Friday, December 30, 2016


NEW YEAR’S DAY MESSAGE From MAN POWER GOD POWER By Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network Greetings, beloved brethren of your Angel News Network. We of the Intergalactic Federation (IGF) with Adama, High Priest of Lemuria, bring you tidings of great joy and support on this New Year 2017 of your creating the new golden age of we consciousness. You have waited many millennia for this moment. We have been granted dispensation to give you further clarity of your mission and karmic connections, dear souls. All of you have had various and many lifetimes together on this planet with similar missions as present, some deeper than others but all with the same purpose to bring truth and light into this world. Now, in this incarnational cycle, it is your destiny, desire, and direction to heal all aspects of self that have impeded you in the past and present, to be your message, your purpose in being here. You are, in fact, continuing to be proxies of humanity who shall clear and cleanse all 3-D unhealed aspects of self in order to raise your vibrations and to be the beingness of your soul plans. This is why you chose and were chosen for your past sacred journeys, dear brethren. This now is a continuation of your soul plans within the endeavor you call the Angel News Network. Dear brethren, if you so choose, it is time to accept with compassion and forgive any and all wounds and ego defenses created around those wounds that stand in your path. This has not so simply been the way you chose to learn what you needed to learn. You are to become a mighty beacon reflecting the mighty I Am presence within each of you that cannot and will not house wounds and defenses. Are you ready to receive and give this to yourself and your waiting, weary world? Are you ready for your Man Power to become your God Power? This year, as has been foretold, you will receive guidance from the IGF, archangelic realms,, various star realms, ascended masters and inner-Earth forces, including Mother Gaia. Your relationship with your conscious, living planet is crucial, for her forces and love maintain and sustain you. Being what you receive from higher realms is now essential to your individuated and collective endeavors, dear brethren. This necessitates utilizing all the tools and teachings given you in the past and present. These can no longer remain locked in your mental bodies. Your awakening of your knowing heart will empower your I Am presence into the oneness of we consciousness. You are all to become conduits of higher realms, not just one or two of you. This is the way to show others. As you know, the Star Seed wisdom’s you received this past year will be accessible for years to come to further assist you in any needed healing and processing that you will achieve among yourselves. You have already begun this final process. This internal work is essential to your external work, dear brethren. The right and fight of separation and confrontation is over, if you choose to move into we consciousness. Remember, this is what prevented your success in the past. Realize you have chosen one another time and time again to learn what is needed to heal self and ascend from dense duality. Awake, dear brethren, now, and replace your wounds and defenses with healing gratitude in order to fully move into being your mission. Your entire galaxy, various star realms, archangelic realms, and inner-Earth beings are beside you. You can now join all these God Powers in your world and be the divine beings of light you truly are. Fill your hearts with joy that this glorious moment has come! Your brethren of the Intergalactic Federation with Adama, High Priest of Lemuria

