Moving Me To We,
Creating A New World Of Wonder
By Phillip Elton Collins
(with a lot of help from higher realms)
Being Unhappy

When we are out of alignment with the present moment of now (denying that moment) we often create unhappiness. When we release any resistance to the now moment, we can discover how we are being empowered by life itself. When we are unconscious and not in the present moment, we find endless reasons to be upset, angry, hurt, depressed, fearful, resentful, etc. These are not the cause of unhappiness but act as the trigger to it. These emotions and thoughts bring back to life old stored (in our cellular memory) emotions and thoughts. The emotions and thoughts then move and energize the ego housed in our mind.
Unconsciousness and ego are tight roommates. They need each other. The triggering response/reaction is then processed through the screen of an emotional/mind-oriented ego. Becoming conscious/awake/aware frees us from the ego that will never set us free to be completely and permanently happy.
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