Wednesday, April 29, 2015

ACTIVATE YOUR SOUL PLAN! What Caused the Downfall of Past Golden Ages?

by Phillip Elton Collins


From Archangel Uriel, World Teacher and Guardian, and Gaia, Mother Earth

Dear Beloved Golden Agers,

It was the lack of trust and love of higher realms that created the disconnect from the energies and wisdoms that powered all past six golden ages and caused their demise. This lack of trust and love was a reflection of the relationship with self.

Dear ones, you are now experiencing the final two-thousand-year cycle of your planet in order to create a final golden age of oneness that will be supported by the same higher-realm forces as in the past, through your freedom of choice and will, a gift from Source that can never be taken from you. You can ultimately decide which path of learning to choose. You have not always chosen the easy path. Many civilizations throughout the universe do not have a freedom of choice and will; they work directly with Source without question. You have been given this “gift” as an essential aspect of an experiment in diversity on this planet, to learn to love self, others, and all elements equally.

Many multiverse forces came together to create your world. It was not created by random evolution, as many believe. When you truly arrive at the truth of your origin, this will set you free from many of the belief systems you have now that have kept you in duality and separation.

One of the many forces that came to this planet was the concept of the human mind. Within this mind was housed an alter ego infused with your freedom of choice and will. This “mental body” is largely fed by an energy you call the assertive masculine. Another force you were gifted with was your “emotional body” fed by an energy you call the receptive feminine. Since the downfall of your last golden age (Atlantis), you have been struggling ever since to balance these two masculine and feminine energies.

The balance of these two creative cosmic forces is essential at this time. Their imbalance is the reason for much of your duality, separation, and confrontation; thus, the need for their balancing.

Prior to the full activation of the mental and emotional bodies, you trusted and loved the higher realms from whence you came and who maintained and sustained your advanced civilizations. You daily allowed yourselves to receive ALL THERE IS. Then, as an aspect of your divine soul plan, you decided, through your freedom of choice and will, to do it your way. Over a period of eons, you began to fully not trust (not receive) that there was a Source mightier than yourself giving you all you needed. You then lost the direct connection completelyAn important aspect of your soul plans was to get as far from that Source as possible, to fully experience life without it, in order to gain your way back to it (coming home).

Dear ones, the purpose in all this was to prepare you to become the master teachers of this world and universe. Since you were experiencing every aspect of creation (what is and what is not), you are preparing yourselves for whatever you may need to be who you are and act upon why you are here.

So, in effect, your gift of freedom of choice and will has been your greatest learning tool. You are now realizing you do not have to learn this way any longer. You are realizing that by reconnecting, trusting, and loving higher realms, you can with grace and ease complete your soul plans of master teachership in order to be in service to your world and other worlds.

Through the many messages and teachings that are coming to you during this extraordinary period in your planet’s advancing, ascending history, you now can return to a permanent state of being by fully embodying and embracing your divinity through the creation of your final seventh golden age.

The reason this will be the final golden age is due to the reality that your planet’s time to ascend and return to a body of light has come. Thus, in turn, all upon and within the planet’s body will transcend into the higher frequency of light, as well. You came from light; you shall return to light and then decide what to create again!

This lesson of trust and love is upon you, dear ones. Those who can integrate that of which we speak now have a marvelous experience ahead of them. Those who do not will take however many lifetimes you need, through your freedom of choice and will, to learn what you need to learn.

What do you choose?

Many of you are weary of the old ways of learning and are ready—through the trust and love of self, other, all elements on your planet, and higher realms—to create a new paradigm of equality, harmony, and balance.

Take a deep breath, dear ones, and ask your mental body to return in service to your knowing, loving heart filled with trust of the WE. Know, dear ones, your heart is an out-picturing of the higher realms that have supported and loved you for eons. Are you ready to trust and love us again as a reflection of your trust and love of self? There is an amazing world for us to co-create together. Are you ready?

By Phillip Elton Collins

When man became sense conscious 
Instead of Creator Conscious
A lack of conscious was created, then.

When hu-MAN-ity began to identify itself 

With part of the Whole
Instead of the goal of the Whole,
A new imperfect role began.

Through freedom of choice and will 

Mankind soon discovered 
Limitation was the result of 
The misuse of free will.
Man was now compelled to live 

Within his own creation, until

He soon remembers his noble birth

 From the Great Source of All, 
Then can choose to reconnect, 
And recover from his great Fall. 