Saturday, December 24, 2016


MERRY CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS Now we are awakening in the all-seeing, The Christ Light within every human being. Chapter excerpt from MAN POWER GOD POWER, By Phillip Elton Collins CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS SEASON As we approach the final weeks of this year with still so much energetically happening within/on our planet and throughout humanity, our thoughts and emotions turn to the Christ Consciousness this spiritual Christ-season. This short conversation is with the combined energies of the collective Ascended Masters realms and myself. Phillip: What exactly is the Christ Consciousness and how does it assist us? Ascended Masters: The Christ Consciousness is a dispensation from your Creator to alleviate humanity from the massive levels of lack and limitation you have created for eons through your emotions and thoughts. This teaching/energy has been brought to humanity by many teachers, many times throughout your evolution, most reality through Master Jesus. Phillip: How can it best be used? Ascended Masters: It is suggested that you use your free will and time to focus regularly on this Christ Consciousness energy. This will overcome and transcend your negative emotions and thoughts that create your reality. The Christ Consciousness energy will consume anything less than itself by transmuting it into pure, divine Light. This requires self- discipline and self- realization. The tools to achieve these have been given to you many times and are present in your world again now. The channel who we are coming through now and his brethren (The Angel News Network) can direct you to many of the needed wisdoms. Phillip: What about those who do not believe in Christ Consciousness, especially the young who may see it as some corrupted religion? Ascended Masters: We are acutely aware of the non-believers and the destructive cultural trends in government, religion, and corporations that especially effect the youth. Many youth actually believe through their rebellious egos they are convinced that their free form of thinking, without any awareness of higher realms, achieves self-realization and truth. Nothing could be further from the truth. Self- mastery and discipline are essential to freeing you from yourself. This needs the support and love of higher realm energies; of contacting your God Power. Phillip: So are you saying we cannot advance without the Christ Consciousness? Ascended Masters: The highest awakening is through the Christ Consciousness energy. And each generation is advised to pass this truth on to the next generation. Me Consciousness of greed, immorality, selfishness and non-truth have never advanced humanity. All past Golden Ages have died due to their lack of connection to their Source/God Power. Only Light can advance humanity. And Light will ultimately consume anything less than itself. This is the process you are involved in now, dear ones; what you call ascension. Phillip: What else does the Christ Consciousness do? Ascended Masters: Most importantly it allows you to know you are God experiencing yourself. And once you know this, you come to know you are in service to this truth. God is the great WHO and WHY and you are the mirror of that truth. Now transmute your Man Power into God Power. Are you ready? Phillip: And then what happens? Ascended Masters: When humanity’s Man Power becomes One with God Power, through Love of Self, he/she realizes he/she is truly God. The Christ Consciousness is the journey/pathway to this reality. This force has lived within you always, Are you finally ready to apply it and free yourself from yourself? And continue your service to the ever expanding Universe as the Master teacher you came here to be? Phillip: Does the spiritual holiday season affect this? Ascended Masters: Humanity is more sensitive to the energies that are transmitting from above and below the Earth; your heart opens more widely. In fact, your heart is designed to house and dispense the Christ Consciousness energy at will. Call upon it anytime. Merry Christ Consciousness, dear ones.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Saint Germain's Seven Ascension Discourses: Conclusion





Beloved Students,

The more of humanity who can accept the Presence of higher realms such as I, Saint Germain, the wider new doors of truth and freedom are opened and old worn out doors of separation closed forever.
All of you who have listened to or read these discourses and dialogues please thank yourself for showing up. Know within your hearts, you now have the tools to create a new paradigm/reality through your resonance and discernment of equality, harmony and balance in your personal and world lives and to transcend those lives.

Remember that humanity never ceases creating through being the Creator. It is now time to create the life and world your truly say you want. I have given you some mighty tools to be and do during this exchange. Are you ready to accept and apply them?

Please accept with compassion and forgive how you have chosen to learn what you need to learn the way you need to learn it. Your permanent healing is assured through the choices you now make and the ascension process you chose.
We of the Ascended Master realms are complete, pure, perfect, all-powerful Divine Beings who never make mistakes. We have mastered energy and manifestation. We were human just like you and made our ascension the priority of our souls, and so can you.

We are the Wondrous Way Showers revealing all the possibilities and probabilities of what lies before you.

I shall never leave you until we permanently join hands and hearts in the higher realms.
I AM a Child of the Light. I love the Light. I serve the Light. I live in the Light. I AM protected, illuminated, supplied, and sustained by the Light. I bless the Light.

Your Teacher & Friend, Saint Germain

Our Greatness *

Humankind walks in the forgetting of our Greatness,
Not remembering what Power and Knowledge lie within each of our souls.

We walk through Life unaware of our Talents and Gifts,
Seeking secrets already known within us.

We are Eternal Beings of Light,
Awaiting our Awakening and En-light-en-ment.

Wisdoms once known will now awaken
Within each of us in World Service,
If we so choose in our observance.

All that ever was and still is
Is waiting to be born in WE CONSCIOUSNESS,
If we can just get the me out of the we,
Creating worlds of equality, and harmony.

Are you ready?



