Sunday, December 28, 2014

WHAT DOES NEW MEAN? by Phillip Elton Collins

Archangel Uriel, World Teacher & Guardian
Received by Phillip Elton Collins 
Co-founder of The Angel News Network

Beloved Choosing to be Human.

As you approach your New Year of 2015 once again you are being given the opportunity to create something new within your individual lives and world. 

What exactly does "being new" mean dear ones?

As human you are constantly being given the divine choice to create newness within each moment of the now. Your body is creating new cells each moment, in fact new bodies each year. You are given the opportunity to constantly make another choice based upon past choices each moment. The newness you create is the pathway to your divinity dear ones. Without the choices of creating new you cannot advance into your eternal pathway of being in service to all there is.

What and how you create this "newness" within your freedom of choice and will is based upon your ability to apply wisdom, applied knowledge, of what has worked in past lives, past moments in this lifetime and at present. Many of you are still in a personal process of learning how to master the choices you make as a result of the relationship with self, thus others. We of the Archangelic realms are gifting you with many tools to remind you how to advance from old to new. This is simply how you have chosen to learn as choosing to be human. And yes, dear ones, you all made the decision to be human and learn by being human.

The task at hand is can you accept with compassion, thus forgive how and why you have chosen to learn the way you have chosen?  

In fact the way you have chosen to create the new you (in a new year) is the only way you can master what it is you need to learn.

So newness is another gift from Creation reminding you that you are the creator creating the new. The old is the tool to show you what works and what does not, if you choose to apply it.  This aspect of old to new is a major hang-up for humanity right now, and is causing much of your pain moving into suffering.

Your mental bodies are often stuck in the old as a comfort zone refusing to apply knowledge into wisdom. You would rather suffer than move into the newness of the unknown. This is a form of insanity waiting to cease. Your world at present is reflecting this greatly until you have had enough of the madness and choose to make another choice into the new, knowing the old no longer works.

Again, being human (human being), this is the choice you have chosen from which to learn.

There is an easier, simpler way to learn. Are you ready to apply it? 

This comes from accepting the new with grace and ease as an essential aspect of your evolutionary path. You and the universe are constantly creating the new. There is nothing else but the creation of new going on all around you. Your resistance to the new is what often scares you and creates what you are experiencing now in your lives and world.

Accepting the new also has another component as well, dear ones.  

Can you accept you are not in control of what you have not created; that includes you and your world. The human mental body, as a fear response, has created the illusion (the ego defense) that you are in control of yourself and your world. You are not dear ones. And you are not because you have not yet learned to love yourselves and world enough to be in control of anything.

You are in the process of creating the new you and world now to remember there are higher realms and forces from whence you came who are the factors maintaining and sustaining your lives and world. In fact these  forces created all your past advanced golden ages and the one you are attempting to create as your final one now…through newness. The newness is your eternal connection to these higher realms of retain allowing you to be the creator creating. Your destiny is through your newness, you and we higher realms become one.

Dear humans, you have had many, many lifetimes upon this planet to arrive at this moment of the new you. The new you is the eternal you that has no beginning and no end. New can never begin or end; it just is, as you are. Please place your hands upon your hearts and repeat after us, "I AM NEW".  Through your new you can and will create communities of equality, harmony and balance. Through the new you, you will come to know you are created from love, you are love, you are loved, and you are lovable. This is the reason and meaning of new, dear ones.

Happy New You New Year,

Archangel Uriel

Wednesday, December 24, 2014



Good or Bad? Positive or Negative?
These are Just Labels

Many of us categorize feelings as either good or bad, positive or negative. Through all the personal work I have done and what I have learned, studied and channeled, I have been enlightened to the fact that there are no good or bad, positive or negative feelings. 

These are just labels conditioned in us by mom and dad through what they learned and were conditioned with as children. These labels perpetuate duality within us. 

I am amazed that many when asked, “How does that make you feel?’ or “What are you feeling?” have a challenge in accessing their feelings. Perhaps they simply don’t know how to or have never done it. Or are frightened to. Many begin to describe an action saying, “ I feel like I should not be in my mind I should be in my heart.” Is this something you do? Do you feel your feelings or do you describe them? 

Feelings are just feelings. I still remember when I was a little boy and I would begin to cry. My mother, bless her heart would say to me in a somewhat scolding tone, “Shush stop crying.” Have you had a similar experience? Were your feelings stifled? Almost grinding to halt? By my mother doing that it immediately stopped the flow of my feelings and stifled my expression in that moment. This put a label those feelings as bad and led me to suppress them. What you are feeling in each and very moment is your truth in that moment. 

A child simply feels and allows the feelings to flow. It is through conditioning that feelings are labeled as the child grows. Mom and Dad have had their feelings labeled for them, thus when the wounded child hears that a feeling is good or bad they then equate that to thinking they are either a good or bad person. This how labeled feelings affect us. 