Monday, April 27, 2015

ACTIVATE YOUR SOUL PLAN! Ten Tenets of Earth Life by Phillip Elton Collins

Angel Answers & Actions

(Cosmic Codes of Conduct)

From Archangel Uriel, World Teacher and Guardian

Received Through Phillip Elton Collins

Dear Beloved Earth Beings, 

With all the Earth activity at present let us remember the following Ten Tenets of Earth Life:

(1) First and foremost, remember from whence you came. Be conscious of the forces that created you and maintain and sustain you; consider serving these forces as a priority in your life.

(2) Do not allow your emotions, thoughts, and actions to harm yourself or another. All harm returns to the provider in increased magnitude and caustic karma.

(3) Focus on creating a world of equality, harmony, and balance, joyfully loving all things. This can and will create a new you and new world paradigm.

(4) Allow your self-love to reflect out to the planet (your home) and others, thus keeping your wounds and ego defenses in check.

(5) Know that your body and the planet are sacred temples. Treat both with respect; the consequence of not being respectful of these is death.

(6) Begin to know, embrace, and embody the empowerment of simply being silent, being your message through resonance, creating peace on Earth.

(7) Know that heartfelt gratitude for “what is” creates abundance; reduce focusing on “what is not.”

(8) Acceptance and compassion through forgiveness frees and empowers you and replenishes your world.

(9) Allow your emotions, thoughts, and words to reflect the life and world you say you want, for they do create everything around you.

(10) Know you are Creation experiencing itself. Know that each of you, your planet, and the cosmos are all interdependent.

Sunday, April 26, 2015




The people of the world are waking up in unprecedented numbers. That is why we are seeing people challenging governments and religious, financial, political and many other systems and institutions everywhere.

This is how the Two Marys explained it to me recently. The Two Marys are the combined energies of Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene, Jesus' spouse. They are channeled by Jessie Keener.

"The waking up that is going on right now is unprecedented, and, of course, was predicted that after 2012 there would be this massive and very quick heightening of people waking up, while all the systems that represented the old controls were being exposed, were crumbling and decaying, much like the fall of Rome."

As many of us know, increasingly higher vibration energies have been coming into the Earth plane for decades helping to raise human consciousness. That along with man's activities, including the polluting of Earth's air, water and land, are affecting the planet's energetic and weather patterns and are contributing to massive die offs of mammals, reptiles and amphibians plus incalculable disruptions of other Earth systems.

What does that have to do with us as individuals?  "If you are not experiencing disruptions in your life you are completely in denial, the Marys say, "Because each one of you is a mirror of the greater whole. You source the greater whole and you mirror the greater whole."

The Marys warn us that even more chaos is coming which, if we're not careful, can push us into more separation and conflict. So what should we do if more chaos unfolds? Come together, the Marys urge.

"There is so much excitement about what is happening in consciousness on your surface. Never before has this huge number of people been connected with all your communication devices including the Internet. It is a time of a great gathering of consciousness. Very small communities are forming all over the world working with technology, connecting the dots, so to speak. These communities will all be very different, but they'll all be coming from the very same notion, which is that it is the connection that matters. It is being connected that matters. When two or more are gathered in the consciousness of the Christ all things are possible.

"This is a very important time for humanity. The times ahead are going to be the biggest ride of anyone's life to date. There can be great exquisite joy or, if one is not careful, they could be seduced into a state of separation and the agony will be horrific.
The human body is always responding and reacting to whatever consciousness the human is sponsoring. Therefore, if one is in separation and agony, what do you think the physical form will be doing? It will be falling down with disease."

So what must we do in the midst of chaos and disruptions? Exercise your spiritual practices, the Two Marys say: Breath work, meditation, prayer, mantras, yoga, singing, spiritual readings, affirmations, exercise, joining with your soul families, etc. and "find that still point in the midst of the chaos. That is not a new theme. That is what the Buddha talked about. It is a very simple and recurring theme, finding that exquisite space, neutrality, inside one's being such that no matter what is happening, it is all love, it is all peace, it is all compassion. And that is, of course, the most exquisite dance any human can engage in.

"Beloveds just trust. Trust that the more you practice, the more certainty you will have. Understand your confidence comes from your connection with you and breathing and moving and using your mantras, your words and your affirmations. Your connection is your most precious gift. Cherish it. Start each day with the notion, ‘I cherish my connection.’ As you go through your day cherish that connection. And watch what happens just from that subtle awareness that you are cherishing that.

“Be in peace, beloveds."