Channeled By Phillip Elton Collins,

Monday, December 12, 2016

12/12&21/12&16 Meaning & Celebration

12/ 12 & 21/12&16 MEANING & CELEBRATION Excerpt from MAN POWER GOD POWER By Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network From The Inter Galactic Federation Dear Beloved Children of Humanity, We of the Inter Galactic Federation (IGF) in concert with your Mother Earth and other multi-fifth dimensional energies come to you now at this auspicious time to further enlighten you regarding your events/celebrations of 12/12 &21/12 &16 We of the IGF are acting as stewards of a process that last took place some 26,000 years ago on your planet. A process that allows you, if you so choose, to re-awaken to the truth of who you are and why you are here as you reconnect/recalibrate to the forces that maintain and sustain your existence. This is a process that begins with portals of fifth dimensional energies opening and interacting with Mother Earth and humanity. Your major timelines on these portal openings were and are 12/12/12&16 and 12/21/12&16. This is a process that will extend for many years with other star realm participations and we. You will receive additional guidance and support at that time…. This is a process of releasing the old paradigms that have kept you in duality and lack and limitation while reconnecting with your Source and now moving into a consciousness of oneness, moving from the me to the we, if you will…moving from Man Power to God Power. Through resonance with one another you will create various gatherings of celebration to acknowledge this extraordinary gift/happening in your world. You have drifted as far from your source as possible through your freedom of will and choice, and the timeline has come to reconnect to self, one another and source. The divine soul plans of your planet and yourselves is in full activation as a result of the energetic portal openings that took and are taking place 12/12/12 & 16 and 12/21/12 & 16 These are a cosmic event of your solar system, galaxy and the entire universe; you are all connected, dear ones. It is time you know and apply this wisdom. Within your various celebrations/gatherings of this shift of self and world you will participate in various guided exercises and restatement of light worker/way shower oaths that will serve as a Communion of Souls in communities of oneness. In these communities of equality, harmony and balance you will be asked to release the old and open and embrace to the unknowing of the new you and world. Beginning noon 12/21/12 &16 until midnight, a 24-hour period, was and is a unique opportunity to integrate these multi-dimensional energies (portal openings) to facilitate your transition/transformation into the new. Dear ones, this is a mass convergence of higher realms, Earth and human energies to create your New Age of moving from the “me” to the “we” consciousness. There are many billion of you present now to experience this event consciously or not. Whether you are aware of this or not it is taking place. Have acceptance and compassion for all the lifetimes you have had to bring you to this glorious moment. We are here to assist and guide you as your time/space continuum shift and change and transpire. This is the ending of the old you and world and the beginning of the new you and world. Rejoice and fill your hearts with joy!

Thursday, December 8, 2016




Discourse #7


Wonders To Come As You Ascend

Beloved Students,
As humanity continues its ascension process and evolves further into We Consciousness, wonderful gifts will be gifted to you as you become better prepared to receive them. This is how it has always been during the creation of Golden Ages. The creation of this final Golden Age is no exception.

These ages are never created alone. They are created with the love and support from higher dimensions. Remember, humanity’s separation from higher realms was the demise of all past Golden Ages. Your ascension process now insures a permanent connection; as above, so below.

Everything in nature takes total responsibility for its place in nature and its effect. Humanity is the only creature that does not. And you have been paying a price for not being responsible, remembering the universal equation: Responsibility=Consequence.

To bring further joy into your lives, I would like to preview some of the wonders to come and the ascension advancements you need to maintain in your consciousness in order to sustain these advancements.


This will enable humanity to power electronic/digital apparatus through brain waves by the use and mastery of the energy currents flowing through your heart and mind. Your emotions and thoughts have always created your reality; soon you will put this principle into further practice.


Cameras will become so sensitized they will photograph the human aura, your etheric, unseen, non-physical body just outside your physical body. This is the portion that maintains and sustains your physical. This will give medical physicians the ability to see the real cause and effect of may emotional, mental and physical imbalances and permit true permanent healing.