You can break this chain and this conditioned belief that feelings are either good or bad, positive or negative. Simply allow all of your feelings. Be aware when feelings arise that you don’t like, that aren’t comfortable. Even the feelings of joy and happiness for many have been conditioned to repress them as well. What happens? Do you suppress your feelings? Do you hear mom or dad telling you they are bad? Or “You may feel wonderful now, but wait the other show will drop.” 

Connect with that inner child who is feeling those feelings and ask them what they need. That child needs to be nurtured through the feelings to know that it is OK to feel what they are feeling. We need to be nurtured to feel. 

By accepting with compassion these feelings they will move. Our feelings are all happening simultaneously, one after another. Simply notice an infant crying, laughing, smiling all in an instant. It is through acceptance and compassion as to where we are on our path we can integrate all the feelings we have suppressed and repressed and know that we now have the freedom to simply feel all of them without a label.

CHRISTMAS EVE 2014: Coming of Jesus


The coming of just Jesus

Was an uninvited invitation of Earth’s people?

It was a karmic cosmic command

To use Divine Love, as equal.

The roaring and outpouring of this love,

Became the birth of the Christ love

In the people’s unconditional love.

Jesus called forth a compassionate Cosmic Blueprint

For people to be treated equal,

And love one another,

No matter what the imprint.

Now we are awakening in the all-seeing,

The Christ Light within every human being...

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Angel News Network: Happy Holidays! 12-23-14

Welcome to The Angel News Network

   Bringing the Wisdom and Teachings of the Divine Realms to Humanity

A Message of Love at Christmas

 We'd like to wish everyone a heart felt Happy Holidays and thank you for supporting us in our endeavor to bring you the teachings and wisdom from divine realms. It is our pleasure to serve and share what moves through us with you.  
Let us fill our hearts with love. 
Love for ourselves and others. For it is with love we can be grateful for everything, every person and all that we have in our life that raises our resonance and vibration  and brings us peace,abundance and joy.  

With this in our hearts, we would like to share with you a Message of Love  from Archangel Michael channeled by Jeff Fasano 

Peace and Blessings 
Jeff, Joel and Phillip 


From Archangel Michael
Channeled by Jeff Fasano

Home is what resonates in the depth and breadth of your heart and that is simply acceptance and compassion for you, who you are and your essence. When you reach there you will know love. Not so much love of another nor love of self.
Love is not something that is tangible, that you can hold on to or control and manipulate. It is not love of another or love of self for these are mere tangible explanations of the energy that is love--the God force, the Christ consciousness, the I Am.
 Love is a frequency, a vibration in the depth of your true beingness, the essence of you. It is not tangible. You cannot smell it, taste it, hear it, touch it, see it or feel it. It is a resonance. There is no drama or glamour to it, it is simply a beingness, a connection to the Christ Consciousness of love that resides in each and every wonderful and glorious soul who inhabits your planet.
It is time, if you so choose, to connect to this.  

We invite you to see everything we are doing at The Angel News Network. 
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The Angel News Network




By Phillip Elton Collins

From Sacred Poetry & Mystical Messages


Let the bright Light

Of the Christ Light,


Illuminate and purify

All radiating in and win,

So you may as simulate

The Plan of God,

Being Love, and Peace,

And Perfection for All The Good,

So your Divine Soul Plan, too, could, should,

And would...


Monday, December 22, 2014

MAN POWER GOD POWER: Archangel Actions

Phillip Elton Collins, Conscious Channel and Author 

Chapter XIII

Beautiful beings who love and support
The ever-evolving human space
Can be called higher beings,
Of love, light, and grace.


During these extraordinary times of change on our planet and within humanity, many higher realms are “weighing in” to support our personal and planetary shifts. Such higher beings include ascended masters, who were once human; star beings, who “seeded” our world; inner-Earth civilizations, who once lived upon the surface of the planet; and archangel angels, hovering above, to name a few. At this precious time, all these forces and more are joining together in love and support to assist us in creating a new reality of unity and we consciousness, as Man and God Power become one. The world cannot and will not continue as the past, or we shall not survive as a species. But there is a grand plan that we do survive and move into heights of beings beyond our imagination at this time.

We shall now focus on one of these divine beings, Archangel Michael, with his mighty God Power sword teaching us to move from our mind, which believes, to our heart, which knows.

Phillip: Dearest Michael, there are so many archangels, what exactly is your focus and role?

Archangel Michael: Certain endeavors and intentions are assigned to various frequencies of consciousness. We within the Michael angelic realm largely guard and stand present to repel any and all who intend to destroy self, others, or the planet. We vibrate at a frequency of love and perfection for your use. Michael means, “Who is like God Power”; we embody the word for truth, moving from the mind to the heart, allowing you to know who you are and why you are here through a process of your choosing.

This will allow you to take responsibility for yourselves and the activation of your soul plan.
Phillip: Exactly how does your frequency achieve this?