JOEL DENNIS ANASTASI is a spiritual journalist and author of THE SECOND COMING, THE ARCHANGEL GABRIEL PROCLAIMS A NEW AGE. The book is based on interviews conducted over several years with the Archangel Gabriel through trance channel Robert Baker.

Joel has adapted Archangel Michael's teachings to create a powerful new self-study program called LIFE MASTERY, CREATING YOUR LIFE AND THE COURAGE TO LIVE IT. He has published with channel Jessie Keener THE ASCENSION HANDBOOK, A GUIDE TO YOUR ECSTATIC UNION WITH GOD based on channeled messages from the combined energies of Mary, the Mother of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, his spouse.

Joel has been a news reporter, magazine editor, VP at a major financial organization and a management consultant working with a wide range of organizations from Fortune 500 companies to small non-profits. He holds a BS degree in Economics from Syracuse University and an MS degree from the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism. 

Please visit The Second Coming website: The Second Coming, The Archangel Gabriel Proclaims a New Age.

HAPPINESS HANDBOOK: Being Present by Phillip Elton Collins


Being Present is the Present

Phrases of Presence To Set Us Free To Be... Happy


This Happiness Handbook is dedicated to the I Am Presence innately gifted to us all, a force from creation that allows us to know who we are, why we are here, where we are headed, and how to be happy.

“Being present is the most precious part of a person.” —Saint Germain


One of the most important challenges facing humanity during these times of governmental, religious, corporate, and cultural change is the acknowledgment that support is coming (and has always come) from higher realms outside human experience, awareness, and the mind. We live in a world that thinks that if we cannot see something or prove its existence through our known sciences and senses, it does not exist and cannot be true. New multiverse (as opposed to universe) sciences and the phrases in this book intend to create new truths. Remember that we once thought the world was flat and that the sun revolved around the earth.

While the exact phrases in this book may not exist anywhere else, the teachings and wisdom within these words have existed for eons in this world. I am one of many bringing these forward at this time. 

All that is here comes from ancient forces (call them what you may) beyond our current reality, which love us deeply and come to us again at present to support our highest good.

Please do not focus on where these phrases come from (unless that brings you further happiness), but focus upon what they are saying, intending, and teaching us. Use your discernment and resonance to apply these phrases in your life if you so desire. If you choose to apply them, you will be able to stand back and watch the happy things that happen! This endeavor is a marriage and mingling of the author’s spiritual and energetic training, teaching, and clinical experiences, and the teachings from those ancient, higher realms that remain out of sight.


No matter where you are at present, I think we would all agree that our personal lives and the world as a whole are going through an extraordinary change. It appears that the old way of doing things just does not work anymore and that we are in the process of creating something new, but we don’t quite know what that is going to be or look like yet. We are in process. Maybe the thing that is missing is our “doing” versus our “being.” The phrases is this book are  pathways to assist you in creating and finding both the new you and the new world and to help you recognize that this process will be one of moving from the “inside out,” not the “outside in”—the process of learning how to be present.

We often decrease the degree of our happiness as a result of not fully knowing who we are and why we are here. Understanding our purpose in being here and expressing this creates great happiness. The phrases in this book reconnect us with our true being.
There are teachings from higher realms (which have loved and supported us for eons) that say, “the mind that believes is moving back into service of the heart that knows.” This means that we are, in fact, we are learning to “think” with our compassionate hearts. This new way of thinking will allow us to transition from our past- and future-oriented way of thinking into the present. Only within the present can we free ourselves from ourselves and assume our destiny to be divine beings of the present, becoming truly happy. By focusing on the present we free ourselves from the lack and limitation, as well as the duality and confrontation, of the past and future. Even the past and the future were once the present. We can only truly evolve as a species and as a planet by mastering the self-empowerment and happiness of the present.

The “pathway phrases” in this handbook are an integration and culmination of higher-realm teachings (call them what you may) and my training and clinical experience as a light ascension therapist/life coach where I assisted others in moving into happiness and a higher frequency of existence. These phrases are an integration of my words with many ancient teachings. These exact words most likely do not exist anywhere else, but their wisdom has existed forever. Repetition is often used since we learn best through it.
While happiness may be stimulated from the outside, happiness is a natural state within us all that can neither be learned nor taught, but it can be awakened. The purpose of this book is to awaken the fulfillment of your happiness from within.

