginning to feel feelings they have repressed and suppressed for so long. Many are now realizing that their wounded child has led their life to this point in time. All of this is being mirrored back to you by what is transpiring in the third dimensional realm. On a personal basis, as it pertains to each and every one of you, the energies will allow you to move into the full beingness of who you are so you can fully detach and release your attachments to the third dimensional realm. This will allow you to move into the metamorphosis of the multi-dimensional being of who you truly are. Then see how you can move into the uniqueness of the adult in the depth and breadth of your heart space. Right now as you move into your month of October this is just beginning. We are giving you an overview of the purpose of these energies as they pertain to your personal process in the depth and breadth of you. As you move through this process, We ask you to see what is transpiring in the third dimensional realm in your life and in your relationships. Quite possibly you may see relationships that no longer resonate for you. What is happening for each and every one of you is, you are beginning to clean house. And doing it from the inside out. It is about taking off the mask and the illusion that it perpetrates. It is about stripping off the veneer through which you showed you to the world. Many need to clean their house from the outside in. Stripping off the veneer that you placed over your physical appearance, you personal appearance that somehow made you shine to the outside world. Yet, all the while you were crying within. These energies are moving in to clean and cleanse your inner housing. To clean and refresh your self to move into a greater depth of transparency and authenticity in the full beingness of you. You no longer need that mask. You no longer need the veneer that you used to make sure that everything about you was shiny because it was about how you appeared to the world. It was about how the world outside of you perceived you. You are now moving into the depth and breadth of your defense systems and your wounding. Moving from where everything in your life is based upon what is transpiring outside of you. Looking outside of you for validation, for approval and for mom and dad to lead you, your life and take care of you. These energies are moving in to allow you to see all of your illusions and wounding. To allow you to feel the feeling you have suppressed and repressed for a long time. It is about cracking and releasing the need for a mask. A question We have for you is; Why do have a need to have a mask in place? Why is it so important for you to prove who you are to others? Why is the way you appear to the world outside of you so important? Thus creating an illusion of someone else just to be loved, to be approved of, liked, gratified, validated. These energies are moving in to dredge up all the old energies that remain in the depth and breadth of you first chakra. Then will move upward to the second, third and so on until it fully releases when you move into your month of November. As you move into the beginning of November the energies will still be apparent and will take a foothold in mid November. So it is most important to ask the question; Why is my mask still steadfast and in place? Is it important for me how the world perceives me, how the world approves of me? Am I still giving myself away? Where am I utilizing my defense system to appease others? These energies are moving in to clean and cleanse you from the inside out. So you can move into a greater sense of transparency and authenticity of who you truly are into the truth of who you are. As this happens on a personal basis, when you look outside of you into the world you will see the mirror. If you are feeling an upheaval within you, what is transpiring in the world is an upheaval of old dense vibrational illusions. The mask is cracking and breaking in the world outside of you. Truths and untruths are being revealed. The only way you can see those truths, the illusions, the veneer and the varnish and the myths being perpetrated by those in your governmental, political and corporate systems is if you begin to see those illusions and those truths and untruths within the depth and breadth of you.

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