Mastering magnetism will become possible to suspend objects without visible support. This is the constructive wisdom of the Ascended Masters revealed. We have mastered the manipulation of energy. There is enough unseen free energy in your world to power the entire planet. This will be a game changer for your governments, corporations and economic structures.


New forms of air/water/land navigation and transportation/teleportation will be made possible by utilizing inner and outer Earth electro-magnetic energies. Thus, objects will rise in complete resistance to gravity, and you will be free to explore the cosmos without further consuming the Earth’s resources.


Through your raised consciousness you will know your emotions and thoughts create weather. Once you become aware/awake to the true power of your emotions and minds, you will create perfect weather. Think of the time and resources that are lost presently due to weather.

The above wonders will be dwarfed by still greater wonders to come from higher realms as you ascend into your final Golden Age.

In order to prevent humanity from repeating the past and destroying itself by the misuse of advanced technologies, I, Saint Germain, make the following suggestions to shift and change your lives to ensure your divine destiny:
1. Take full responsibility for everything you are creating in your life and the world.

2. Give up duality, separation and confrontation.

3. Give up herd consciousness.

4. Nurture all life.

5. Give up judgment, shaming and blaming.

6. Exercise acceptance, compassion and forgiveness everywhere, all the time.

7. Remember, you have free choice and will.

8. See yourself in others.

9. Know who you are and why you are here.

10. Feel your feelings and heal your emotional body.

11. Heal your mental body by reducing negative thoughts.

12. Love yourself enough to love others.

Your Teacher & Friend,
Saint Germain


No form can come into creation,
Without a thought as a picture.
For every thought contains an idea
That is the criteria of expression.
Let us look at the process
That brings access
To creation...
What is it your wish to create?
Is it worthy of your time and energy?
What is your reason to bring this into existence?
Is it to satisfy an addiction or comfort zone
Or get you arrested on the way home?
Make sure what you wish to create
Has no motive or need to do harm to another,
But has an intention of a loving brother.
Write down your plan in your own words,
As clearly and consciously as you can,
Then you have a starting plan...
Know you have the ability to create,
See it like a picture on a plate,
The seeing and the power to create
Are the gifts of God-state within.
Seeing and feeling within yourself
Allows you to lift creation off the shelf.
The heart already knows,
But keep reminding the mind
Creation is the ability
To see the God within all the time.

For God is the doer, the doing and the deed,
And you through Him can create and proceed with,
Whatever you need.
Read your written plan again and again
At the beginning and end of each day.
This way your creation is downloaded in your heart.
That is the best part and start.

Keep your intention to yourself,
Hold its power inside you,
So only you know its view.
When you are ready,
Steady yourself and allow
Your inner vision to come through,
Consciously connecting to the Law of Making
And the God-within you to fully come through...
Cast out all doubts and fear
And know in your heart
Your creation is near.
Have no set moment for results.
Just know you and God are issuing
The picturing of results,
With no wishing.
Allow yourself to be surprised and delighted,
And filled with gratitude
When your multitude comes forth.

Channeled By Phillip Elton Collins,

Tuesday, December 6, 2016


With all the fake news out there remember you have two internal tools to know what is true for you: (1) your resonance, now you feel about it, (2) your discernment, how you think about it. Put the two together and you know the right path/choice for you. Its all a process of inside out; not outside in. In Self-Empowerment, Phillip Elton Collins Co-founder, The Angel News Network

Thursday, December 1, 2016


EARLY AIDS, New York City, circa 1980. (Reflection on WORLD AIDS DAY 2016) By Phillip Elton Collins, Co-founder The Angel News Network One of my closest friends, Nick Rock, died of AIDS and never knew what it was. His last words to me were, “I do not want to die, please find out what in the hell this is.” His doctors called it ‘cat scratch fever’ and said that Nick died of a disease transmitted from his cats. Some of us had the foresight to freeze some of Nick’s brain tissue and when the virus was later identified we confirmed that Nick was one of the first persons in America to have died of some mysterious illness that would soon rock the entire world. Nick’s last name “Rock” became even more prophetic. At the time of this brewing crisis, I was in the film production business partnering with the likes of film directors, Ridley Scott and George Lucas, and introducing the personal computer to the world with Steve Jobs of Apple. So many people began dying that we could not put complete film crews together for productions and both my business colleagues and close friends began departing this world in epic “world torn” proportions. At thirty years of age I had lost a large majority of my friends and business associates. And no one had any answers how or why.