Each phrase in this handbook contains an “energetic” download/upload to assist you in moving into the happiness of the present. Breathe deeply after reading each phrase to allow it to integrate. Each phrase is a separate teaching that joins in community with all the others. You can read them randomly or straight through. Together all the phrases complete a comprehensive blueprint/template for happiness in the present. Open to a page now, and see what the multiverse wishes to teach you and remind you of in the present. There is no right or wrong way to access the presence within each phrase.
I hereby honor and recognize all who have received these similar teachings before me and simultaneously with me. We are all becoming multi-dimensionally connected. Our resonance and discernment will manifest the circumstances of  how, when, where, and why we connect with the teaching we need to master. There is nothing either special or unique about anyone bringing these tools into the world.

My previous books Coming Home to Lemuria: An Ascension Adventure Story, Sacred Poetry and Mystical Messages: To Change your Life and the World, Man Power God Power, God's Glossary: A Divine Dictionary and Activate Your Soul Plan: Angel Answers & Actions all have the same intention as this book: to assist us in waking up and knowing that we are extraordinary beings who deserve to be happy all the time.
Becoming Present is the new and necessary normal.

- Phillip Elton Collins 


How to Use the Happiness Handbook: 

(1) With an open heart, recite the following mantra: I live, move, breathe, and have my being within the invincible strength and power of the mighty presence with me.

(2) Specifically or randomly select a phrase and read it silently or aloud with an open heart.

(3) In order to allow the phrase to integrate into your being, take a deep breath, and on the exhale, drop your jaw, and release the sound AHH. The sound AHH connects us with the same frequency/vibration in which our Presence and happiness lives.

(4) Know within your true sense of self that what you have received in this present moment is exactly what you need in order to be free and happy.


1. Being Present is knowing that the only way you can receive love from another is by giving it to yourselves first. Are you being love rather than doing love at Present?

2. Your Presence is your ability to move within and to know the happy self is inside to be brought out, not outside to be brought in.

3. Your Presence knows your life’s purpose is a process of awakening to your purpose. Your purpose lives in the Present, waiting to be discovered just by being who you are. Presence knows that everything does not happen instantly; it’s a precious, Present process.

4. Presence means experiencing change as the only possibility by moving into it.

5. Presence teaches compassion for planet Earth and that all things upon and within Earth’s body are interconnected.

6. Being fully Present is forgiving everything and taking ownership of all that you create in order to learn what you need to learn at Present.

7. When you can feel your feelings, and see your thoughts, you can see the cause and effect in your lives and become Present.

8. Presence knows you need to give and receive in balance within all Present moments of your lives.

9. Are some of you still looking in the past and the future and escaping your Presence?

10. Your Presence allows you to see yourselves in others.

11. Your Presence knows who you are and why you are here in each moment of Presence.

12. Being Present is knowing that you are not your feelings, thoughts, wounds and defenses.

13. Once you access your Presence within you, you become self-mastered and can teach the same to others.

14. Happiness achieved through Presence is not short-lived like most happiness; it lasts as long as you are Present.

15. By being Present you can accept pain in life as a learning tool, avoiding suffering.

16. Presence reminds us we are moving through a personal process from wounded child to a healed self-mastered adult.

17. Presence reminds many intelligent and ell-educated people that they can often be completely not Present.

18. Most of the acutely negative events in your lives and world are the result of not being Present.

19. Being Present is waking up from a long sleep.

20. Your life, your beingness exists eternally within the timeless frequency of the Present.

21. Your Presence knows that your Presence is enough without having to prove yourself to anyone in order to be liked or loved.

22. Presence is a key ingredient within the creation of communities of equality, harmony, and balance through acceptance, and compassion, thus forgiveness.

23. A new you and a new world are created each day through Presence.

24. Being Present is knowing you are here to serve the world through your talents and gifts.

25. Without Presence all relationships are imbalanced. Remember that the only relationship you are actually having is the one with self, which is then reflected to others.

26. The purpose of Presence is to know you are the Creator.

27. Presence is your divine freedom of choice and will.

28. There can be no duality or separation in Presence; you become one with ALL THERE IS.

29. Our Presence knows you are not the only ones Present.

30. The purpose of the Divine Discussions now is for you to become Present.

About the Author

My entire life has been one attempt to be happy and to live in the present, but the past and future ruled most of my life until I finally woke up and realized how to better set myself free from the monsters within myself and humanity: the fear, doubt, and ignorance that I experienced through not being Present.

Few of us on this planet maintain and sustain a constant state of Presence, but more and more of us are waking up and releasing ourselves through the innate gift of being Present, which allows happiness.