Archangel Michael: You do, dear ones, through the integration of your I Am presence, your divine essence, and your God Power as you anchor more fully into your divine soul plan, the reason you are here. Then you can learn the things that are preventing this in yourself and your world. Once you know and apply this wisdom, it will be a game-changer.

Phillip: It seems you are a sort of “preventing presence.”

Archangel Michael: The veil between our worlds is thinner than ever before, dear ones. This will further allow you to move more deeply in your understanding of what service the angelic realm plays in your world, especially in relationship to yourself (the basis of all).

Phillip: Most people perceive you as a protector-power with your sword.

Archangel Michael: Humanity’s awareness of most angels is through the concept of a guardian angel mission. So that’s how most angels are in the consciousness of humanity to a lesser or greater degree. How this expresses itself within each angelic realm has to do with the mission of each frequency. We are discussing Michael at the moment.

Phillip: So how does what you do really work?

Archangel Michael: Be careful when you call upon us, dear ones. We shall assist you in fulfilling your personal and world soul plans. Are you truly ready to do that?

Phillip: Please further explain…

Archangel Michael: It’s really about the revelation of what exists within you. The “protection” comes from the God Power within you, dear ones.

We merely teach you how to awaken this truth through a loving relationship with self and others.
Phillip: You’re like ever-ready men…

Archangel Michael: We are ever ready to respond to your slightest call by your focusing on us. It makes no difference if you see or feel us or believe in us. When you connect with our frequency through your emotions and thoughts or incarnational evolution, we automatically stand ready to protect and support that which is of God Power, the good of all, within you. And to assist you in healing what is preventing this.

Phillip: So we just need to focus on you?

Archangel Michael: If mankind only knew how simple this is. It’s just a matter of you getting yourself out of the way, trusting and surrendering to our existence, and knowing we are here to assist in maintaining and sustaining all soul plans. We are not a figment of anyone’s imagination, dear ones. Whenever we are given the slightest opening or recognition, we appear.

Phillip: Have you always been present in mankind’s history?

Archangel Michael: Mankind, through Man Power, would have destroyed itself long ago without our constant presence. We are greater than humanity’s intellect, ceaseless in our service, dear ones. Fasten your seat belts; our greatest efforts are yet to come during your dispensation of ascension!

Phillip: What does that mean?

Archangel Michael: There is much change in process within yourselves and your world where only higher-realm support can be fully effective. We are here to protect all that is good. There are many shifts in your emotional, mental, and physical bodies that will affect your world. You are moving into a new age (the seventh and final golden age) with new inner God Powers you do not fully understand or know how to use. But when you are ready, all will be revealed…

Phillip: You will show us how to use these God Powers?

Archangel Michael: Yes, through the fulfillment of your divine soul plans, as you learn how to master self and existence.

Phillip: Please further explain…

Archangel Michael: You will learn the powers of self and nature and the cosmos as you ascend into a higher frequency of existence, You will be creating, growing, and expanding beyond your awareness now.

Phillip: As if this isn’t enough, what else?

Archangel Michael: Much of our assistance will come through your healing, by love and the further activation of your I Am presence. We are the ways and means to your I Am presence and all higher realms through the healing of self and awakening of your divine essence.

Phillip: Please continue…

Archangel Michael: Humanity has no idea of the inner God Power within itself. The angelic realm is connected to this ability and power within each of you. Together, there is no limit to what can be achieved…no limit to the balance of giving and receiving, dear ones.

Phillip: There is nothing in the physical world as strong as this I Am presence, is there?

Archangel Michael: Can you show us anything as strong? Can you compare anywhere what we can accomplish together without limit?

Phillip: It seems like it is time for mankind to better understand the angelic realm and how we work together.

Archangel Michael: There are legions of us to support your fulfillment of your divine soul plans and your attainment into ascension, dear ones. You are not alone, never have been, never will be.

Phillip: Wow!

Archangel Michael: We are here to assist in the balancing of any negative forces inside and outside you that are preventing your divine destiny to ascend back into the light. We’ve been doing this for eons. The time is now for blast-off.

Phillip: All we have to do is call upon you?

Archangel Michael: Yes, dear ones. Trust and surrender; we are here to assist in presenting nothing less than the perfect coming forth. Our sword of truth will cut through this. Any doubt will prevent this.

Phillip: What is the biggest prevention now?

Archangel Michael: Mankind must become conscious and desire to receive the God Power within itself. War does not work and cannot continue; honor yourself, others, and your planet. You need to reconnect with the higher realms from which you came, all lack and limitation and suffering you have created will end. Can you simply trust and surrender and come to us…? We are all-powerful and wish only to spread our blessings upon you. Can you receive them now? We shall answer every heartfelt call and fulfillment of each soul plan. This is how much we love you. Now love yourselves enough to receive our giving.

Phillip: Thank you with all my heart.