Sunday, November 27, 2016


STATE OF THE UNION By Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network Knowing we have all chosen to be within this divine experiment in diversity, and as a response (not a reaction) to the division and duality we are currently experiencing within these sometimes not so “United” States of America may I share: We all have a purpose and reason to be here (a soul plan). No matter who is President or governing the people, I choose by way of my free will to express through joy and love my talents and gifts in service to this country and world. Freedom is not always a straight path forward. As an aspect of being human we can take steps backward knowing the eternal path is forever forward. The true State of the Union is our relationship with our self, and reflecting that out into the world as a process of inside out, not outside in. I shall always be in service to equality, harmony and balance, by the people, for the people. I sense this will be greatly assisted by the increased participation of the feminine energy balancing the masculine. If this resonates, let us continue to join steadfastly in communities of equality, harmony and balance. If this does not resonate, my absence is my grandest gift to you while I continue to support your highest good, and the good of others.

Sunday, November 20, 2016




By Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network

I wish to thank myself for everything I have created in my life through my emotions creating my thoughts and physical actions.  
I know I am the creator creating through my divine essence.

As a result of this wisdom, I recognize I am creating what I need to learn, the way I need to learn it.
Thus, I have no complaints whatsoever.

Remind me when I forget!

Discourse #5




Discourse #5


The Ascension Chair, My Gift To You

Beloved Students,
Many of you may have heard of The Ascension Chair or experienced one of the Ascension Chair ceremonies that this channel has facilitated over the years. For those not familiar with this sacred ceremony (that you can do on your own at any time) please allow this to be a discourse and dialogue to bring deeper understanding of this amazing ascension tool. The detailed instructions as to how to create this ceremony yourself is at the end of this discourse and dialogue.
The Ascension Chair is a glorious gift from my beloved heart to this Lover-versity called Earth and to all you divine human beings on the surface of this planet. Quite simply, this is a tool to assist the raising of frequency/vibration of any candidate for ascension.

The energetic structure of The Ascension Chair contains the frequency of the pure white light of the Ascension Flame, which raises an individual’s vibration gradually and gently. While sitting in a designated chair you will only receive what you can maintain and sustain at that moment. (To learn more about the Ascension Flame itself I refer you to The Seven Sacred Flames). For the purposes of this discourse and dialogue I am focusing only on the “Violet ” Flame, one of the Seven Sacred Flames.

If you were to receive the full force of the Ascension Flame (which you are not ready for in your evolution at this time), your dense carbon body would be transmuted into its light body, and you could achieve permanent ascension into the higher realm I reside within now (fifth dimensional consciousness). Anything less than love and light dissolves, and the candidate is instantly transformed and reconnected with the fullness of their Divine Essence, allowing all spiritual gifts and attributes restored. An individual must be spiritually ready on all levels to achieve this.
This is the divine destination that you will achieve (when ready) that so many of you long for at this time. What awaits you is a permanent union of your unhealed self with your higher healed divine self.

Again, facilitating an Ascension Chair Ceremony is a wonderful way to increase your frequency (within a loving community) as much as you can at this time within your evolutionary process. The more often you experience the ceremony, the higher your frequency becomes each time.

While the Ascension Chair is a tremendous gift, it is not the only way you can achieve ascension. The higher realms have offered several ‘personal processing’ techniques to support you. (See Life Mastery, A Guide For Creating The Life You Want And The Courage To Live It by Joel D. Anastasi.) These are all based upon healing the relationship with self and mirroring this out into the world.