As a trained light ascension therapist who assists in the balancing of our emotional, mental, and physical bodies, I have reached the point of knowing that being happy in life is about finding, accepting, and connecting solutions to problems in the Present moment. We (humanity and planet) are also, at Present, within what has been called an ascension process, breaking down our emotional and mental bodies that have kept us trapped far too long. This breakdown allows a break-through and a connection to this thing called Presence.

Observing our world for almost seven decades, I have seen our belief systems change, knowing that truth is consistent, but truth appears lacking in our world. In fact, much of our world and lives is often based upon untrue beliefs. The innate ability to find Presence within each of us allows us to finally know the truth about ourselves and our world.

The word “Presence” is an attempt to describe an eternal energetic frequency within each of us. We are Presence if we so choose to be. If you don’t like the world “Presence,” call it something else, but please discover it and be it, and watch what happens to your life as you move into a happier state of being Present.

I believe the purpose of our world is to become Present, and all the words within this endeavor are here to support that truth. My entire personal and professional life is dedicated to us becoming fully Present, allowing us to learn without becoming unhappy.

Time and time again I have seen Presence allow physical beauty to transform into spiritual beauty as we drop our ego-defense masks, heal the“wounded me,” and reveal the “healed we” of our cosmic being. Presence allows us to know that happiness and unhappiness are joined together in oneness (made of the same components). It’s our connection to time and distance that separate happy from unhappy. The tools (phrases) within this book will allow you to see more deeply into your self-empowerment and into your ability to create a new you and world.

Throughout my professional career I have seen Presence as a heartfelt infinite frequency/wisdom/ truth that exposes myself and others to limitless possibilities and probabilities, and creates new lives and communities of equality, harmony, and balance. (Our Presence knows we are not the only ones Present).

Our inner power of Presence reminds us that happiness is a natural state of being which we don’t have to earn; we just have to awaken it. Our Presence knows why we have chosen the path of Presence: to give to others and the world what we chose to give ourselves—love.

I bring a diversified background into this endeavor, considering that I am a co-founder of The Angel News Network, a co-founder of The Modern Day Mystery School, a teacher, an author, a poet, a filmmaker and a certified healing arts light ascension therapist who addresses the integration of the emotional, mental, and physical bodies. My professional background also includes extensive management experience at Young & Rubicam Advertising in New York City, international commercial communications skills with innovative filmmaker George Lucas, as well as my role as director of marketing at Industrial Light and Magic, and as a founder of Fairbanks Films with film directors Ridley and Tony Scott.

My previous books are: Coming Home to Lemuria, An Ascension Adventure Story (which is currently being adapted into both a stage play and a screenplay), Sacred Poetry and Mystical Messages, To Change your Life and the World, containing 116 original poems and higher realm messages, and Man Power God Power, an energetic/spiritual reference volume and the latest; Activate Your Soul Plan, Angel Answers & Actions and God's Glossary, A Divine Dictionary.


Teachings of Archangel Michael
Channeled by Jeff Fasano

As you move through the pathway of life you are opening to clear yourself. Clearing the obstacles and blockages from around your heart space so you can open to receive love in the beingness of self. 

And know that you can be loved and you are loved for being you. Being who you are.

So We ask you, are you and can you and will you be loved for being you?

Move into the depth and breadth of your heart space and ponder these questions:

Am I loved for being me?

Are you being you?

What comes up for you when you ponder these questions?

It is now time to open up to the core wound within you.

Move to the deepest conditioning that keeps you separated and isolated from intimacy and love.

Each and every one of you is separated and isolated in one way or another in your wounding.

If you keep looking outside of you and yearning after what it is you say you want, why isn’t that in your life now?

It is time to move deeper into the core aspects of your wounds and your conditioning. 

Ask yourself:

Am I living the life I say I want?

Am I having the relationships I say I want?

Do you know what you want?

It all stems in the depth of your heart and the essence of you in relationship to your patterns, rituals and the mask.

If in fact you are ready to look at your core wounds, can you identify the conditioning and the wound?

It is important to identify this to move into a greater depth of authenticity and transparency with yourself.

It is now time to begin feeling the feelings you have long avoided that are related to your core wound.

It is time to begin this process of healing.

You have come to this earthly plain to heal this core wounding that may be holding you in a place of isolation and separation from others.  

It is important to identify what it is you say you want. Then communicate this with others.

How do you communicate with others?