In addition to the Ascension Chair Ceremonies you can set up on your own, please know there are a few fifth dimensional retreat chairs located in various locations on this planet. Facilitated by the Great White Brotherhood, I have one located at Jackson Peak, Wyoming, and there is another located within the Inner Earth Civilization of Lemuria in Telos.

If it resonates, I urge you to begin performing the Ascension Chair Ceremony yourselves. I have designed a ceremony to be easily performed by you divine beings experiencing the third dimension.

Your Teacher & Friend,
Saint Germain


Adapted for The Angel News Network Gatherings

By Rev. Phillip Elton Collins

The Ascension Chair is a gift to the Earth and humanity from the heart of beloved Master St. Germain. St. Germain is the ascended master of the 7th Sacred Flame: The “Violet ” Flame of Transmutation. The main qualities and actions of the “Violet ” Flame are freedom, transmutation, transformation, diplomacy, CEREMONY and application of the science of true alchemy.

The Ascension Chair is a tool to assist the raising of vibration of a candidate for ascension. It contains the frequencies of the pure white Light of the Ascension Flame. It raises one’s vibration gradually and gently.

The regular practice of this ritual with each ceremony builds a huge momentum. The energies almost double in intensity and beauty each time this sacred ceremony is performed. It affects and helps not only the people participating in the group, but also creates a web of Light touching almost the entire planet.

As you evolve your consciousness, The Ascension Flame helps your purification process in greater measure each time and assists in the raising of your vibration every time you express your intention through this sacred ritual.

Each person comes forth to sit on the chair to declare their intention vocally before their friends and before their God to express their desire and intention for ascension. The candidate also declares the willingness to do whatever it takes to make this happen. Ascension has been defined by the Sacred Flame Masters as the “union of your human self with your Eternal Spiritual Being.”

As the candidate formulates an intention, a prayer, Master Germain floods the individual’s force field with the level of ascension frequency appropriate for that person in the now moment.


We gather chairs in a circle around a designated Ascension Chair, and each person comes forth to sit on the chair and states their intention, preferably aloud with a fully open heart, their goals for this life and their ascension. Make the most honorable prayer your heart dictates or inspires you to express at this moment. (Those who cannot ‘think’ of anything in the moment will select a card from the Lemurian messages and read it).

Each person holds a special crystal in their hand (provided by the facilitator) and sits on the chair for about three to five minutes.

When finished the candidate gives a sign of completion with their eyes (to the facilitator), the facilitator or designated person rings the Tibetan bells once, and the group sings three “AUMs” to assist anchoring this energy in the physical while the person remains seated. Then the person returns to their seat and the next person comes forth.

There is always a natural flow created, and each one takes their turn in no specific order. The facilitator can go last. When everyone is finished several Lemurian masters invite you to drink an elixir, which they charge with the frequency of the “Golden Liquid Light.” Sparkling apple juice is poured into small cups and passed to the group.

A short invocation is made to ask that the liquid each person holds in their right hand be infused with the frequency of the Golden Liquid Light. There is a pause to allow the masters to transform the liquid at the frequency that is most appropriate for each person.

When given the signal, each person slowly drinks the liquid that has now become a sacred alchemical elixir, expressing their deep gratitude for the gift and rich blessings now bestowed upon them.

When we come together in group, in community and reinforce our intentions, it becomes more powerful in all our lives. This sacred ritual is a blessed way for like-spirited people to spend time together. This is a simple and pleasant tool to raise your consciousness. And so be it, beloved children of the heart. Be in peace and in love with yourself.

NOTE: The room is cleared and cleansed, lit with candles, low music, beset with fresh flowers, and the chair prepared.

Channeled By Phillip Elton Collins,
Co-founder of the Angel News Network
The Angel News Network
Phillip Elton Collins Website
Saint Germain's Seven Ascension Discourses Introduction/Index

Saturday, November 12, 2016



“Through humanity’s free choice and will, we shall be and do all that is possible to lovingly inspire a Presidency of, by and for the people of these United States of America. We shall also be and do all that is necessary within our unlimited powers and the free will of humanity to transmute a Presidency that does not support the highest good of all people within this divinely destined Nation reflecting out into a World of Equality, Harmony and Balance,” The Ascended Master Realms who assisted in the creation of The United States of America.  

Thursday, November 10, 2016


By Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network

More and more I am mastering the essential reality of letting go of this three dimensional world of our emotions, thoughts and physical natures and embracing my new reality of being a citizen of the cosmos. I don’t plan to abandon my life within this frequency but it will be deeply focused and purposed into expanding our experience here. This revelation has largely been the result of my own evolution and our recent Presidential elections in The United States of America. I know there are many joining me in this….
As a light ascension therapist, author, teacher and channel of higher realms for many years, I am more and more knowing I am of this world not in it. My true eternal being is beyond this world. Being here is an aspect of the whole, not the whole.
How can I only see myself as an American when almost half the people in my country (46.9%) choose not to vote when many in this world are fighting for this right and privilege? How can I exclusively see myself as American when a quarter (25.5%) of my country selected a man with a very questionable personality and work experience as their President rather than the most qualified statesman, a woman, in the history of our country as their President (who won the popular vote).  I am aware current events happened as a result of each one’s wounds and ego defenses around their relationship with themselves. I can understand and forgive what has happened but I must continue to expand my identity, and purpose to be here beyond this country and world. My several years of training, clinical experience and channeled connection to higher realms has been a preparation for this.
Through my many metaphysical studies I am aware that the United States is destined to be a way shower of equality, harmony and balance for the rest of the world. My future work/mission within this country will be to support this truth while not becoming involved in the drama surrounding the unhealed governmental, political, corporate aspects of the country within which I choose to incarnate.
 As a result of my own personal process, and current events acting as a catalyst, now as a confirmed Cosmic Citizen, I would like to announce/review a recent concise teaching I have brought forward from the Ascended Master St, Germain, called the Seven Discourses of Ascension, assisting humanity in ascending into a higher frequency of existence, which is our divine birthright. Let us remember the ascended masters walked this Earth as we do now and have transcended to a higher frequency of existence and are now showing the way for we the people to be and do the same thing. What I have received is a vital tool to free us from what we have been experiencing in the past and at present and allowing the creation of a new unified pathway to the future.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016



By Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network

Humanity continues to learn “what is” through “what is not.”

Fear, doubt and ignorance have always been the monsters of mankind.

These continue to attempt to rule until we make another choice through our freedom of will and choice.

We are divine beings creating our reality through our emotions and thoughts, learning the way we need to learn, what we need to learn.

It is our destiny to create a nation and world of equality, harmony and balance.

Until we do, let us be OF this world not IN it.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

                                  AMERICANS SUPPORT HIM?
By Joel D. Anastasi, 

In last week’s session of Divine Discussions we had a conversation with the Council of Archangelic Realms (CAR) that started with a key lesson: the only relationship you are having is the one with yourself, and you can only love others to the degree your love yourself.
CAR represents the combined energies of the Archangelic realms of Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Uriel.

Phillip Collins, our channel, before the session had asked CAR, what is the self?

Answer:         S = Soul
                       E = Evolving
                       L = Lovingly
                       F = Forever

So that is, basically, what we are all doing here on Earth and elsewhere in the Universe. We are lovingly evolving our souls forever.

Coming down to Earth, we were soon into a discussion about the U.S. presidential election, which has triggered so much stress and dismay amongst the citizenry. Here are excerpts from our conversation that seek to address the question in my title (framed within the context of mankind’s growth and ascension.)

“You are all players on the stage of your ascension process. You are choosing people to represent a collective. Right or wrong, left or right, Republican or Democrat.  All of these are a clearing and cleansing process to get you to where you need to be.

“A fundamental learning tool of humanity has been to learn what is through what is not. What you are experiencing in your world is what is not in order to learn what is. When you get sick and tired of what is not—(lack of) equality, harmony and balance—you will choose to make another choice.