Do you clearly state your needs and set your boundaries?

Can you clearly state with transparency and authenticity what you need, your boundaries and what you want in communication?

Are you being you when communicating with others?

With your partner, begin to communicate so you can see the way in which you communicate with each other.

Communication is of the utmost importance now.

It is important to see how you communicate. It is also important to look into the mirror when you communicate.

When you communicate and the style you use to do this will indicate your relationship to yourself and your relationship to intimacy.  

Is your style of communicating pushing other away?

It is a demanding style?

Do you take into account the other when you communicate?

Are you communicating through love in the heart space?

Do you place the blame on others in communication?

Are you telling others who they should be, why they should be, when they should be and what they should be?

Look now at communication with one another and communicate your needs and your boundaries. Communicate what you want and clearly state that and what you need. 

Your style of communication may reflect avoided feelings.

As you move to the next step of beingness in your heart, are you being you, and aware of you? Are you open to being aware of you?
Are you open to the mirror to be aware of you?

You move through blind spots and may not be aware of your style of communication and they way you communicate with others. 

With your partner begin to communicate. State your needs, set your boundaries, and feel your feelings.

It is most important as you move forward in your life to see how you treat others and how you communicate with them.

Do you push your energy at others?

Do you demand others to be the way you want them to be?

Then when they are not who you want them to be, (which is based on your wounds)  or someone they aren’t, what are you communicating and how are you communicating?

Look at your relationships.

Are you looking to fit square pegs in round holes? 

In certain relationships you may be at an intersection or crossroad.  

It is time to see the relationship and the communication in it.

As you move along the path of beingness it is important to recognize yourself with yourself. In your beingness of self, are you being you in your relationships with others?

Look now at your priorities.

Are you allowing yourself to move through the flow of life based upon joy and what is most important to you in this moment?

Is your life filled with joy?

Is what you are doing in life filled with joy?

Are your relationships joyful?

Do your relationships raise your resonance and vibration?

Many come to blind spots and what you are doing in your life and the relationships you are having are done through your wounding and conditioning. Perhaps through some sort of false pretense that this is the way it should be.

Is your resonance and vibration raising in joy in connection with others?  Is it raising in your soul family and the endeavors you are in with others?   Are you being you in these relationships?

In the true authentic beingness of you, it is about raising your level of resonance and vibration in joy in life.

Are you enduring relationships?

Are you enduring in your endeavors?

This may be based upon your core wound. And based upon a sense of obligation.

If I state my needs, set my boundaries, make choices, I will not be loved.

These are attachments.

It is important to open your heart space to yourself. Look at the mirror across from you at your partner. See what you see and quite possibly what you don’t want to see.  For it is quite possibly what you don’t want to see that is your greatest lesson and will shift yourself and your relationships.

Can you take responsibility for yourself in relationships?

Are you open to take a look at yourself within your relationships?

It is time to move into the beingness of these moments. And move just a bit deeper.

Ask yourself these questions:

Is my life filled with joy?

What are the feelings that I have long avoided that holds me in a place and clogs the flow in giving and receiving in love?

It is time to move into the depth and breadth in your heat to your core wounds. Identify the core wounds. Identify the conditioning. 

Begin to identify the core feelings with your core wound. These are the feelings you have long avoided.

Allow the feelings, immerse yourself in them because what stands between you and what you say you want are the feelings you have avoided and suppressed. You may know this intellectually in your mental body.

“Yes, I know this, I understand it,” you may say.

It is time to move it into your heart to feel your feelings. Begin to experience the wound so you can move the energy and begin to heal it. So you can move to a new level of consciousness and awareness of self. And see the conditioning for what it is and move past it.

You came here to heal this. Can you heal it? Are you ready to heal it?

Take the first step. This step is identifying it.

Shame and judgment comes from unfelt feelings.

I am feeling abandoned.

I am feeling overwhelmed.

I am feeling not good enough?

I am feeling not perfect enough?

I am feeling betrayed.

If I enter into that relationship my feelings and memories of betrayal will come up.

For some of you it becomes very real, so you avoid the feelings.

Can you express these feelings?

Can you open up and communicate the depth and breadth of your feelings to another and what it brings up in you?

Do this with your partner.

Fully express yourself and notice how you communicate it.

It is time to move into transparency and authenticity with yourself.

It is time to move into the depth of your heart and feel your feelings. Experience your feelings. Express these feelings with your partner.

When doing this you may see that life may take on a new meaning.