“How you feel about yourself, thus others, is taught. You are not born not loving yourself and others. You are not born disliking or not loving anyone else. You are born connected to all that is because that is where you came from. You come from the frequency of love and light, and you incarnate into dense human matter. At that point you have a fully loving relationship with self. The only way that can be undermined is through being taught otherwise.

“Through the taught shaming, blaming and judging of self you do the same to others. Put in the context of your political arena, you have one divine soul who is a candidate for your president who is doing this constantly. Can you begin to see as you look at the resonance of this divine soul that this is how this individual feels about himself?

“That doesn’t mean you have to accept that if it creates a consequence that isn’t in line with your truth, needs and boundaries. But you can begin to understand it is a wounded child screaming out into the night. Pay attention to me.  For God’s sake, pay attention to me. I will do anything and everything if you will just love me, like me, no matter how offensive or untruthful I am. I will do anything and say anything if you will simply pay attention to me because in my childhood I was in the shadow of dad and I was ignored, and I learned to feel not good enough. I learned to feel not worthy enough. And through those wounds I created a defense around me, a defense of narcissism, a defense of self confidence, a defense of arrogance which are all defenses hiding that which I truly do not feel about myself. Does this give you any insight as to what is taking place and why?”

I asked CAR if emotional wounding applies to many of Trump’s followers as well.

“The reason this is happening is because the United States of America is an amalgamation, through your immigration policy over the last 200-300 years, of bringing every aspect of humanity into this country. As a result, what you are experiencing is the healing and the releasing of the wounds and defenses of all of those entities that have always been there. It may seem more extreme than it has ever been. It is not. There are more of you. But it is the result of the communication systems that have been gifted to you and the Internet through cyberspace which have been gifted you through the higher realms, especially the Archangelic Realm of Uriel.

“Remember, your nation is an amalgamation of all the wounded individuals who came from countries where they were persecuted for being women, for their religions, because of their sexual identity, because of what they believed. All of that didn’t go away when they reached the shore of your United States of America. What is coming up in that population is the healing of those individuals who carried that wound of not being good enough and worthy enough from generation to generation to generation for the two to three hundred earth years you have had in this divine mission.

“All of this is coming up and out in ugliness and hatred, sometimes love and acceptance, festering like an infected wound so that the wound and the infection can heal. It is like a volcano that is building and building and building with the magma until it explodes. And this one divine soul is expressing this separation and duality through the wounded relationship with self. He has given those individuals a voice, a voice where they thought they never could be heard, that they wouldn’t matter. So as they express their hatred, it is the hatred of self that is being revealed, and what they are really asking, what they are really screaming for--sometimes in a life threatening, self destructive manner-- is love me.

“Dear ones, you came from love, you are lovable and you are loved. You cannot be anything else. All this thrashing about, this unlovingness that is being hurled out into your world at this moment is the Me to the We collective wound begging to be seen, begging to be released, begging to be cleansed and begging to be healed.

“Can you accept with compassion what is taking place, which will allow forgiveness? We ask if you can accept that truth at this time. And allow self to free the relationship with self and that is to master self.  Master life mastery.

“This is how you chose your ascension process.  Only through acceptance of choices you have made--not to judge and shame them--can you free yourself from that. Can you understand this, dear ones?

“You were born on this planet, in your familial situation, to learn how you need to learn through freedom of choice. Through ownership of choices you can become responsible. You are the creator creating your life. Stay steady in that. Can you see how through the relationship with self you have chosen to grow and expand? The universe is constantly growing and expanding, and so are you.“

How should we respond to the outcome of the election?

“One of the most important principles is having no expectation of results. Have a preference for the outcome of the election without demanding a result. Let go of results. Holding on to the result creates the resistance. What you resist persists. Can you begin to see that energetic relationship? Have a preference that serves your highest good and release that to the law of manifestation and the void. And allow that to be in divine order. When it (the result) comes, begin to release the resistance to the outcome and begin to see if there is an order or process that can be revealed to you as to why that which is taking place is taking place.”